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Future of the Arcanists & Union... Book 5 spoilers...

Da Git

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That's enough singing!


So for those who've read book five, Toni's betrayed Ramos to the guild and it occurred to me that really, she doesn't have any friends among the Arcanists at all.  Kaeris, Marcus & Sandeep will definitely side with Ramos & may even make a rescue attempt. Colette and Raspy would choose Ramos over Toni, but would most likely try to break away (especially Raspy).  The only one who might side with Toni is Mei, but that really depends on orders from Misaki and she's not going to die either of them.

On the other hand, Toni has the loyalty of the Union rank and file (who have the loyalty of the people) and possible support of the Guild and Marlow.  That's a tough nut to crack.  Toni possibly might take the Union legit and separate from the Arcanists if it means the workers will get a better deal from the Guild.

On the other hand, Toni might organise a rescue mission for Ramos, that's about the only way I can see her getting back in with the others.  Even so, I'd say there's still going to be a heap of repercussions.  Ramos doesn't seem the forgiving type.

Could be an all out war be about to go off?  That would be amazing!  (and would totally play to the Neverborn & 10T's advantages... my to faves!)

What do you think?

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spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers

The most recent Chronicles has a story of some of the infighting already happening in the rank and file, things are going to get pretty wild.  Marcus, Sandeep, and Ramos I wouldn't call best buds but I could see M & S fighting to break him out just to keep the Guild down.  Kaeris is going to flip out and burn the crap out of things, guaranteed.  Colette's in a weird spot, she's been becoming friends with Kaeris lately but she hates Ramos so might like him staying imprisoned?  Mei Feng I can't see caring about him locked up or not since he's so whatever about the people's lives, bit of a wild card / might not get involved either way.

I almost feel like they're implying that there's going to be a schism in the faction between the "pure" Arcanists and the "pure" Unioners, but there's a lot of in-betweeners so it's really hard to tell how that's going to work.

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Spoilers and speculation.  Spoilers and speculation.  Spoilers and speculation.  Spoilers and speculation.  Speculation and spoilers.  La la la la la la la la.

I'm calling it now: Next year, Wyrd's going to unveil alternate master cards that:

  • Toni Ironsides becomes Arcanist/Guild, allowed to bring out-of-faction M&SU models as long as no guardsman models are hired.
  • McMourning becomes Arcanist/Ressurectionist.

And Wyrd holds a cage match tournament to determine which of the Neverborn leaders become dual faction Neverborn/Ressurectionist.


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5 minutes ago, solkan said:

Spoilers and speculation.  Spoilers and speculation.  Spoilers and speculation.  Spoilers and speculation.  Speculation and spoilers.  La la la la la la la la.

I'm calling it now: Next year, Wyrd's going to unveil alternate master cards that:

  • Toni Ironsides becomes Arcanist/Guild, allowed to bring out-of-faction M&SU models as long as no guardsman models are hired.
  • McMourning becomes Arcanist/Ressurectionist.

And Wyrd holds a cage match tournament to determine which of the Neverborn leaders become dual faction Neverborn/Ressurectionist.


The other possibility is getting a new M&SU faction. Ironsides would be part of it as well as other dual faction masters such as Hoffman and maybe Kaeris/Ramos.

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I can see Kaeris looking to break Ramos out, I can also see her possible being able to enlist Marcus and Sandeep as both of them have stakes in the Arcanists.  And Ivan, cause English Ivan is great.  What I can see as a twist is Sandeep or Marcus bringing Toni into the meeting despite Kaeris's feelings.  Toni might have betrayed Ramos, but that does not mean she trusts the Guild.  She got what she wanted from them and if she can make sure Ramos does not have her fried when he escapes would likely sit better with her.  That leaves her in an interesting position to, as she looks more friendly with the Guild if her part is not exposed which could be a useful tool in the future.  Of course she would have to sell up to Ramos that the Guild already knew about his whole trip up north and was going to strike regardless of her actions, she just kept the lose of life down while getting something out of it *Will not make him happy at all but as a wanted criminal he cannot just go back to running the Union himself, he needs someone in that position*.

That being said I also would not put it past Wyrd to throw some curve balls in all the stuff that happened in this last book.

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Yeah, I'm mostly feeling the same way.  I can picture the Order of the Chimera having some frickin awesome models, but the Council sounds like the Arcanists without the Union and that sounds pretty wild to me!  Hearing that their step 1 is break out Ramos only makes me more interested in what shenanigans they'll get up to (also that Ramos is apparently currently Earthside in Vienna).

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Seems pretty much certain that the Arcanist faction will fragment, at least pulling in different and mutually exclusive directions if not coming into direct collision and conflict.

So based on book 5 fluff and Homefront info:

  • Ramos is betrayed and imprisoned, sent back to Earth where it appears an Arcane/Mage faction is planning a jailbreak and recruitment.
  • Rasputina is an unknown, but she had been increasingly chaotically enmeshed with December and both unpredictable and independent.
  • Marcus is feeling nationalistic and committing to the Order of Chimera and his allies in the Middle East, appears he plans to at least partially take over and separate part of the Ramos build Arcanist smuggling operation.  At least has no apparent interest in allying with The Council and may even clash with them. 
  • Kaeris will likely side with Ramos trying/helping to break him out and allying with those who can help her to rescue him, so potential alliance with The Council seems likely.
  • Ironsides was enmeshed in the betrayal of Ramos and her likely final agenda is unknown, she could end up allying with the Guild, perhaps approach Marcus, maybe seek to breakout Ramos pursuing redemption or splinter off M&SU and those Unionists willing to follow her from the Arcanist umbrella.  All the scenarios are possible but I think that seeking Ramos and his forgiveness and returning to the status quo is unlikely.
  • Colette is an unknown she dislike Ramos but equally had no time for many of the other players in Malifaux, her primary goal seems, and remains I think, the independence of her Theater troupe with an additional emphasis on safety and security for young women and keeping her (and her protege's) mystical powers as hidden as possible.  Honestly could fall with The Council, seems the most obvious but there is the Ramos enmity but Order of Chimera is also a possibility, if Marcus wants a piece of the smuggling network then Colette would be an obvious recruit.  But then depending on how Wyrd deals with real-world vs Malifaux universe culture I can't see Colette and the Star troupe being widely accepted in a early 20th century Middle East...
  • Mei Feng is a wild card with her TT allegiance, she has potential sympathies with Ramos and Ironsides and perhaps the TT would be able to work with Marcus and the Oder of Chimera.  Of course this all depends on also whether Mei continues to follow the TT agenda or in some way spilits off and even then how she interprets her own and her allies best interests.
  • Sandeep would seem to be likely firmly allied with Ramos and The Council but having said that he may feel a instinctive kinship with Marcus and the Order of Chimera and certainly (again depending on Wyrd quasi-history) the Indian sub-continent is no friend of the Europeans and is geographically near Egypt (historically the India-Pakistan division is decades removed from 1907-10 which is the Wyrd historical time now.

I can see three clear major players in our faction (Ramos, Marcus and Ironsides) with two total wildcards (Rasputina and Colette), one whose agenda is tied to other outside forces (Mei) and two who are likely to side with Ramos (Sandeep and Kaeris) at least on first blush but who could surprise.  So its likely that the artificial divisions in the Arcanist faction will become real rifts, or at least it seems that way.  How this plays out on the gaming tables is really the key and completely open to speculation.


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1 hour ago, dancater said:

I can see three clear major players in our faction (Ramos, Marcus and Ironsides) with two total wildcards (Rasputina and Colette), one whose agenda is tied to other outside forces (Mei) and two who are likely to side with Ramos (Sandeep and Kaeris) at least on first blush but who could surprise.

In Colette's vignette in Ripples, it seemed that she and Kaeris were becoming friends. Also, in Raspy's vignette Kaeris sent numerous messengers telling Rasputina to stop raiding towns so much and she responded by eating the messengers, so they're probably not too friendly.

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