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Peacekeeper on a Micro Arts base


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I love the Peacekeeper model, but I am not so keen on the 'menacing hands' pose that the model defaults to. I wanted to try and bring out the Arachnid characteristic a bit more, as well as trying to pose it as dynamically and threateningly as possible. That meant a sizeable base, so that the model would be looking down on all the other models in the game. It would also allow me to have the model gripping the base rather than waving its arms around in the air. Here is what I found:-


The base is a 50mm resin base from Micro Arts in Poland. There was some clean up to do, and some bubbles to fill. There was also a couple of rivets/ bolts missing, and I fixed those by adding sections snipped from a plasticard rod.

The model is now assembled ready for painting. Although all the joints are pinned, they are not all glued yet. The only glued joints are the legs - the rest can be pulled apart to make painting this monster easier. Here are some photos of the WIP so far (the Convict is just there for scale):-





All C&C appreciated :)

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FWIW, I've had HORRIBLE service from Micro Art themselves. I ordered quite a lot of bases - they took more than a month to arrive in the US, and they ignored about a half-dozen email requests for status. It took a PayPal dispute to get them to respond.

They are good bases - I can't fault the quality of their product, but The Warstore carries them as well, and I'd strongly recommend ordering from them rather than direct from MAS.

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I just ordered my micro-arts base through 'cool mini or not.com' - first time I've ordered from them.

Hopefully the experience won't be as bad as I got from the warstore -- which took them 13 days to email me and let me know they were mailing my order, and then another 3 days to actually get the order to my doorstep.

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  • 1 month later...

Absolutely. Superglue is strong but brittle, and joints can snap easily, especially where you have heavy metal pieces acting as levers. I have never had a pinned joint fail, and I've done some odd things to test the limits of the technique(such as posing a Penitent Engine to stand on one foot).

I wouldn't pin all the joins on all metal models, but I do ask myself, "If I drop it, will it break?" If yes, then pin :)

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Absolutely. Superglue is strong but brittle, and joints can snap easily, especially where you have heavy metal pieces acting as levers. I have never had a pinned joint fail, and I've done some odd things to test the limits of the technique(such as posing a Penitent Engine to stand on one foot).

I wouldn't pin all the joins on all metal models, but I do ask myself, "If I drop it, will it break?" If yes, then pin :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Told you lot I was a slow painter ;)

Finally got this guy on the painting table last night. I decided to paint his 'shell' parts Guild red, and I followed the guide to painting red over at Necrotales. This is what I have so far:-


I followed the Necrotales recipe almost exactly. Because Guild red is quite a dark red, I did not do the Blood Red highlight step before the ink wash. My last highlight before the wash was a 50/50 mix of Red Gore and Blood Red. After the wash I did some very fine highlights with Blood Red and lastly some tiny touches of 50/50 Blood Red & Blazing Orange. The wash I used was a heavy wash of Baal Red. Finally I added some Thraka Green wash to the deepest crevices and edges of the armour.

The rest should be fairly simple - brass and steel. I will also keep some white highlights (unless it looks too ecclesiastical that way!)

One annoyance was that I actually painted the carapace in a variety of rust colours, and then added pigments and washes for even more rust-y fun. The idea was to paint Vallejo Liquid Mask here and there and then, once I had painted the red, to rub off the Liquid Mask revealing the rust underneath. Despite using Liquid Mask like this a few times before I managed to balls it up and applied it too thinly. Result - it won't rub off. So you'll have to imagine the lovely rust colours lurking beneath the red carapace.

Edited by Sholto
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He looks great, much more menacing. I have ordered a through bases from Micro art and so far they have been great I also got them within a week of my order.

I ordered some Mystic ones to use for my Friekorps but decided to order them through Maelstrom this time as I needed some other stuff. They should be here tomorrow.

Maelstrom also do free worldwide shipping so maybe use them for Microart bases.

Wish Microart did more 30mm bases.

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Very cool! I have the MAS Tech bases for my Ramos crew as well, and I REALLY like them. I'm just getting started on painting my Steamborg on one of the 50mm ones. I also liked the dynamic poses that I could create with the spiders and the Steamborg on these bases.

I'll probably have to pick up some more whenever Hoffman comes out. :)

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Some finished pics:-






I started painting the base silver and brass, and then realised that the Peacekeeper was going to be same colour, and would just merge into the base. So I had to think of something else, and decided to make the base as rusty and aged as possible. With the Peacekeeper being shiny and clean, that would make the base separate but not overpowering. I hope :)

Edited by Sholto
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