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Double Belle bomb


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Anyone ever try it? Seems fun. I just picked up Seamus and 3 extra belles. I was thinking of:

Seamus(Bag, haberdasher, rck)

Sybelle (NTBU, lash)

3x Belle

3x Belle 

1x nurse

4ss pool 

Though it has strengths and weaknesses, the list seems pretty all comers, being able to run schemes when necessary and lure selected enemies to their doom when desired.


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There was a list kicking around played by a very good chicago player slightly after M2Es release that triggered a whole onslaught of both complaints and defense of. List was slightly different as they were using unnerving aura, decaying aura, and the bag and I don't believe they brought upgrades on Sybelle or a Nurse. 

Gist of the matter in my opinion, is that the list is ok if played against inexperienced players or on boards without the correct amount of terrain. Not too good otherwise.

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The biggest weakness is something like the Viktorias with their whirlwind attack. Setting up the Belle Bomb requires a certain amount of proximity and any model which can dish out a lot of damage when it's in the middle of things will easily defeat the strategy. Like many 'trick' lists, I suspect this will catch newer players by surprise and will be easily circumvented by more seasoned players, leaving you with a list that has no real melee power. That doesn't mean it's a bad list, and I actually think you'll learn mastery with the Belles by taking it.

Interestingly, this is probably a pretty good list vs the much-hyped Ratjoy combination, because Lure is an effective way to break the first-turn Killjoy combo.

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"Fun" - people keep using that word, I'm not sure it means what they think it means.:D 

I don't think it is brokenly good but it probably isn't brokenly bad either. There are some schemes that it might not be that great at getting done, some that are almost impossible for it to do and a few lists that could probably mess it up badly. There are probably some players that would call it unejoyable to face on the mere principle of spamming what is probably the games most hated model. 

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which can be summed up with the following: :(:angry:

To which the ressur player responds: :P

For the OP - its not a great list for Turf War, Extraction, Stake a Claim as you are spending your AP to move their models to the place they want to get to. 

If Frame for Murder is in the pool and they see that crew, they can position the sucker to just take all the lures for 2/3 VP.

I'd drop the Mad hat if Neutralise the Commander or Assassinate aren't in the pool. I'd upgrade one of the Belles to a Doxy so the Nurse can do take your meds on her (as she has a better Ml than the Belles, you'd get more out of her hitting whatever it is you have lured). I'd keep RCK though, as you want some mobility for Seamus if your opponent decides to hide his troops after witnessing the Belle Bomb


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8 hours ago, godswearhats said:

Interestingly, this is probably a pretty good list vs the much-hyped Ratjoy combination, because Lure is an effective way to break the first-turn Killjoy combo.

Isn't it also a bit awful against Killjoy since you're luring something into a big ball of models for him to pop out and eat?

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Or if they bring a model with Explosive Demise, or Black Blood, or Terror or Manipulative (belles have rotten wp), or if they have blasts, or really anything that effects a pulse when damaged or killed. That's the big reason I stopped actually intending to bring Belle Bombs. I usually can cobble one together midgame if required to, but actually building for them just became too much of a crap shoot because of all the stuff in the game that wrecks your day if you have lots of clustered up models.

Additionally don't forget via the FAQ if a model is in B2B with a model who then lures it you don't get to move the model, and since they didn't move they don't count as having completed a move, so no Pounces are triggered. The model actually has to change location on the board to count as triggering Pounces.

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7 minutes ago, lusciousmccabe said:

Isn't it also a bit awful against Killjoy since you're luring something into a big ball of models for him to pop out and eat?

Yeah, probably. All of my list building and meta gaming against it is theoretical rather than practical at this point :-) No-one in my area plays Ratjoy that I've seen yet.

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On ‎24‎.‎5‎.‎2016 at 5:59 PM, Kogan Style said:

which can be summed up with the following: :(:angry:

To which the ressur player responds: :P

To be fair, there were lots of talk about the tactics of the Belle list and counter tactics to it. And most of the angry posts have been deleted by the mod (which, incidentally, makes the thread read a bit weird when things seem calm because you can't see the deleted posts and then there's periodical mod responses of "EVERYONE BE CALM NOW!" culminating in closing down the first thread).

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On 24/05/2016 at 4:06 PM, lusciousmccabe said:

Isn't it also a bit awful against Killjoy since you're luring something into a big ball of models for him to pop out and eat?

If you pull apart the rat engine, then the effect of Killjoy is strongly reduced. You just need to remove an already activated rat from the area that allows them to summon the rat king, and they will lose 5 activations as well as the movement on the rats. That probably means killjoy can't be summoned in your half, and will probably hit the table on the 10th or so activation, which might not matter if you have 8 activations, but if you also have 10+ activations, then you'll have a chance to react top it. 

But the trick is to lure just the right amount, not so that it can be killed by your "belle bomb". Unless you can get the rat to a place where they can't fit in Killjoy when you kill it, as he would then unbury in his deployment zone. 

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