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The Other Side


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So, things have started to appear in people's Wyrd Bag.  The current view is that the miniatures are pre-assembled and made from something like PVC instead of polystyrene as Malifaux is.  I understand that some people like this sort of thing however I refuse to buy PVC. That's one of the main reasons I don't play Warmachine anymore.





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I think I might be in but that all depends on how ridiculous shipping costs end up being. Kind of torn on kickstarters though, honestly. Very easy to get out of hand, and I'm already still waiting on tons of additional miniatures being sent to my US address from something I kickstarted like 4 years ago. Flip side is that there were great Malifaux models released with the TTB kickstarter that would have been nice to have (looking at you, Hannah)

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I've been really happy with the PVC minis I've got from Wyrd so far. Aionus and the Tortoise & the Hare were great. 

That said, there are a lot if things here that might make some people skeptical. Some people, we know, don't like the material. Some people are hesitant to use Kickstarter at this point. Some people are just turned off by titan sized models. I trust Wyrd in general though, and I do hope this is a big hit, whether I end up diving in or not.

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I'm always happy not assembling. My Yan Lo still does not have a lower jaw.

It looks pretty interesting. I might (probably will) go for it.

Some other Allegiances I want to see:

One led by the undying Russian Tzar.

And necromancers of Spain.

The Three Kingdoms.

Edited by Parker Barrows
Added in what I want to see
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Yeah, the undying Tzar is mentioned in a handful of places and it has a lot of promise. Not going to lie, I'm a fan of the British art released so far (I wonder if the focus on the UK has anything to do with how popular Malifaux is getting over there or GW's blood in the water).

Fishmen I'm extremely excited for. Not a huge fan of their titan, but I like the design on the smaller guys. Will be interesting to see wha their deal is...while rereading Under Quarantine I came across some interesting notes about a temple to some sort of "Water God" discovered under the sewers. The speckled creepers have also shown up in at least one TtB adventure as a lost ocean denizen that accidentally wound up traveling through the bayou and ending up in the riverway.

Abyssinia getting a call out is really interesting to me. Ethiopia has a fascinating history and it would be great to see some more African representation. Entirely random, but a good friend of mine has been doing his field research on spirit possession and the Ethiopian Orthodox church there.

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PVC? Preassembling? That's terrible news, actually. I very like connection between this " ...every model will come preassembled..." and this "...models with high levels of detail, allowing painters plenty of opportunity to paint...". One excludes the other. It's impossible to paint tricky preassembled models. And Aionus is quite not good model. My hope is PVC will be only the field of the Other Side.

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I am perfectly happy leaving my serious modeling efforts to small scale skirmish sized games where the effort isn't drowned out by 50+ other models on the table. It's not like there aren't enough Malifaux models coming out to keep most people busy enough. Having gone through the effort of building and painting repetitive model armies, honestly I'm kinda over it, and am content to actually play the games instead. The whole industry is moving towards the 'streamlined' game idea, having models prebuilt and based is a logical step in that direction. Especially considering they've said multiple times they're not looking for the malifaux gamer market and want to get a whole different type of wallet to pull from, from a success of the game standpoint, none of this seems like a bad call.

The "imaginative, streamlined, ready to play game from the makers of Malifaux" is a pretty solid tagline from which to build a Kickstarter.

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11 hours ago, Cinnamon Bear said:


I think I might be in but that all depends on how ridiculous shipping costs end up being. Kind of torn on kickstarters though, honestly. Very easy to get out of hand, and I'm already still waiting on tons of additional miniatures being sent to my US address from something I kickstarted like 4 years ago. Flip side is that there were great Malifaux models released with the TTB kickstarter that would have been nice to have (looking at you, Hannah)

I agree that the TtB Hannah model is an absolutely beautiful model (much better than the general release "Relic Knights" Hannah model where Hannah seems superfluous on the frame). I would also say the Multipart Male model was nicely done, however the female one (at least for those of us that got them via the kickstarter not sure if this is still true about the general release ones available now) had a major issue with elongated limbs.

My only hope is that Wyrd has learned from that particular Kickstarter campaign. It would seem they have already taken some very positive steps toward remedying a lot of the issues with that previous campaign though. The "bag" announcement coupled with the fact we have already seen some of the titan models strongly indicates this isn't an "I have a neat idea" KS that will require not just the production capital but also time for actual development of the idea. This also means we might see an actually realistic delivery timeline for the product instead of the usual U.S.E.W.A.G. (un scientific extremely wild ass guess) game industry KS promote.

Wyrd lost a lot of their previously good reputation with that particular KS campaign. I for one am willing to trust them again. The company is very different than it was then.

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Assembling models is my favorite part of the hobby so that news is kind of a bummer. I actually like the challenge some of the Wyrd kits pose, it fires up my hobby engine. If I could get paid to assemble all day...

If the rules are solid and the minis are awesome, neither of which I doubt, I think it is a small sacrifice to the hobby gods to have another excellent game on the table.

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To be really frank, the thing which annoys me about pre-assembled is going through and fixing minor gaps that the factory worker wasn't paid to worry about.  :angry:

I'll grant that it probably eliminates a lot of customer service work by eliminating most of the missing part requests, but if there was a decent way to split the Tortoise or Hare models back into their components, clean them, and reassemble them, I would.  :mellow:

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3 hours ago, Omenbringer said:

It would seem they have already taken some very positive steps toward remedying a lot of the issues with that previous campaign though. The "bag" announcement coupled with the fact we have already seen some of the titan models strongly indicates this isn't an "I have a neat idea" KS that will require not just the production capital but also time for actual development of the idea. This also means we might see an actually realistic delivery timeline for the product instead of the usual U.S.E.W.A.G. (un scientific extremely wild ass guess) game industry KS promote.

We also know they've done a lot of the rules development already, since they put out a request for beta testers right around the end of the wave 4 closed beta. I have no idea how that's gone, or if it's even still ongoing, but it's an indication that a lot of the work for this product is done and it should be closer to ready than a great many Kickstarters are.

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10 hours ago, Cadaverousbirth said:

Assembling models is my favorite part of the hobby so that news is kind of a bummer. I actually like the challenge some of the Wyrd kits pose, it fires up my hobby engine. If I could get paid to assemble all day...

Yea, I'd take that job in a heartbeat.  I've gotten used to Wyrd's miniatures so that I can assemble them without gaps or misaligning parts.  Kindgom Death helped a lot with that, too.

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9 hours ago, solkan said:

To be really frank, the thing which annoys me about pre-assembled is going through and fixing minor gaps that the factory worker wasn't paid to worry about.  :angry:

I'll grant that it probably eliminates a lot of customer service work by eliminating most of the missing part requests, but if there was a decent way to split the Tortoise or Hare models back into their components, clean them, and reassemble them, I would.  :mellow:

While it's a limited pool, I've had far less seams on the Wyrd prebuilds than from their HIPS models.

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I'm hearing that The Other Side is in a different scale and targets a different audience than Malifaux.  While I can understand the decision behind that, I am also a little disappointed as it precludes cross-breach clashes which could be fun.  I guess that can play out in a TTB campaign.

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Looks like Gmorts has a few more photos up about The Other Side- breaches appear over London and poor confused fishmen pop out and just want to go home, and those ruthless brits begin gunning them down. :(

It looks like theres just the two allegiances so far, The Kings Empire and the Gibbering Hordes. I suppose that means in the Kickstarter the first two to be added will be the Cult of the Burning Man and Abyssinia. I can't find it at the moment, but I feel like we've seen pictures of fiery burning man Other Side models in a preview thread, next to the Titan models. They looked a bit neverborn/gremlin-y, personally.

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