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If you could only take one master to a tournament


What master would you take?  

87 members have voted

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8 hours ago, Dogmantra said:

I think people who'd take Wong every game in a tournament would favour the general strategy of wipe the board then do schemes a bit more than someone who's bringing Som'er or Zoraida. It's not quite as powerful in GG2016 as it was in the rulebook scheme pool but it's still viable. And even though I'm not that great with him, Wong can actually be a pretty nice scheme runner too, with his (0)s being pretty good for achieving and denying marker schemes respectively. I'm not one of the people who actually voted for Wong but I can totally see why you'd take him.

Wong is also super durable. Somer is also durable due to his Loudest Squeel but in a weird way and doesn't really "tank" as such. Wong has Counterspell, Armor, Squeel, and with access to Gremlin healing he is one of the toughest Masters in the game. Which is surprisingly useful.

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11 minutes ago, Tawg said:

Did Shifting Loyalties bring any Wp <4 with it?  I don't think I've heard of anything new that Zorida tries to toy with.

I listed Wind Gamins and Winged Plagues but as noted elsewhere, Shifting Loyalties models tend to have somewhat high stats so the only ones with low Wp are kinda inconsequential.

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Somer Teeth Jones 1st Ed crew box was my buy in to this crazy awesome game.

He was pretty potent back then, but in more of an oblique way. In this version he is versatile, pretty good at switching play even mid game, and also my most played Master. Plus he still amuses me greatly as the Big Hatted, Big Mouth, Belligerent "King of the Gremlins" :P

Little play time in the last few years means I haven't had a huge chance to run out the new crews which Ive been buying up. So for "power" of understanding your own crew I find only Somer and Ophelia are the mix. Ophelia just always seemed a little to "potent" at the one dimensional blasting of stuff compared to Somer's more entertaining antics for me. She certainly has some cool movement shenanigans, but he just does wacky so well.

I figured I'd fall in love with Ulix as the Bacon Baron to Somers King Gremlin, but even Somer still handles his Pre-processed Pork pretty well, and that lets me try new, interesting, and most importantly diverse things even in the heat of the tournament. :)


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On 5/26/2016 at 8:34 PM, MR TORGUE said:

Wow.. Mah Tucket... kinda sad really.. does anyone actually use her?

Ive played around 15 odd games with her. She's by no means our worst master (hello brewy) if you take a hitty crew with her u just sit mid field pushing ur hitters in and out of range so they cant be hit so much by counter attacks, and anything that looks menacing she usually charges into and chops up before pushing out of the way again with her (0)

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On 5/26/2016 at 11:34 AM, MR TORGUE said:

Wow.. Mah Tucket... kinda sad really.. does anyone actually use her?

She's the reason I've just gotten into Gremlins. Had two practice games with her then took her three out of the five games at the English GT this weekend. Had great fun with her in each game (I love swapping between support-pushes and whonking things) and won four of the five games I played.

Also had a fun moment of the Little Lass hunting after the Student of Conflict. Go go totem battle!

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10 hours ago, Tayne said:

She's the reason I've just gotten into Gremlins. Had two practice games with her then took her three out of the five games at the English GT this weekend..... won four of the five games I played.

what Masters did you play against and which one did you loss too?

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1 hour ago, JudgeDread said:

what Masters did you play against and which one did you loss too?

Molly with Mah (won 10-4), Yan Lo with Mah (lost 8-3, I have a blind spot for undercover entourage), Viks with Mah (10-3 win) day one. Day two was Kirai with Wong (only 3-2 win, I chose poorly with schemes and he played it very carefully) and McCabe with Wong (4-7 loss).

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I think Yan Lo is highly underestimated, I haven't seen him played well as Thunders but I've seen him played very well by two different resser players.
He just seems to have a larger learning curve, which would make him an appealing master if I hadn't limited myself to specific numbers outside of Gremlins and Neverborn. 


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Yan Lo was played excellently by Josh Leak, who is one of the Black Jokers and a regular opponent of the current UK number one and a damn good Resurrectionist player (checking rankings, he's only played as Ressers in tournaments, my record is more erratic). Quite simply, he knew his master and crew well, picked the right schemes and then out played me.

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Somer is the obvious choice and who I voted for, but I think Wong can make a strong case, simply because he has a god-mode stat line and brings the pain himself.  You can really take whatever you want in the list and make it work with Wong, and you can also keep it simple strategy wise, which helps win games late in the day when things start to fray.

Zoraida is just not a strong master - sure she is incredible flexible but you will run into situations where you can't impact the game much with her.  She also doesn't get the big wins you want to maximize differential.  I definitely need to try roosters with dynamite tho!

Ulix is a powerhouse in a lot of schemes - but 1 inch melee and low Wp across the board means you will hit some really bad matchups, particularly against outcasts and neverborn.

Mah actually can work well due to the same reasons as wong - set it and forget it, you just need to get closer, which can be a bit trickier. ;)

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Having been a long time player of Gremlin Zoraida, Guy in Suit is right. She's not awful but honestly, she doesn't do much beyond flinging Obey's around. She seems less like a Master and more like a tooled up Henchman. Also, totally right on her and the end game amount of VPs. I find she draws really, really well and denies schemes but struggles to push for them.

On the other side, I think she is utterly golden in Stake a Claim. With three Roosters, she can park three markers down Turn One.

I don't touch Ulix for the simple matter of space! Everything in his crew is huge and I have only so much room. The other five Masters I play tend to have the stats well covered between them though.


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7 hours ago, Dumb Luck said:

She's not awful but honestly, she doesn't do much beyond flinging Obey's around.

Have you considered that there might be your problem :P 

I regularly use one of her AP to draw four or six cards, Voodoo Doll can usually kill/incapacitate a model a turn if employed correctly and proper use of Obey is really, really good. The only thing keeping her from being stellar is that she is squishy as hell if the opponent knows what they're doing.

That said, she isn't Somer/Wong so I guess it all depends on your definition of "strong".

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1 hour ago, Math Mathonwy said:

Have you considered that there might be your problem :P 

I regularly use one of her AP to draw four or six cards, Voodoo Doll can usually kill/incapacitate a model a turn if employed correctly and proper use of Obey is really, really good. The only thing keeping her from being stellar is that she is squishy as hell if the opponent knows what they're doing.

That said, she isn't Somer/Wong so I guess it all depends on your definition of "strong".

I've never tried it and it's the only model I don't have in Gremlin. Would you believe is a good add-on for them? I mean, is there a combination of schemes/Strategy where you believe she can make the difference?

Because - on paper - she looks very fragile and easy to delete.

The obey with built-in mask is undoubtedly strong and versatile, but if it's the only option (together with bind card drawing to a piece) is enough?

Because without many conditions around...the doll part doesn't look amazing.  

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1 hour ago, Blacks85 said:

I've never tried it and it's the only model I don't have in Gremlin. Would you believe is a good add-on for them? I mean, is there a combination of schemes/Strategy where you believe she can make the difference?

Because - on paper - she looks very fragile and easy to delete.

The obey with built-in mask is undoubtedly strong and versatile, but if it's the only option (together with bind card drawing to a piece) is enough?

Because without many conditions around...the doll part doesn't look amazing.  

She is not mandatory by any means. The main thing she brings into the Faction is access to outside help in the form of Waldgeists and Nurses (and Papa for some specific stuff) as well as getting a lot of traction from the (1)Action Charges that Roosters and Pigs have.

That said, she is probably my favourite Gremlin Master. She is crazy versatile and the main thing I love about her is that if there is something that I need accomplishing, I can activate her and get the job done. Her potential is basically limitless.

I also feel that Gremlins get more out of Obey than other factions. This is because they are really fast and really destructive. Being able to focus AP on a single piece acts as a force multiplier.

As for the Doll, well, I never have problems in deleting the model the Doll is Hemmed to. In the best case scenario, the opponent does it himself using up AP due to the Doll Engaging something that doesn't want to be Engaged (I also find that GG2016 Schemes made this more prevalent).

Finally, she is squishy yes but there are ways around it. First of all, she has long ranges on most of her stuff so that helps. Second, you can Obey a Nurse to heal her on her last AP and the Paralyze won't have any effect (only ending the Activation that was about to end anyway). And finally, her defenses do work wonderfully against some things and her Wp ensures that she isn't bothered by some things that can really hamper other Masters. Her squishyness is definitely a big weakness and especially against some things. If the enemy has From the Shadows Snipers and you deploy first, shield her well with your models.

Oh, and Nurses are completely bonkers. They make Moon Shinobis silly (this is more for fun than for serious stuff, though) and heal Lenny really well, for some Gremlin-specific tricks. And that +2 Wk can be a game-changer on Reckless models, just saying.

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16 minutes ago, Math Mathonwy said:

Second, you can Obey a Nurse to heal her on her last AP and the Paralyze won't have any effect (only ending the Activation that was about to end anyway).

Definitively nice, for some reason my brain was sure OBEY denied trigger on prompted actions...but this is only for the poor Jack Daw apparently, nice.

Also obey the rooster or other (1) Charge action is definitively nice, probably more versatile than the rifle of Ulix or upgrade for Tavish.

Well...you make me sad! I thought I could save the $ of her box but I will definitively buy it :D 

Being you the zoraida god - apparently :D - do you think is worth to keep any other thing in its box? I believe not...on a first look.

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2 minutes ago, Blacks85 said:

Well...you make me sad! I thought I could save the $ of her box but I will definitively buy it :D 

Haha, sorry about that :D 

2 minutes ago, Blacks85 said:

Being you the zoraida god - apparently :D - do you think is worth to keep any other thing in its box? I believe not...on a first look.

I don't think that Gremlins get much out of Silurids (Gremlins aren't lacking for Scheme runners) and definitely nothing out of Bad Juju.

Also, I'm definitely no god - Dumb Luck has way, way more tournament experience than I do. But I am a big fan of Zoraida.

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5 minutes ago, Blacks85 said:


...do you think is worth to keep any other thing in its box? I believe not...on a first look.

Bad Juju is awesome for obeying models into targeting it and then paralysing them. 
Silurids are solid scheme runners, prob THE best scheme runners in the game.. 

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2 minutes ago, MR TORGUE said:

Bad Juju is awesome for obeying models into targeting it and then paralysing them.

I would argue that The Sow would be a lot better for that purpose. Not having Access to Eternal Fiend really neuters Bad Juju as he turn from nigh-unkillable to ridiculously squishy.

2 minutes ago, MR TORGUE said:

Silurids are solid scheme runners, prob THE best scheme runners in the game.. 

I would argue that Merris gives them a run for their money. And Francois - not as fast but not afraid of anything. And Roosters aren't bad, either. And a pair of Bayou Gremlins is pretty potent as well.

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2 hours ago, Blacks85 said:

Because without many conditions around...the doll part doesn't look amazing.  

Sammy and/or a Nurse is more than enough for a fantastic Doll condition giver imo. Both of them can pretty easily paralyse the hemmed model: Nurse does it with any crow, and Sammy does it with her horror duel condition, making sure the Doll is away from friendlies, then activating it next and deliberately failing.

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6 hours ago, Math Mathonwy said:

I would argue that The Sow would be a lot better for that purpose. Not having Access to Eternal Fiend really neuters Bad Juju as he turn from nigh-unkillable to ridiculously squishy.

I would argue that Merris gives them a run for their money. And Francois - not as fast but not afraid of anything. And Roosters aren't bad, either. And a pair of Bayou Gremlins is pretty potent as well.

I would agree, not having access to Eternal Fiend really reduces Bad Juju as an option for Zoraida when slumming it in the Bayou.

Also to your list of awesome scheme runners in the Gremlin faction are a pairing of Piglet and Hog Whisperer.

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