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What do you recommend for my next master?


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Qi & Gong.

No seriously!

Everyone is going to be on the Explorer's Society bandwagon for the next whenever. The faction as a whole is seriously Wp deficient. Anytime any one declares them against you, no matter who they pick, you counter with lures, distraction, & blackmail and they have no chance.

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Hmm, well my first suggestion would be "whatever you like the look of/want to paint". But if the hobby side was was the biggest priority in choosing a new crew, then you wouldn't need to ask this question on a forum. ;)

Personally, from a gameplay perspective I'd go with McCabe or Youko.

McCabe is almost as mobile as Misaki, but better for scheme marker-based shenanigans and GREAT for buffing his crew via upgrades. He works well with alot of the versatiles in the Faction, and incidentally has some decent shooting options too (Sidir and Samurai in particular). The mobility and buffing aspects of his playstyle means he's almost a mix of Misaki and Yan Lo's playstyles, but the shooting and scheme markers give him a niche that's distinct from what the others offer. He's also got some new Wastrel models coming from the Explorers faction (not that he needs them), so that could be an benefit in itself. 

I'll be honest - I've not played Youko myself and have had minimal experience against her. But from what I've seen, her playstyle is one that focuses on debuffs and denial. She'll drain your opponents cards, neuter their models and pull them out of position to deny VPs. There's models in her crew with a great damage track, but that's not the focus of the crew. They're also not especially tough, but their resiliance comes from neutralising your opponent's models. Taken together, Youko's playstyle is probably the most distinct from both Misaki and Yan Lo. So if you want something completely different without going out of Faction, Youko would be your best bet. 

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12 hours ago, Rathnard said:

Hmm, well my first suggestion would be "whatever you like the look of/want to paint". But if the hobby side was was the biggest priority in choosing a new crew, then you wouldn't need to ask this question on a forum. ;)

Absolutely – this is always my primary concern.


However, when it comes to collecting, I'm usually dragged towards the muscly-barbarian-with-a-big-axe-army-archetype. Yet, when it comes to playstyle I find I'm more in the tricksy-elf-dancing-around-and-doing-the-stabbity-stab-in-the-back camp.

Until now, I've mainly put Pandora and Dreamer on the table – who doesn't love creepy victorian kids. (The rest of my collection is more or less just paint projects). But I had a wonderful fight between Misaki/Dreamer at a tournament, and saw that she'd definitely be a master for me. Yan then turned up with a cool concept - and I've always wanted the Sun Quiang sculpt - and his playstyle seems unique and far from, what else I've got.

But the whole thunders faction stand out as a little vanilla to me, compared to the more unique concepts in 'faux, so I'm looking for a little advice on what to go for to 'plug the holes', when it comes to S&S. Then I can always check out the models – Youko do seem interesting, as the Pandora equivalent and as an ex-student of Japanese, I do have a weakness for the stuff, even if it is a little vanilla.

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1 hour ago, Regelridderen said:

Youko do seem interesting, as the Pandora equivalent and as an ex-student of Japanese, I do have a weakness for the stuff, even if it is a little vanilla.

<---(looks at the mon of the Oda clan) you and me both, kid.  you and me both.....

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You could take a look at Mei Feng. They are very fun to play; they alpha or play a tricksy game. 

They bring a lot of indirect damage to the table and a surprising amount of enemy movement capability. 

They are great at scoring positional schemes, killy schemes, or survival schemes, but poor at scheme marker placing*, removal, or schemes that require deep penetration behind enemy lines.

*this comes with the stipulation that the crew is phenomenal at leaving Engagement, so they are good at Interacting near enemy models.

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4 hours ago, Regelridderen said:

But the whole thunders faction stand out as a little vanilla to me, compared to the more unique concepts in 'faux, so I'm looking for a little advice on what to go for to 'plug the holes', when it comes to S&S. Then I can always check out the models – Youko do seem interesting, as the Pandora equivalent and as an ex-student of Japanese, I do have a weakness for the stuff, even if it is a little vanilla.

Same thing with the Indian and Maori characters. They're a bit shallow. Although it is nice something is included!

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3 hours ago, Maogrim said:

I always wondered why there are so very few Middle Eastern characters. From the top of my head I think there's only Sidir Alchibal?! East and South Asia are well off compared to Northern Africa, the Arabian peninsula, Persia .. 

Let’s not stray into discussing representation - it’s a fine discussion for somewhere else, but this topic is about finding my next master :)

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6 hours ago, Mycellanious said:

You could take a look at Mei Feng. They are very fun to play; they alpha or play a tricksy game. 

They bring a lot of indirect damage to the table and a surprising amount of enemy movement capability. 

They are great at scoring positional schemes, killy schemes, or survival schemes, but poor at scheme marker placing*, removal, or schemes that require deep penetration behind enemy lines.

*this comes with the stipulation that the crew is phenomenal at leaving Engagement, so they are good at Interacting near enemy models.

My question is, are they different enough from Misaki to really warrant a crew?

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8 hours ago, Regelridderen said:


Let’s not stray into discussing representation - it’s a fine discussion for somewhere else, but this topic is about finding my next master :)

You're right, sorry. Well, if you don't necessarily need too much of an East Asian vibe, you could always pay a visit to the illustrious Honeypot Casino! From what I've gathered it's a bubble control crew with some movement tricks, lures, obeys, but still a little on the slower side. Using and spreading Brilliance as a unique ressource to disadvantage your enemy and benefit your own troops is also a little different to what Youko does.

From a theme perspective I find the concept of a gambler and casino proprietor using a supernatural drug to turn his employees and clients into addicted mutants pretty unique. And there's even a ghost! And you can still include excellent Asian sculpts like Samurai, Kabuki Warriors etc.

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I don't really know that much about how things play out on the table since I'm very inexperienced. From what I read in here Misaki and Yan Lo are in the upper echelons of Ten Thunder masters while Jakob, Mei and Youko are more of the bottom barrel. 

But what Honeypot does very well is actively discourage the enemy from using their hand cards, once they enter the 6" bubble around them. Beckoners and Gwyneth let them gain brilliance if they cheat, Lynch pings for one if they cheat, Mr Tannen forces them to discard if they want to cheat. Now, if they cheat while being 6" around Lynch, Tannen and a Beckoner (and/or Gwyneth), every enemy model that would want to cheat discards a card, takes 1 damage, gains a brilliance token, and would then either be forced to move 2 inches or take another damage. If Tannen also has Boring Conversation up, they'd also need to succeed in a WP check for every non-walk action. And getting enemy models into said bubble should be fairly easy as you have lures from the Beckoners and Obey from the Hungering Darkness... Think that's a pretty different approach to how the Last Blossom handles things.

But I guess you already know about these things, probably better than I do. ;) There's also an interesting write-up by Rygnan right beneath this very thread, where he goes through the strategies and schemes that Lynch would prefer.

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On 12/19/2020 at 1:11 PM, Regelridderen said:

Honeypot is definitely interesting. If Lynch hadn’t defected, he’d been my next Neverborn master. And he has a more unique appearance than Youko. 

Where’d you think he’d excel compared to Misaki and Yan Lo?

Cabe good with misaki . Very fast high damage crew. 

Lynch fine but on board he is hard to play . 

If u wanna something good in all i recommend shenlong.he can almost everything he can be beater he can be great support.

Youko u know it good on paper hard on table cause she is weak , but her keyword is nice. 

Mei very unq , she is strong.but my opinion in arcane with rider, and tony, she is better.

Asami very strong 1 weakness she summoner , so u need buy a lot of oni.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/22/2020 at 12:30 AM, Assdex said:

If u wanna something good in all i recommend shenlong.he can almost everything he can be beater he can be great support.

I’d love to do Shen Long, as I am a lover of kung fu flicks, but...

It seems like he is mostly just played with versatiles and...

He’s got some butt ugly models :D

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You can play Shenlong with Monks and still have a good time. It might not be tier 1 competitive always but it's still enjoyable. I like the synergy of bringing Monks. I just skipped the tattoos when painting mine as I am fairly visually challenged as well and bad at painting in general. 

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Shenlong is supposed to be pretty good, and I guess kicking stuff to death with him would be fun...But the keyword (and I'm a sucker for staying in keyword) just strikes me as a little bland visually. Shenlong, Sensei Yu and the Aspiring Students are just bald dudes with very plain, simplistic clothing, while some of the monks (especially Low River) kinda look like they should be in Arcanists. I do, however, appreciate the dynamic poses.And Charm Warders are pretty cool.

But as Shenlong is also host to a Tyrant I guess I would have hoped for some more twisted and spooky stuff within the keyword. Just something that screams a little more Malifaux. Qi & Gong is a good counter example, since they also bring mostly humans with Asian aesthetics, but also add spooky puppets like Bunraku and the glorious Hinamatsu to mix (which I ordered half a year ago and still haven't received, btw. Damn you, unspecified German retailer with your unreliable supply chain).

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On 1/1/2021 at 4:12 PM, Maogrim said:

Shenlong is supposed to be pretty good, and I guess kicking stuff to death with him would be fun...But the keyword (and I'm a sucker for staying in keyword) just strikes me as a little bland visually. Shenlong, Sensei Yu and the Aspiring Students are just bald dudes with very plain, simplistic clothing, while some of the monks (especially Low River) kinda look like they should be in Arcanists. I do, however, appreciate the dynamic poses.And Charm Warders are pretty cool.

But as Shenlong is also host to a Tyrant I guess I would have hoped for some more twisted and spooky stuff within the keyword. Just something that screams a little more Malifaux. Qi & Gong is a good counter example, since they also bring mostly humans with Asian aesthetics, but also add spooky puppets like Bunraku and the glorious Hinamatsu to mix (which I ordered half a year ago and still haven't received, btw. Damn you, unspecified German retailer with your unreliable supply chain

Shen can be beater but he is not only beater. 

My most fun play was whe i stole focus from zipp then transfer stun from fufu and push fufu then  fufu easy kill zipp.

My opponent think about shen just only he is beater so it was big surprise for him.

About monks great keyword u can play them competitive. 

Like warder + archer, or duble drunk monk

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1 hour ago, Maogrim said:

This forum is a little sleepy, isn't it?!

Have you already come to a conclusion regarding your next keyword? 

Not at all - Lynch is looking interesting, but...

He’s in competition with Umbra, Nephilim, M&SU and even a little bit of Wastrel. Luckily I’ve only gotten to priming my ancestors, so I’ve got a little time ;)

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21 minutes ago, Regelridderen said:

Not at all - Lynch is looking interesting, but...

He’s in competition with Umbra, Nephilim, M&SU and even a little bit of Wastrel. Luckily I’ve only gotten to priming my ancestors, so I’ve got a little time ;)

If it has to be a bearded guy wearing a hat and a cane, let it be Jakob. If you pick Umbra everyone'll think you're just going for the new über-powered hotness, and you wouldn't want that, would you?!

No, just try a taste of that sweet, sweet Honeypot. The first spoon is for free, I promise. ;)

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