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About Dodge

  • Birthday 01/01/1968

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  1. That is a superb piece of work, I have that mini myself primed and ready to paint, if I can get it to look 10% as good as that one I'll be happy well done dodge
  2. Really like those colour coding the bases to the faction is a neat idea dodge
  3. ah thanks so that's the 'rising powers' book then, I shall pick that up as soon as I can then.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by nerdelemental It's not just atmospheric! Pick up Book II and you'll see the catalyst for jmp building this terrain - it was to help me with some development issues on a whole new terrain section. He was pretty invaluable and this board really, really helped solidify some ideas! Thanks nerd, Working on the Beta was a really great experience and I've been chomping at the bit to start discussing the new locations. Just wait 'til you see the good Dr.'s Lair. Absolutely blown away, but then again I am British so we are a bit reserved :laugh: sometimes What do you mean by book II, I'm a bit new to Malifaux and am not sure what you are talking about ? thanks dodge
  5. very very nice terrain, very atmospheric dodge
  6. those are brilliant i have put that crew together and it was a serious undertaking really looking forward to painting them i like what you have done with the flesh on the rotten belles still not too sure whether i'm going for the freshly dead look or the rotting flesh look yet loving your seamus colour scheme dodge
  7. Really liking those figures, loads of details on Zoraida, they have all turned out brilliantly dodge
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