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Clarity on Zoraida's beasts


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I've recently acquired Mama Z's box set as a prize in an event, and I'm intrigued by what she offers. She has an enormous hiring pool, but I don't want to spend money for models that I can't use elsewhere (I play no other NB or Gremlins).

However, I do have plans to have a big pool of models for Marcus to use, so Beast models that work well with Zoraida are perfect choices. My issue, is that I don't which Beasts ,if any, that she can hire are actually good choices. Specifically, I'm looking at Corrupted Hounds, Waldgeists & Wildboars. 

Let's say I get access to all three; 4 Hounds, 2 Walgeists, 3 Wildboars + Zoraida's regular box contents. How much mileage could I get out of these models? What are some other things I should consider buying, that don't dip too deeply into pure NB? I have heard great things about McTavish, and he is a Mercenary I suppose. I can't help but feel like he doesn't do much outside of Gremlins or Swampfiends though?


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Waldgeists are amazing for both Marcus and Zoraida. I'm not a fan of Wildboars and haven't seen Hounds on the table yet, though on paper they seem fine. McTavish is awesome and his synergy with Swampfiends is pretty incidental and not at all needed for him to shine. He is also so expensive that his Merc tax isn't too bad.

But do you play anything else besides Marcus (and Zoraida)? Since if you play Ten Thunders, Illuminated rock with both Zoraida and TT alike. If you play Ressers (or Guild McMourning), Nurses rock. And so on.

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I'd recommend going with the silurid family. So Spawn Mother, Gupps and Silurid. The gupps and silurid both have leap as a 0 action which is awesome. The Spawn mother can make that better by giving everything in 6" +2 Cg. They all have silent and perfect camoflauge so put things on negative flips from Sh and Charge actions. And the spwan mother can make more gupps by laying eggs around the place.

They're great scheme runners and work really well with McTavish too.

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Also a ready source of cheap swamp fiends means you'll threaten to get a lot more use out of Eternal fiend on Bad juju when you're playign Zoraida. 

I like using the Spawn mother with Marcus to increase leap distances for the Blessed and the Cerberus as well. 


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3 hours ago, Math Mathonwy said:

I'm not a fan of Wildboars

I know I'm quoting myself but I was unclear here - I'm not a fan of Wildboars with Marcus. With Zoraida they can be used to deliver Bad Juju quite nicely. You can deliver him using Waldgeists as well (they can get From the Shadows from an Upgrade) but Wildboars are a good choice for that as well. Wildboars also get extra benefit from being Obeyed so can be valid for Zoraida (though not essential by any means). I just don't see their use for Marcus.

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7 hours ago, Kirby said:

I totally read the thread title as "Clarity on Zoraida's Breasts" and was very concerned. 

Haha, damn son I don't even want to imagine. 

11 hours ago, Math Mathonwy said:

Waldgeists are amazing for both Marcus and Zoraida. I'm not a fan of Wildboars and haven't seen Hounds on the table yet, though on paper they seem fine. McTavish is awesome and his synergy with Swampfiends is pretty incidental and not at all needed for him to shine. He is also so expensive that his Merc tax isn't too bad.

But do you play anything else besides Marcus (and Zoraida)? Since if you play Ten Thunders, Illuminated rock with both Zoraida and TT alike. If you play Ressers (or Guild McMourning), Nurses rock. And so on.

Hounds are so cheap as well that they barely touch the ss budget. Everytime Zoraida or Marcus considers hiring a Silurid, I can play 2 dogs for less ss. Depends on schemes & strats, of course, but they also boast more damage. I like that they have a buff to their attacks if they're Obeyed, though admittedly I'm unlikely to be Obeying them if there's better stuff around.

I'm a filthy Arcanist main. I am aiming to dip into Ten Thunders, seeing as I mainly play Mei Feng, so yes, I think Illuminated are a very strong option. They seem to be popular even outside of other Brilliance models.

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Anything out my Neverborn collection that you want to play test before you invest money in them you're welcome to borrow.
I don't have Lilith(yet) or Lynch(will not) and only have scraps from metal dreamer but I have almost everything else... + the Gremlin swampfiend options 

Also if you're looking for a Metal of Ol'Granny'Flappy'Bags I might have one for you...

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Yes I have the dolls, teddy, stitched and weaver its on of the "competitive builds" I run with Zoraida.

Yet to try her with Vasilissa but have plans to get to that.

I have hounds on the way and have all the swampfiends bar anything from wave4.

You can also borrow any pigs, hounds or other beasts out of my collection to try with Marcus.

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