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Dance Boris, Dance!, or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bear


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Slate ridge mauler gets +1 Wk, +1 Ml and a 0 action that let's him push 2" with a trigger to perform a different 0 action

Supposedly, the slate ridge mauler has the above upgrade in the new book. In basic terms, it's possible for the bear to threaten a model 16" away (move, move, dance, bear hug, free strike), or to do much more in a closer proximity.

There's been a little mention in the Marcus thread, but bears are for everyone! I'm loving the possibilities with numerous different masters now. For 8ss, you have a big pile of wounds that takes work to remove. For example, I think they're a solid enough model to be worth investing in a Kaeris crew, where there's either a ton of healing to keep them frustrating opponents, or the ability to fly them up field, making the most of their newfound decent mobility. With Sandeep, the mauler can borrow the path to salvation as its free action (push 2", place 6", then charge 7" with a 2" reach for a 17" charge threat). 

How are you going to get the most out of your bears? And how quickly will you give them greenstuff fezzes?

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I think scheme pools with headhunter and hunting party will be great inclusions for the bears as they take a lot of effort to bring down and can kill a model, drop a head and push into base contact with it to grab it with any available AP/next activation. I also feel like the 8ss spot is relatively unclaimed and so I don't feel like it's stepping on too many toes in that regard. Also the new beast/construct upgrade will compliment this model a great deal allowing it to use it's high charge early on and help mitigate potential range damage. 

In terms of master specific synergy, Marcus is the obvious choice as a great Defend Me target. Otherwise Raspy can get some decent milage from a high Wd model, especially when tagged with Touch of December for the +2 armour and the ability to push out of combat to free it up as a mirror. A more specific combo would be with Kaeris' arcane emissary as it allows the bear to take Wds to add burning, which in turn can bring it into Frenzy range. 

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In addition the Blade & Claw upgrade has obvious utility with many faction pieces. 

I might be wrong but I think that the Mannequins are viable constructs for the 'Blade' and thus a Mannequin <-> Circus Bear placement switch would be a potential tactic and I imagine a reasonably disturbing event in the mind of my enemy.  The Arcane Emissary and Coryphee/Coryphee Duet are also common models in a Colette list not to mention Howard and the Mech Rider all able to switch with the Circus bear.  So charge in a Coryphee Duet, smash something and do the swirl of movement push into engagement with another good target then Blade & Claw switch in the Circus Bear and lay down some angry dancing bear maimage.  Sure its not as graceful as the Duet but an angry six limbed bear has a beauty all its own. 

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11 hours ago, dancater said:

In addition the Blade & Claw upgrade has obvious utility with many faction pieces. 

I might be wrong but I think that the Mannequins are viable constructs for the 'Blade'   The Arcane Emissary

Mannequins are peons, so no switching with them. Arcane emissary is only a construct when he's played with Ramos (or Mei if sparks robots him)

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6 hours ago, BFOmega said:

Mannequins are peons, so no switching with them. Arcane emissary is only a construct when he's played with Ramos (or Mei if sparks robots him)

Damn, I was worried Mannequins were peons but did not have the rules handy, disappointing.

Also correct on emissary and I actually meant to say effigy, which is a construct all the damn time, thanks for noticing the mistake.


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