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Struggling to enjoy masters...


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Hi all :D

Im new to the forum, and have pretty much come on here to ask for some advice.

I've not played malifaux in a good while, due to casual life things, and i feel like i really want to get back in the game. Im posting this in the guild section, as i started, and mainly played guild. My first box was the new plastic Lady J crew, i remember seeing the death marshalls in it and was all over it. Soon i realised that i could do absolutely nothing with Lady J, and i was convinced with the amount of times she was being top-deck red jokered that the model was cursed and bought Sonnia. I remember having success with sonnia, but she got boring fast as i found her too "point and click and everything in a 5m radius just dies". I think i then bought Nicodem and could never get around to using him, and i also have Kirai and dont really find her that fun either, shes ok at best, i really only got her as i like the models. The last master i used was McCabe, and i remember him being rather fun to play in guild, but i feel that now im getting back into the game i want a new master from a different faction that i wont get bored of and not use any more, like pretty much every master i've picked up so far, with maybe McCabe as an exception. I think my problem is that I like too many of the different masters in Malifaux, both miniature wise and thematically, and end up not really clicking with the playstyle that much. I really want a master that i can play over and over again and have a different experience with frequently, so a very 3-dimensional gameplay style, and id prefer it if they werent from arcanists or ressers, those are kinda the two factions i dont like the style or look of, with the exception of Kirai and the Asian themed ressers. If anyone could recommend any master from the other factions that they think, judging by my post, i'd enjoy to play, id be really grateful ^_^Im interested in some of the neverborn (im not really into some of the totally off the rails models, but most i like the look of) and TT, and the prospect of gremlins/outcasts is humorous to me but only if theyre kinda tricksy :P 

tl;dr version of post: Bored of old masters, need new, non-arcanist, non-resser masters with shiny models and tricksy, 3-d playstyle

Meta :P

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So you don't like beat-sticks or summoners.

That leaves you with support masters and "control" masters or a mix there of, in my opinion that leaves you with these under the remaining factions

Guild = McCabe, Lucius
Neverborn = Zoraida, Lynch, Collodi, Lucius
Outcasts = Jack Daw, Hamelin possibly Von Schill (for flexibility)
Gremlins = Zoraida, Brew Master possibly Somer (for flexibility)
Thunders = Shen Long, McCabe, Brew Master

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I would recommend a look at Som'er Teeth Jones from the Gremlin faction. Competitive, fun, and supremely versatile. Though a lot of players run him as a summoner he is one of the best support Masters in the game and can run more elite gremlin crews just as well.

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Sounds like you have the same problem I do! I change masters and factions every week lol... I have been playing Lucius a lot recently and as either Guild or NB he is fun, but has a lot to learn and every game is different! Plus if you already own some Guild models you can put them straight to work!! Have you looked at Levi or Hamelin in Outcasts? Both are pretty cool and there's a few different things you can do with them so you can play them over and over again!

Tbh I picked the wrong master to start with and I am now in the same boat as you, so good luck and I feel for you man! Whatever you choose spend some time learning it inside and out and I think you will feel better for it as you will always find something new to do with your master you never knew it could do!

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Jack Daw. Get his sub-faction (the Tormented models) and some of the Outcast standards (Levi's box, Johan) and you should be good to go for a VERY long time.

Sticking to Guild; I like Lucius, McMourning, and Hoffman a lot. Of the three, McMourning is probably the "best" in that he doesn't have many bad match-ups (Hoffman has tons) and he does a lot of what Lucius does (pushing models around, getting extra markers and interacts out) but much more cheaply, and with a much stronger close combat presence. If you are the sort of person that likes banging your head against a brick wall, then Lucius is the most rewarding master in the game.

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2 hours ago, admiralvorkraft said:

If you are the sort of person that likes banging your head against a brick wall, then Lucius is the most rewarding master in the game.

I second the admirals suggestions, especially this part! If Sonnia was boring because she was too straight forward, then Lucius is perfect! He comes at most of the game from a sideways angle and is never boring. He can be frustrating since you have so many weird things you want to do but can't get done so be warned.

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TBH it sounds like you should do what I do, and just buy everything.

I don't think 3-dimensional playstyle literally exists in Malifaux because the game is practically played in only two dimensions. If however, you mean building unnecessarily complicated machinations that sometimes even work properly then I do have some ideas about suitable masters.

Possibly the most complicated master in the whole game. This is because he has several good actions to spend his ap on and only limited amount of ap. Also relies a lot on positioning your models correctly, because his range is shorter than most other support masters. He is rather focused on constructs though, so his crew builds tend not to be as varied as some other masters (but even he can field at least two competitive crews with no models in common).

Has the ability to change his limited upgrades and playstyle in the middle of the game. Can play almost full support or go break some faces. Isn't really limited to any specific models because his abilities work with pretty much everything. Sensei Yu is so good with him that him I would consider almost mandatory inclusion.

Can also vary her playstyle a lot. She can hinder enemy models with her Ca actions from afar or from hiding or hit them in the face with her sword. She can also change between the two in the middle of the game, because she can get all the necessary upgrades for both at the same time. Really doesn't care much what the rest of her crew is doing, so you can play literally anything with her. You can just slap bunch of your favourite neverborn models on the field and have Lilith leading them, and you probably aren't shooting yourself in the leg very badly.

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So after having a general read through of the responses (thanks to all of you btw for your helpful suggestions :) ) Ive concluded:

1. No lucius, Zoraida or mcmourning (models just kinda bore me a bit, though i do like their fluff :P)

2. Von Schill and brewmaster im not a fan of, i've either played or see the way they play and they seem not my cup of tea

3. Lynch, Lilith, Pandora, Hamelin, Collodi, Dreamer, and Gremlins other than brewmaster/pigs are all on the table in terms of what im looking for, and im having a really hard time narrowing it down xD 

So id argue it seems like im into the kinda gothic dark side of malifaux, yet still cant decide on where to start off and what to get xD

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6 hours ago, Meta275 said:

3. Lynch, Lilith, Pandora, Hamelin, Collodi, Dreamer, and Gremlins other than brewmaster/pigs are all on the table in terms of what im looking for, and im having a really hard time narrowing it down xD 

So id argue it seems like im into the kinda gothic dark side of malifaux, yet still cant decide on where to start off and what to get xD

Is Jack Daw not dark enough for you? 

Fine then; Lilith, Lelu/Lillitu, Waldgeists, Silurid and the Nephilim box. That should give you a good balance of mobile killers, tough board control, and solid scheme runners. Plus it's all basically in-theme if that's important to you.

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9 minutes ago, admiralvorkraft said:

Is Jack Daw not dark enough for you? 

The problem i have with Jack Daw is his box to me looks a bit weird. Daw himself is an amazing model, I've always been a fan, but the 3 guilty to me are just laughable, if the torture devices we'rent on the model, and was something along the lines of chained executed prisoners or something, id be fine, but to me, on the tabletop, it just looks like people being chased around by furniture, like some bad (or really good, i guess) scooby doo episode xD its more comedic imo, i mean, montressor literally looks like creeper from the old school cartoons xD Im also heavily considering going for Lynch over lilith for a start, his control seems kinda cool, his card mechanics may help my terrible luck and i like the idea of having a bunch of beckoners and dopplegangers and stuff, movement shenanigans ive been denied in the guild with the exception of The Judge. Probably gonna pick up Lynch, Tannen and Graves, Beckoners and a doppleganger and see where that takes me, would you guys reccomend anything else to go alongside him if im gonna be running him neverborn, or would it be a better idea to run him in thunders (is he just overall stronger with access to thunders stuff)

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1 hour ago, Meta275 said:

The problem i have with Jack Daw is his box to me looks a bit weird. Daw himself is an amazing model, I've always been a fan, but the 3 guilty to me are just laughable, if the torture devices we'rent on the model, and was something along the lines of chained executed prisoners or something, id be fine, but to me, on the tabletop, it just looks like people being chased around by furniture, like some bad (or really good, i guess) scooby doo episode xD its more comedic imo, i mean, montressor literally looks like creeper from the old school cartoons xD

...which is why my crew is all cobbled together and converted. But I know there are people out there who like the Guilty, and I actually really like Montressor's sculpt.

Lynch can run well in either faction. Doppelganger and Terror Tots are great for him in Neverborn, but 10T gives him access to Wastrels and 10T Brothers. He loves anything with a card-discard mechanic so that he can abuse Ace in the Hole. He can take Blood Wretches in either faction (and they are brilliant with him) but they are cheaper in Neverborn.

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