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Spatterings in Malistralia


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Some painting in progress snaps.

McMorning showing the rest of the crew his prowess with rubber gloves.


Lilith & pals I'm still thinking of doing the Cherub's stream in purple in keeping with the faction colours.


Teddy or Poo as he is know for leaving piles of purple droppings behind. Wondering what colour to do the eye in the mask shaped area on his belly.


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I wanted resurrectionists to have a dusty look about them and the pale green being the faction colour based on the light green operating gear that some vets use.

The Belles love McMouring cause he does the dishes unlike Seamus.

The Guild so far with proxy Govnr's Proxy & Executioner(from a plastic ogre). Sonia hasn't put her makeup on yet.


Zoriada's slimy bunch with voodoo doll. Yet to put some purple tattoos on the upper arms.


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some very characterful additions in your crews - top marks.

what is the female PZ conv. from? looks like a lanyfh

appropriate choice of the Necromunda Redemptionist with chainsaw.

the 'hanged' conversion is well executed too

changing the Teddy patch to a mask shape is inspired - and the name/reason is a great touch

the support for the flying cherub is a neat idea - have you posted in the thread where someone wanted ideas on how to mount them? 'flying on a stream of steaming p***' hadnt been suggested last time I looked.

the executioner conv. makes him look super-brutal and Im sure the best use for the GW plastic ogres. are the blades etc from Ork powerfists, or something else?

where is the Gov proxy proxy from? - it looks like Inquisitor but seems quite small scale?

zoraidas family look suitably manky - on the theme of stand-ins, I am going to proxy Bad Juju with a WoW CCMG elemental

all-in-all a fantastic set of mali Crews, you should be beaming with pride

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Thanks guys. The GovProxy & Mr Chainsaw were WH40K inquistior retinue figures. The figure in the back of the Resurrectionists is Meow's TwoFace pretending to be Bette Noire


Purfying Flame proxy from a AnimaeTactics FireDemon flame bits


More proxies. Some IronKingdoms. Hans cousin Dortmund & a Belligerent Gunfighter she may not look as mean as the convict but she has four guns. And The Hanged conversion which is just the GW zombie bit on a paperclip with greenstuff guts dangling down.


Outcasts & Arcanists. Hamlin is a little camera shy and hiding behind LadyHammersmith. I originally bought her and Rasputina as WM Khador stand ins.


I'll try to do further updates in daylight so the pictures should come out better.

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ALL VERY COOL! I REALLY enjoy your painting style, possibly/probably because it's so much different than my own...it gives the minis a different character. VERY WELL DONE! :fing02:

You've GOT TO take a photo of the Rat Catcher Guy...he's in hidding at the moment. :squint:

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