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Mounted Guard scale

Math Mathonwy

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2 hours ago, Math Mathonwy said:

First of all, I didn't call Wyrd atrocious nor anyone working there. I didn't insult any of them. I called the scale mistake atrocious and I do consider it as such. You are free to disagree with me on that. But one reason for me to use such a strong word is because I expect a high standard from Wyrd and also because this isn't the first time they've had a scale problem but I, subjectively, consider this probably the worst of the bunch.

But do I understand you correctly, that you consider it likely that Wyrd wanted the horses of the Mounted Guard to be tiny?

Second, I have made mistakes in my job. In fact, I will be trying to fix one tomorrow. I want people to tell me if I make a mistake and I try to learn from it and not do it again (sometimes doing it again, though!). Yet I consider myself good at my job (as does my boss, for example). When we're talking about business, I think that honest feedback is very important and critique of one's work shouldn't be taken personally.

I have no idea one way or the other about Wyrd's intentions on the size of the Mounted Guard. I do not like them, but then again i did not like the render much either. I do feel they are small and agree that they would be more impressive if at the very least the horses were larger. Without clear knowledge as to what Wyrd's intentions were concerning their size i will not say anything as i believe that is putting words in their mouth, and i am strongly against that. 

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1 hour ago, Bengt said:

Reva rides a living horse in her story, the size of the horse is not commented on as far as I remember, but both her and Vincent rides it together at one point so it can't be too small. Mechanically she can't normally charge though terrain or models, only when using that trigger so it seems more likely to me that it's still a living horse that Reva occasionally turns ethereal (along with her herself since they can move through solid things of any size).

I did not know that. Thank you for the info.

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In all honesty, I feel there was no intention for them to be concerningly small, same as Reva. I reckon it is in the same boat of the crouching Death Marshall, Kneeling Samurai, Pathfinder etc, just way, way out on the other end of the scale.

I'll be super understanding and would happily drop the point if Wyrd said "Yup, for some reason, the blokes that made the moulds downsized the horse renders a little so they could fit more sprues into the single unit, our apologies but it can't be helped, we will offer a refund to those that purchased them at GenCon if they are unhappy with the size. In future we will endeavour to put a mocked up model next to a ruler so people can have an idea of the size or the physical model prior to purchase. Sorry"

But I can feel old mate Nathan swooping in explaining how they are very slight guardsmen(and women) on small horses, as he has grown up around horses, so he knows these horses are a correct size.

One is sincere and aok, bad things happen, the other is just a hand wave, shut up, you're wrong, we're right sort of deal, which never sits well with me.

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4 hours ago, TheTrans said:

In all honesty, I feel there was no intention for them to be concerningly small, same as Reva. I reckon it is in the same boat of the crouching Death Marshall, Kneeling Samurai, Pathfinder etc, just way, way out on the other end of the scale.

I'll be super understanding and would happily drop the point if Wyrd said "Yup, for some reason, the blokes that made the moulds downsized the horse renders a little so they could fit more sprues into the single unit, our apologies but it can't be helped, we will offer a refund to those that purchased them at GenCon if they are unhappy with the size. In future we will endeavour to put a mocked up model next to a ruler so people can have an idea of the size or the physical model prior to purchase. Sorry"

But I can feel old mate Nathan swooping in explaining how they are very slight guardsmen(and women) on small horses, as he has grown up around horses, so he knows these horses are a correct size.

One is sincere and aok, bad things happen, the other is just a hand wave, shut up, you're wrong, we're right sort of deal, which never sits well with me.

To be fair, the first one costs (at least potentially) a lot of money, which is why I don't necessarily begrudge them for not doing it. I just really, really hope that they will take further steps in preventing this in the future.

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10 minutes ago, Math Mathonwy said:

To be fair, the first one costs (at least potentially) a lot of money, which is why I don't necessarily begrudge them for not doing it. I just really, really hope that they will take further steps in preventing this in the future.

Since this issue has been going on for how many years now, I seriously doubt it. It seems to be the one thing they simply just don't care about.

For whatever reason ...

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Having only joined the community recently I am kind of playing catch up a bit here...but reading through the two threads running on these models and the observations on scaling issues it made me look at what I have already bought...and whilst pathfinder does look rather well built compared to Dr Grimwell,Austringers,Exorcists and co. for me it still all works together at a visual level...whereas these two models,no matter how well sculpted,look like proxy models from someone else's range as the scaling is so out of whack compared to other figures both mounted and dismounted....

....if they sell well then my disappointment will be a moot point but even as a game counter/token my feeling is that a casual observer would immediately ask " why are these guys a different size to those guys ?"....a spirit,a horror,a construct,an emissary...all are fantasy so no rules need apply apart from it having a visual/gaming appeal....but magic or no magic a horse is a horse is a horse...or should be

Roll on Black Friday...."donuts of death" for me

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14 minutes ago, solkan said:

Well, dammit.  Now I have to decide if I want to track down any of the limited edition Guild ponies.  :ram

Death Marshals, children's division!

...Now, see, Guild's GOT to win the inquisitive child this round! Instead of McCabe followed by loyal dog, we can have child on a pony (ok so it would have been cooler as a rooster, but c'mon, tiny teddy!) followed by loyal tiny doggy-teddy! ;)

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15 hours ago, Cadaverousbirth said:

Wyrd (Nathan?) has always said if you don't like something, vote with your wallet. I am by not buying these, and now I won't get Yasunori on Black Friday in case he is of a similar size. My $150 order dropped by more than half. 

I was very much thinking the same about Yasunori, now he's back in the trolley! 

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