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Introductions Forum

Nathan Caroland

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  • 6 months later...

Hi, Im Mike, 30, from the UK.

I've been playing Malifaux for a few months, but dont get many games in, hoping to play more!  I play Arcanists; Colette and Kaeris.

I have a smalltime painting service called MEMiniPainting, and am a volunteer demo runner for another game system, but have started making a demo set for Malifaux to get more of our community interested!

I hope to play more on Vassal, but preferably against some likewise newer players until I get a bit better! Ill also be on that discord group.

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  • 3 months later...

Jest, from WI
Started collecting the Wyrd miniatures because i liked the designs have have just begun to get into miniature painting but it would be a shame for my crews to go unused. am now wondering where i should go to start to learn how to play and get a few skirmish matches of Malifaux in, especially since local pickup games are a no go right now.
Have seen that Vassal seems to be the go to but i've never used it before, anyone willing to handhold a total newb?

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  • 1 year later...

Greetings from Germany,

My Name is Erich and im located in North-Rhine Westphalia...


I found my way to you Gals and Guys over quiet an detour.

One Competitor of Wyrd just started with an Publisher to bring his Minis into Supermarkets,

and while those seemed like an pretty bargain, the Story of that specific Universe didn't appealed to me.


After some Research [Google/Wargame/dark] i found out about Malifaux, what storywise were more my thing.

The evolution of the Minis is awesome! Where they came from, and where they are now detailwise.

I watched the forums for a few weeks now and im more then surprised how active it can get here.


So here i am, and hopefully more then an currious observer within time.

In terms of experience, i would call myself pretty much an bloddy beginner,

Starting to paint my first Malifaux Mini [as soon as it arrives] and hoping to find some people close by to get my crew

some experience.

So please bear with me if you see an post from me popping up which seems more then alien to you

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1 hour ago, ill_Response said:

I watched the forums for a few weeks now and im more then surprised how active it can get here.

If this is active, you should see the discords XD

Most of the discussions got poached and are held there now

1 hour ago, ill_Response said:

So please bear with me if you see an post from me popping up which seems more then alien to you

We've heard some alien stuff before, it comes with people just getting into faux so don't worry too much and post away

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Hello, I made an account here to start participating in the painting competitions because they seemed cool.

Bought my first couple of boxes like 6 years ago and obsessively read the rules every so often until I finally got to start playing a few months ago.

I'm not sure if y'all have heard but this game is real good.

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  • 3 months later...

Hey everyone! I am Itsy, or Trevor.

I I love the world of malifaux but anxiety keeps me away from playing. So right now I am a collector more than anything.

I love making and doing things so my list of hobbies is quite long. Currently I am enjoying painting, building combat robots, leather craft, woodworking, 3d printing, cross stitching , working with clay , and building terrain among others. 
Now that I have done the hard bit of introducing myself, excuse me while I creep back into the shadows and admire the forum from a safe distance.



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4 hours ago, ItsyBitsyFighter said:

Hey everyone! I am Itsy, or Trevor.

I I love the world of malifaux but anxiety keeps me away from playing. So right now I am a collector more than anything.

I love making and doing things so my list of hobbies is quite long. Currently I am enjoying painting, building combat robots, leather craft, woodworking, 3d printing, cross stitching , working with clay , and building terrain among others. 
Now that I have done the hard bit of introducing myself, excuse me while I creep back into the shadows and admire the forum from a safe distance.



Hey Itsy, welcome!

I still think of myself as new here but I think you will find the wyrd community the best ever!

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12 minutes ago, dzlier said:

Tell me more, my wife and I are avid Battlebots fans!

Battlebots is what got me into it. I currently only compete at the smaller weight classes like 3lb and 15lb. Nothing as crazy as the 250lbers you see on tv. I have a couple of bots currently but mostly focus on my cow themed bot with an undercutting blade: called "UdderCutter"

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Hey y'all, I don't think I've gone and introduced myself yet and I am coveting a chance to eyeball all those flowers and water effects, so here goes post ten!


So I'm Spanner Rider, here that will do quite nicely, I'm in my almost mid thirties and I have a minor goblin-gremlin addiction that Wyrd kindly keeps feeding with a wealth of awesome sauce(d) gremlin guys and gals. 


While I started gaming by ogling a family members collection of pewter dnd models and then eventually stumbling deep into the underhive from They That Shall Not Be Named (TTSNBN is still such a mouthful) before wandering off into rpg land for a long time, I have happily returned to collecting models. I even have an eye on building out dioramas (with removable models for play) as I realized the sculptural stuff I wanted to do on the bases could really use some room to grow.


Anyway, I've got four bayou crews for now, still collecting for all of them...but Mah Tucket is whom drew me in, her whole beautiful crew and Sparks particularly given I'm a woods dwelling believer in whacking malfunctioning engines with a really big wrench. 


Other than that, well, I hope to be sharing what I do with these lovely gremlins (and maybe a few other crews, I mean salty fish people and bathywalkers are appealing and Mei Feng is honorary bayou right?) in dioramas and in general sometime. Oh, and I like spinning a yarn and am working on a framing story for 'bayou tales' to be told over in the writing room so with any luck that will get going way faster than my ability to make physical things.


Time to go hit an engine with a spanner, see y'all around!


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Hey everyone!

This is officially my first post and I was drawn to this forum because I wanted to vote on the latest painting contest. Too late it seems but I should be ready for the next one. Congratulations to all who participated!

I'm a Board Gamer fanatic who has recently decided to take the plunge into Miniatures gaming. I've followed Malifaux for quite some time perusing online battle reports and all of the great looking art. I finally took the Malifaux plunge and scooped up some of the Easter deals this year. Working for many years in the Gulf of Mexico and loving to go diving I couldn't resist the aquatic and pirate themes  when I saw  the Brine and Bones and the Deepest Depths boxed sets!  I'm currently working on their bases. I have no idea if these two factions as constructed are even competitive or not.  Hopefully they will be as incredibly fun to play as they look! I guess I should read the rules soon so i can actually play! hahaha

hmmm now if i can just get my hands on a copy of Vagrant Song

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Welcome @MaliLyte!

   As a fellow Gulf of Mexico dweller and underwater enthusiast, I really get the appeal of those crews! That said, I am no expert at all, but I have been told that Malifaux is generally balanced enough that going with the models that you like because they look cool is apt to be viable on the table! The crew might not be super high powered tournament stomper bots, but they should still work well enough to be competitive and fun.


Welcome to the addicting habit of collecting miniatures, and may your undersea adventures earth side and in Malifaux always be a blast!


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  • 5 months later...

Hi, I'm Patryk.

I'm living in Szczecin, Poland.

I've been looking at Malifaux for some time, but decided to dive in, bought Nekima Crew. My goal is to get 2 crews (maybe just enough for Henchmen Hardcore) ready. There are no players of Wyrd Games locally that I'm aware of, so I decided to get things ready for demos. Painted minis are a must! No idea if Malifaux will stick, but there is always hope!

Minis look great, rules even though complicated seem to have a nice flow. I really like cards instead of dice.

Can't wait to get more crews!

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  • 5 months later...

Hello all - my name is Anthony. I'm a tabletop gamer from Calgary, Canada. Been rocking boardgames for over 10 years and been in the miniatures wargaming scene for about 5.

I've been playing Malifaux for about half a year now - just started getting into 50ss games. I've started with Mei Feng and the Arcanists, but have since moved into Ten Thunders. These are the factions where I'll be focusing my energies for the near future at least.

Really went big at the recent Wyrd Easter sale grabbing the ol' Nightmare box for McCabe (that sprue scares me!) and Molly (amazing minis).

The game has really captured my heart. It's got amazing depth, characters, lore, and mechanics. The amount of exploration into a single crew (and then a faction, and then the game overall) feels unparalleled in the skirmish games space. Just outstanding design Wyrd team.

I also wanted to throw out a nod to the Wyrd team for Vagrantsong. I was pleasently surprised by this title last year. Solid board game that definitely deserved much more attention!

Happy gaming everyone.

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  • 4 months later...


I'm Benel from Brooklyn. I joined the forum to take part in the painting competitions. I'm assembly my Jack Daw crew now and soon will be assembly a Parker Barrows crew. I'm fairly new to wargaming but I've been enjoying Kill Team, Batman Miniature Game, Mordheim and gonna try Cyberpunk Combat Zone a try soon. Beyond wargaming, I'm a big wrestling fan and I like my cat. My cat is pretty great. 

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  • 11 months later...

Hey everyone, 

My real name is Cameron I’m table top gamer and war gamer from the PNW. I’m really new to malifaux. But have quickly gained a few crews. I’d say I’m a bayou play at heart but I also have a arcanist and ten thunders crew.

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