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Transmortis University Introduction Lecture


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It's mostly due to the influx of new players, to create an even battlefield for those who don't already own a bunch of models. Also with M3E a lot of stuff wasn't (and isn't) available. Lastly, people don't have to lug their whole factions around, if they come from different cities.

At least for Ressers it works fine enough, we have solid crews with a decent versatile selection, Seamus (maybe Reva) being the only exception. Only a few models I'm missing occasionally: Manos, Yin, Toshiro, Nurse and I can see other crews missing the Student of Steel. To double masters I'm opposed anyway, but that's personal preference.

Feedback from other players/factions, both local and from other metas, have been quite positive.

When we play "fun games", the OOK choices tend to come out of the box more! We do it too, but the other way around! 😂

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Initially I had assumed most things are competitively viable, but I think there's some pretty clear 'tier 1' stuff.

So I'm not convinced that a 'no OOK' meta would be less diverse than the default meta. In fact, most of the really powerful outliers seem to be ones that take advantage of OOK models (possibly because those combos probably aren't playtested as much as keywords are).

You just get different crews being top, potentially.

I also like that 'no OOK' automatically solves the second master issue for everything but DMH xD

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As far as I can tell, we don't have any issue with crew diversity. TT are a bite rare, but that's certainly not because they're to weak. I also couldn't say we have unusually dominant crews, the player still is the important factor and after that I can't see relevant difference compared to what I read about.

While I don't have numbers, my impression is that you don't see certain evergreen models as often, leading to more diversity in *all* models, not just crews. Maniacal speaks truth: While there are crews who need to include comparativly much outside of their own keyword, OOK models do not only support low-tier crews, but also make S-tier crews even stronger. With or without OOK is mostly six of one and half a dozen in terms of crew diversity and power level, in my opinion.

To bring this back to the main topic: Manos definitly is a tech piece you want for Transmortis, if you're up against Demise. Academic Superiority becomes even more important in some of such situations (looking at you Yan Lo...), when you're without him, and it changes how you approach these matches. Furthermore, Take Prisoner is a no-take scheme for me without access to Yin. If it's not Corrupted Leylines, I would prefer Nurse for a healer, instead of Bone Pile. Toshiro... I'm not sure about. He pumps up Transmortis minions really well, but he enforces a bubble, which I don't like to do to much with this crew. I could just take a crew that's killy and/or summons more from the get-go instead. But those are the only cases I would consider at all atm. If I'm missing anything, feel free to add interesting OOK choices. I will check them out, when I have a chance.

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  • 1 month later...
58 minutes ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

Any updates since the nerfs, @Graf?

Sadly, no. My local meta largely rests while we still have lockdown and I didn't get the chance for private games/ Vassal games since the errata until now. Likely will take a while until I can update here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You can solo Schtook2 in keyword and do very well. No doubt. The crew is just solid and have enough tricks to tackle almost any situation. Restless spirits (for pushes and extra activations), Sloth (alpha striking with Valedictorian), Grave Digger (mass focus) and Bone Pile (more healing) are good versatile hires. 

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  • 10 months later...

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