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Errata 11/7 - Discuss


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Posting up these latest Errata here in addition to the Errata thread for you to discuss:

Latest Errata on 11/7, to clarify several small issues and a couple misprints

Page 21 - Spirits

Add to the end of the entry:

Spirits do not block Line of Sight.

Page 25 - Pulse

Remove the last 2 sentences and replace with:

It simultaneously affects all models, except the model using this effect, within the effect's number range, in inches.

Page 57 Healing/Prevention Chart

Replace the text under the chart with:

When you flip the Red Joker, all damage is prevented and the model heals all wounds.

Page 62: (Rst) Resist Duel Required:

Remove last Sentence, friendly models may not choose to fail a resist duel.

Page 64: Resist Duels, Step A

Replace first bullet with:

The resisting model is winning the Duel if its starting total is greater than the Rst TN. (Success)

Page 84: Cover

Add to the end of the entry:

A Model partially blocking line of site does not provide cover to another model.

Page 85: Height

Add to the end of the Height entry:

Models may not make melee attacks against targets that are on Terrain that has a Ht of greater than the Ht of the model attempting to attack.

Page 170: Bad Juju

Hard to Wound should be Hard to Wound 1

Page 188 Som'er Teeth Jones

Replace the first sentence of the Good ol' Boys Ability:

Crews containing this model can only hire Gremlin, Pig and Vermin models during scraps

Page 188 Som'er Teeth Jones and Page 201 Hog Whisperer

Add a sentence to the end of the ability Survival of the Fittest:

One one model may use Survival of the Fittest each time a Gremlin is killed.

Page 190 Giant Mosquito

Remove Gremlin Characteristic

Add Vermin Characteristic

Page 197: Taelor

Hard to Wound should be Hard to Wound 1

Card: Judge

CB for Long Arm should be 6 :rams and damage 2/4/5

These are all updated in the first post as well, and will be on the errata page online shortly.

Thank you!


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Good job Eric and crew, I think these will really help to firm up the game rules.

Just for clearity I want to make sure this correct. You can't voluntarily fail a resist duel now, but you still flip for both models if you hit your own guys. Assuming neither flip is at negative fate I assume you can still cheat the flips down if you want them to fail.

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Hurrah, drawing your deck into your hand is dead!

That being said, the new errata does not address the mosquito's larva ability. Granted, without your deck in your hand, this is unlikely to do anything terrible, but it appears that the mosquito's can continue to move all over the board with this ability, make 3 attacks, and then return to safety. Rinse and repeat each turn. Just thought I would throw this out there. A quick fix would seem to be to say that the larva ability sacrifices a non-vermin friendly model.

BTW Eric, the errata addressing Survival of the Fittest say "One one model..." when I imagine it should say "Only one model..."

Edited by Pavic
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Thanks for the update, since I play MEdwards, I'm especially pleased with the infinite card loop for gremlins getting fixed. :)

I'm glad that they posted an errata before you were able to use the 'fix' that we came up with. :nutkick:

Besides, I've only used it a whopping 0 times and swore to never do it despite my cheesy powergaming nature. :eviltongu

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Page 62: (Rst) Resist Duel Required:

Remove last Sentence, friendly models may not choose to fail a resist duel.

Not too sure i like this, but I guess is a good use for those pesky low cards in my hand.

On survival of the fitest: I agree with Werecat:

I'm glad the infinite loop is gone, but I'm not sure if I agree with only one "survival of the fittest".
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Even with the Mosquito being changed there was still a fair amount of abuse possible in being able to having three hog whispers and So'mer and when 6 gremlins die in a turn you draw up 48 cards. while the mosquito was much worse, the potential was plenty big to still draw your whole deck into your hand.

I agree that something had to be done, but it seems excessive. Maybe limit it to two occurrences of good ol' boys? Or give Teeth a different but similar ability, so teeth could get two, and a single hog whisperer could get two? That would be fair, and would leave Gremlins some vague shadow of competitiveness.

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I gotta agree with Werecat too. My gremlins get hosed even with the a hog whisperer and Somer Teeth in play. We only get 5 cards in our hand to start and a four card draw aint all that great, especially against all the other crews that start with many more soulstones. Those soul stones, in my experience, save asses way more often than those four cards. We're talking adding (max total 13 + 14) versus cheating fate from the control hand (max total 14).

I think a limit of two "Survival of the Fittest" would be fair.

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Im slightly bummed by the Nix on the hog wisp and jones working together to get a few cards in your hand. As generaly im just using jones to make piggies or new gremlins to sac to make cards so the poor gremlins have a chance to win a duel. I now will be playing generaly with worse units and only 1 extra card in my hand. It does kinda feel like you have a crew thats based about holding more cards than your opponent to balance the poor quality of the troops, and then taken away the basic mechanics of getting the cards. I know something needed to be done about the skeeter abuse but servival of the fittest was not the real problem. Its kinda like pandora with out a WIP duel.

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I gotta agree with Werecat too. My gremlins get hosed even with the a hog whisperer and Somer Teeth in play. We only get 5 cards in our hand to start and a four card draw aint all that great, especially against all the other crews that start with many more soulstones. Those soul stones, in my experience, save asses way more often than those four cards. We're talking adding (max total 13 + 14) versus cheating fate from the control hand (max total 14).

I think a limit of two "Survival of the Fittest" would be fair.

I'm not a Gremlin player myself, but I must agree. The poor little green ones could really need a lot of cards. And I expect the gremlins to be cheating all the time. It fits them nice. :poutcha:

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I'm gonna chime in here too and say that:

a.) I'm glad they sorted out the Skeeter before it hit the shelves, now I can pick one up and not feel like a cheese-monger in disguise.

b.) Cuddling SotF was a bit harsh. Gremlins NEED lots of cards to be effective; it's as simple as that. They can't hit for toffee, if they miss then they hit each other, and if they hit... well they hit like little gurly-men unless they've hit with a :rams and trigger Dumb Luck (which then also usually kills themsevles!).

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There will be updated cards in the future, however, right now they are not available. We want to make sure we get everything where we want it, before churning through tons more paper for new cards.

As for Gremlins, the 2 changes were needed, not for balance issues, but rather because both issues created a situation which literally could not fit into the structure of the rules. We will give this time to play out, and decide if the Gremlins need compensation for these fixes. The Gremlins are tough, because we really are working to make them something distinctly different than what players are used to, so their rules are admittedly more complex which can cause these abusive rules moments. So don't worry, they will always be a crew we're keeping an eye on.

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Oh well. Maybe Gremlins weren't ment to be competitive. That's just too bad. I was hoping that there weren't going to be any underpowered factions in this game, but right now I think there definitely are. Hopefully new releases will give them some needed power.

Hardly "underpowered". More like different.

You try the Alpha gas attack once and see what happens.

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