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Starting Lucius


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Lucius relies on having strong minions to order around. It's also a big help if the minions can take a beating although a dedicated enforcer or henchman to take on the heaviest enemies is good to have.

Good first buys include Wardens, a Guild Pathfinder and Hoffman's boxed set (since it's currently the only way to get Hunters). Wardens and Pathfinders have great synergy with both Lucius and Dashel on account of being both minions and guardsmen. Having access to a Doppleganger (which Lucius can bring from the neverborn faction) can also be handy since it lets you control initiative flips, can tie up enemy heavy hitters and is a very capable schemer. Austringers are genereally considered a good addition to any guild list, unfortunately they don't get bonuses from Dashel.

Lucius generally struggles in killy strategies and schemes but can shine when a lot of scheming is needed. He is considered tricky to get the most out of.


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I really would like to try Lucius with the Emissary. 

The potential 3 Wds heal  for minions with the (0) and Conflux and potential 4 dmg for Lucius really can make him a damage dealer and allows him to spend his AP on something besides paralyzing your crew ;)

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3 minutes ago, trikk said:

I really would like to try Lucius with the Emissary. 

The potential 3 Wds heal  for minions with the (0) and Conflux and potential 4 dmg for Lucius really can make him a damage dealer and allows him to spend his AP on something besides paralyzing your crew ;)

Yep, it should work well for him. You can always try it in a vassal game for now, maybe next wednesday? ^_^

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Lucius was very good for me in 2015 Gaining Grounds. I've only fielded him twice in 2016 so I can't say much aside from the fact that Hunting Party and Show of Force are not his strong suit as he likes to have a good amount of Minions with 1-2 Henchman/Enforcer models. Models I take/took:

Normal Range Commands

  • Hunters
    • Hunters get a bonus for attacking models which have not yet activated. Lucius could get an extra AP out of Hunters with their bonuses, plus giving them the focused condition will help a lot especially with their chain harpoon.
    • Also they benefit from Lucius's bonuses to Ml attack actions if they stay close to him. There is a reason why there was once Lucius art with him petting a hunter.
  • Death Marshals
    • Sometimes you take an Executioner or other slow close ranged model. Pinebox then move is two AP and you are only moving 5 inches. With Lucius you can up that to 15 inches of movement. He can issue command and commanding presence.
  • Witchling Stalkers
    • Extra AP means an extra condition removal.
  • Sanctioned Spellcaster
    • Because Arcane Shield goes away when it activates every extra AP keeps that shield up.

For long Range Commands

  • Warden
    • Good 6ss model in general, has :+fate to horror duels which helps when Lucius uses Commanding Presence
  • Guild Rifleman
    • These guys are the keystone of a Lucius gunline. They are not my personal favorite, but they work in any case.
  • Mounted Guard
    • I'm still learning the model, but the mounted Guard is very durable for me and is great at getting into Melee.
  • Changelings
    • I've not used them, but going up against them these guys are sick. Combo them with Austringers and you have Austringer attacks at a Sh3
  • Guild Lawyer
    • :+fate to horror duels to nearby models is amazing and helps a lot. Also the Guild Lawyer's themselves have some pretty good cast actions.
  • Guild Pathfinders
    • Generally they are alright. They benefit greatly from Queeg as they have two 0 actions and getting two out a turn is great.
  • Guild Hounds
    • I haven't used them too often.

Henchman/Enforcers I'd take:

  1. Queeg
    • Great instead of Dashel, imo. Though I've been list theorying with him recently.
  2. Dashel
    • Not the best in every list, but he is a force multiplier for Guardsmen.
  3. Francisco
    • The Upgrade model, not much to say. Lucius's swap places ability does work on non-minions so if Lucius does get engaged he can swap out Francisco and then Franc can flurry.
  4. Brutal Emissary
    • Gives out healing to nearby minions and gives Lucius an alright melee attack. Haven't used him yet because of the Cost
  5. Ryle
    • I just hear he is good, I've got no basis for that however.
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Ive been out of the lucius game for a little while but I liked him with lucius because they dont need each other.  Ryle has plus flips on his gun so doesnt need cards.  Lucius is card hungry.  lucius liked midrange cards, and besides tomes, ryle doesnt need those.  Ryle operates well without support, leaving lucius to focus on his minions.   The only thing I would have them do together was first turn.  I sometimes would use lucius to walk twice (commanding presence on 2 guardsmen) and then thats what lackeys are for ryle into the middle of the board.  All the sudden your opponent has to deal with an immediate problem, and if ryle is in danger he can shoot twice then use his zero to push back.  If you want, you can also push him forwards, likely giving him a turn 1 charge on someone.

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3 hours ago, 4thstringer said:

Ive been out of the lucius game for a little while but I liked him with lucius because they dont need each other.  Ryle has plus flips on his gun so doesnt need cards.  Lucius is card hungry.  lucius liked midrange cards, and besides tomes, ryle doesnt need those.  Ryle operates well without support, leaving lucius to focus on his minions.   The only thing I would have them do together was first turn.  I sometimes would use lucius to walk twice (commanding presence on 2 guardsmen) and then thats what lackeys are for ryle into the middle of the board.  All the sudden your opponent has to deal with an immediate problem, and if ryle is in danger he can shoot twice then use his zero to push back.  If you want, you can also push him forwards, likely giving him a turn 1 charge on someone.

There is a reason they were in the same starter back in the old days ;) 

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On 2. 4. 2016 at 1:43 PM, 4thstringer said:

Ive been out of the lucius game for a little while but I liked him with lucius because they dont need each other.  Ryle has plus flips on his gun so doesnt need cards.  Lucius is card hungry.  lucius liked midrange cards, and besides tomes, ryle doesnt need those.  Ryle operates well without support, leaving lucius to focus on his minions.   The only thing I would have them do together was first turn.  I sometimes would use lucius to walk twice (commanding presence on 2 guardsmen) and then thats what lackeys are for ryle into the middle of the board.  All the sudden your opponent has to deal with an immediate problem, and if ryle is in danger he can shoot twice then use his zero to push back.  If you want, you can also push him forwards, likely giving him a turn 1 charge on someone.

Doesnt "What Lackeys are for" work only on minions?

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1 minute ago, Archilus said:

Oh wait yeah, I mistook it for Issue command

Understandable. It's pretty much his only ability that works on non-Minions. It wouldn't surprise me if he could only hit Minions with his sword. :D

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25 minutes ago, Hagisman said:

What Lackeys are For seems to me like an often overlooked action. i've used it all the time to get Francisco or Executioner within Melee range. Especially Francisco if I'm engaged as he can then get Flurry off.

Without a doubt the best ability on his card.

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1 hour ago, TeoKoz said:

I want to use it to drop Francisco with Diestro on some model, then shoot its face off with no chance to respond (like companioning a Rifleman or something).

Lucius gets charged, drop Francisco in on Lucius's activation. Lucius then Issues Command on first Rifleman(hopefully with :ram for focus), then Issues Command on second Rifleman (hopefully with :ram for focus) . O action to Hidden Sniper. Companion Guild Rifleman.

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Hello everyone, it's my first post here :) not so long ago i bought Lucius crew box and today i've played my first real game. And i have a question, because i didn't find answer neither in rulebook or faq/errata. Can Lucius use he's "What lackeys are for" ability while engaged? My enemy told that he couldn't cause it was interaction (you place a scheme marker) and you mustn't use any interaction action in engagement, was it right? 

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8 minutes ago, patrykus2010 said:

Hello everyone, it's my first post here :) not so long ago i bought Lucius crew box and today i've played my first real game. And i have a question, because i didn't find answer neither in rulebook or faq/errata. Can Lucius use he's "What lackeys are for" ability while engaged? My enemy told that he couldn't cause it was interaction (you place a scheme marker) and you mustn't use any interaction action in engagement, was it right? 

It isn't an interact action and you can use it while engaged just fine. There are other ways to place scheme markers aside from interact actions and many of them can be used while engaged.

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I play Guild Lucius quite a bit.  I'd even go as far to say he's my favorite Guild Master; and probably my second favorite master overall (after Collodi, who he plays a lot like).

I've been running him with 3 Guild Hounds in a Hunting Pack, roving the board, laying down scheme markers; all while tying up big, bad melee models with Lucius, and charging them with the dogs (who are surprisingly good melee models with the +flip from Lucius).  Since I often run him with Legalese, I can really hammer my opponent's scheme running at the end of the game (so not so great for Gaining Grounds, but good for the rulebook missions).

Meanwhile, I've got a back line of Riflemen and Dashel, blasting away at whatever threats are (currently) rearing their ugly heads.  The two lawyers I usually take are playing midfield, one behind the Lucius hunting pack and one hanging out around the riflemen, in case Lucius wants to command them to do something.

I've seen a lot of tactics and whatnot pan Lucius for being hard to use or people feel like he's not good...I think he's really, really solid.  Once you realize that it's not about him, and about using him to get your other models to kill stuff, he's great.

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1 hour ago, Vilicate said:

I play Guild Lucius quite a bit.  I'd even go as far to say he's my favorite Guild Master; and probably my second favorite master overall (after Collodi, who he plays a lot like).

I've been running him with 3 Guild Hounds in a Hunting Pack, roving the board, laying down scheme markers; all while tying up big, bad melee models with Lucius, and charging them with the dogs (who are surprisingly good melee models with the +flip from Lucius).  Since I often run him with Legalese, I can really hammer my opponent's scheme running at the end of the game (so not so great for Gaining Grounds, but good for the rulebook missions).

Meanwhile, I've got a back line of Riflemen and Dashel, blasting away at whatever threats are (currently) rearing their ugly heads.  The two lawyers I usually take are playing midfield, one behind the Lucius hunting pack and one hanging out around the riflemen, in case Lucius wants to command them to do something.

I've seen a lot of tactics and whatnot pan Lucius for being hard to use or people feel like he's not good...I think he's really, really solid.  Once you realize that it's not about him, and about using him to get your other models to kill stuff, he's great.

I'll try and run a list like this and see if makes me more comfortable with Lucius in 2016. I used to run him a lot, but knowing that someone is still getting a lot out of him(granted rulebook schemes, but still) will keep me from abandoning him completely.

Current List i'll try out for Reconnoiter/Interference:

Guild - 50ss Crew

Lucius -- 5SS Cache
+Secret Assets - 2ss

  • Captain Dashel - 9ss
  • Guild Hound - 3ss
  • Guild Hound - 3ss
  • Guild Hound - 3ss
  • Guild Lawyer - 6ss
  • Guild Lawyer - 6ss
  • Guild Rifleman - 5ss
  • Guild Rifleman - 5ss
  • Nino Ortega - 7ss


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1 hour ago, Hagisman said:

I'll try and run a list like this and see if makes me more comfortable with Lucius in 2016. I used to run him a lot, but knowing that someone is still getting a lot out of him(granted rulebook schemes, but still) will keep me from abandoning him completely.

Current List i'll try out for Reconnoiter/Interference:

Guild - 50ss Crew

Lucius -- 5SS Cache
+Secret Assets - 2ss


  • Captain Dashel - 9ss
  • Guild Hound - 3ss
  • Guild Hound - 3ss
  • Guild Hound - 3ss
  • Guild Lawyer - 6ss
  • Guild Lawyer - 6ss
  • Guild Rifleman - 5ss
  • Guild Rifleman - 5ss
  • Nino Ortega - 7ss



It will be rather difficult to compete in reconnoiter/interference with that list because you will be losing models fast once your opponent gets in melee range. You also don't have enough oomph to outshoot guild, outcasts or gremlins, nor enough damage that ressers can't outlast you, and arcanists and neverborn will be in your face so fast that you won't even know what hit you.

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My 50pt-er is pretty similar, and I don't have many issues out-shooting people:

Lucius w/ Legalese and Secret Assets

The Scribe

Captain Dashel

3 x Guild Hound

3 x Guild Riflemen

2 x Guild Lawyer


The crazy amount of double or triple positive flips attack flips means that I don't often have to worry about cover with the shooting; plus if I really want to I can shoot like 9 times in one turn with the riflemen, all often with at least one positive flip to hit (focus for 0).

If you're using good cover it's hard to nail the Hounds and Lucius.  Yeah, pretty much they're going to die, but they're absolutely going to do damage before they're gone.  Shooting can clean up what's left.  I'm also basing my analysis on our local group, with our particular meta.  So your mileage may vary.

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