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Mr Chuffy's Resurrectionists Painting Blog


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As promised in my Introduction post, here's my Resurrectionists painting blog:

After looking at all of the starter boxed sets I settled with The Undertaker's Lot crew as I liked Nicodem as a Master, although I wasn't sure about the 'stitched flesh' overcoat look (well at least that's what it looked like to me).

Luckily when I opened the box and inspected the models Nicodem's covercoat was exactly like the art work.. I say luckily, as I really like Nicodem's art and wanted to paint him (and his crew) as close to that as possible.

I'll be using the following P3 paints (P3 are all I own) as the basis for my crew's colour scheme: Thamar Black, Coal Black, 'Jack Bone, Menoth White Highlight, Morrow White, Beast Hide, Exile Blue, Cygnar Blue Base, Battlefield Brown, Bootstrap Leather, Pig Iron, Quick Silver, Underbelly Blue, Bastion Grey and Sanguine Base.

Anyhoo's without further delay, here's my (almost) finished Nicodem:



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That is one of the best Nicodem minis I have seen yet.

Are you going to finish off the base or is it just on that one just a temporary?

The base is indeed just temporary, I'll be hopefully be buying a set of the Graveyard base inserts (as well as the accessories) this week and should hopefully finish him on Sunday all being well!

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Ok, so I finally got my graveyard base inserts through the post yesterday and managed to get Nicodems base sorted:






I really pleased with how everything is coming along and I'm really loving the Malifaux miniatures, unfortunately everything is so slow as I've got my own Cygnar for Warmachine to paint as well as a Cygnar commission to finish off - It never ends!!

I've made some progress with Mortimer, however he's going to need alot more work to get up to scratch..


'Till next time!

Edited by mr_chuffy
Finally got the image hosting sorted!
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The base insert works really well, but it's a shame the grave stone is in the way of the coat details on the back, and not visible from the front. Mortimer's also looking great so far!

I can understand the 'other stuff to paint' problem, I literally have around 450 figures across 4 systems to paint, but it's all been shoved to the side for Malifaux!

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The base insert works really well, but it's a shame the grave stone is in the way of the coat details on the back, and not visible from the front. Mortimer's also looking great so far!

I can understand the 'other stuff to paint' problem, I literally have around 450 figures across 4 systems to paint, but it's all been shoved to the side for Malifaux!

That's the proble with the base inserts they look great, but tend to get obscured with the models - I did try altering the angle that Nicodem was occupying but it just didn't work.

Hopefully it'll be less of a problem with the other models..

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Here's the latest update - I've just finished one of the three Punk Zombies and I'm fairly pleased with him...


Now I say fairly pleased, as I had all sorts of problems with him and spent far too long painting and repainting his trousers in particular.. the other really big issue I had was with the Matt Varnish (Army Painter) in that it covered him in lots of white specks and was a real pain in the bum to sort out!

So if anyone can suggest a good Matt Varnish that is (preferably) available in the UK it'd be much appreaciated.

Here's one more of him, this time with Nicodem:


Apologies as the photos are not the best as I didn't have much time (or good light!) to take some more without the lens shadow.

I also couldn't take any more as during the shoot I managed to knock both models from the table and in doing so chip them and break them from their bases (that'll teach me for not pinning them) - although luckily they otherwise stayed intact!

Over the next few days (more like weeks) I'll be painting up Mortimer and the Vulture as I really can't face the other Punk Zombies at the moment ;)

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