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Painters Challenge 2016 - APRIL


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This is the thread for APRIL.  Please post an update with your completed MARCH pledge with the soulstone value and I will update the tracking sheet.

Feel free to use this thread to post WIP pohots (if you so desire), get feedback, trade ideas and hobby tips as we forge a path through April.

When you have completed your pledge, feel free to post it, but I'd like everyone to post at the start of MAY with their completed pledge photo and stone value for APRIL - this will make it a lot easier for me to keep track of where everyone is up to. You can also PM me with your completed pledge if you like, and I'll add it to our tracker.

If you see any errors in the tracker please let me know (again, PM is more likely to be spotted).


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Here is my completed pledge for MARCH.  If memory serves, this is a total of 6 stones, but as I only pledged for Minion level, they will count as my max of 5.

Had a lot of fun with the transparent Ice Gamin, I was really nervous about starting the transparant models as I was afraid of messing them up, but I think he worked out ok!  Still not 100% sure about the snow base, I think I need to build the drifts up a bit more.  Any tips on snow bases would be appreciated :)

The Jackalope was a basecoated model I never got arond to finishing, I thought he was going to be quick to do because he's small, but it turned out to be the opposite!  I'd originally planned to do badlands bases for my Markus crew, but decided to add a bit of vegetation to represent the ground bursting into new life.  It stops everything looking a bit boring and overly brown.

I shall try to get some better photos done once I've varnished these guys tonight!


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This is what I painted during March:

Johan - 6
Malifaux Child - 2
Coryphee - 2x7
Coryphee Duet base - 0
Mannequins - 2x4
Izamu - 10
Necropunk - 3x5
The Hanged - 2x9

73 Soulstones

Individual pictures and some commentary can be found in my painting thread.

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A whole month in, and I haven't caved yet! Amazing.... :P

First, comments!

Vai - awesome as always, you never fail to make me go slightly green with envy at your ludicrous ability :P

Bengt - love the models - I especially like the wicker hoop skirts on the Mannequins! :)


So, my painted stuff for March is as follows:


1x Brutal Effigy - 4

1x Hodgepodge Effigy - 4

4x Marionettes - 12

1x Collodi - 15 (Master)

1x Vasalisa - 9

For a grand total of 44SS - since I pledged at Enforcer level, I think I'm fairly well ahead now! 

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Here are the minis I painted in March:


They include two models I declared at the start:

Teddy 11ss

Widow Weaver 8ss

but I also managed to paint three more:

Tuco 7ss

Freikorps Specialist 8ss

Freikorps Trapper 6ss

for a total of 40 soulstones  Vow: Master (15-30SS)

Pictures of all models can be found here: Widow and Teddy, Tuco, Freikorpsman.


My plan for April is to paint at least these two models (Mr Graves 8ss and Barbaros 10ss) for a total of 18ss. I'll try to add more but Dark Souls 3 comes out April 12th so I have to be cautiously realistic ;) 


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Ulix 15 pts

Gracie 9 pts

Hog Whisperer 5 pts

Piglet 4 pts

Vowed for master so that's an easy 30 pts. Hope I will keep up up the pase in the upcoming months!


April will have me completing the Ulix box, Burt Jebsen should be arriving this week, will add him to the april vow aswell


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Shenlong- 15

Sensei Yu- 8

Peasants x2- 4

A little quick and dirty, but I am very happy with them. Also finished off a necropunk for funsies. Apologies for my horrible lighting.

For April I pledge at least the following:


Toshiro- 9

Ama No Zako- 9

May even try to throw Izamu or the Lone Swordsman in.

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Oh right. Primed and ready for next month(s) are Vengeful Spirits, a Flesh Construct (a lightly converted Carver), 4 Falcon Gunships, 2 Raven/B dropships, 2 Scimitar tank destroyers. I plan to place an order for the last couple of months of Malifaux stuff I'm interested in soonish. Priorities there will probably be Arcane Effigy, Silent Ones, Angelica, and Snow Storm. I tend to build slowly and meticulously though, savouring the many parts of typical Malifaux kits (I'm not being sarcastic here, I love building), so who knows when they'll be ready.

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Finally my March:


Vanessa (8ss), Hans (8ss), 3x crooligans (12ss), Iggy (5ss), 3x gaki (12ss) 3x seishin (???)= 45ss


In April...


Datsueba (8), 2x shikome (16), 3x desdichados incoscientes (12), bestia del vacío (10), bestia nigromántica (10), Tara (15ss), Karina (5ss), Sue (8ss)= 84ss

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Great work from everyone so far!

As a heads-up I'm just keeping track of maximum pledge values on the tracking sheet (for example, I pledged to to 1-5 stones a month and painted more, I'm recording that as a max of 5).  However, if you want to keep a running total of your extra efforts, feel free!

As for April, I can't quite decide if I should carry on with the transparent crew or pay some attention to Marcus and his beasts...

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1 hour ago, Vaiuri said:

As for April, I can't quite decide if I should carry on with the transparent crew or pay some attention to Marcus and his beasts...

I'd say: what motivates you the most! Are you a bit fed up of the transparent crew? It's true that it makes more sense to finish the transparent crew first given all the work you have done, but you can always come back to them in May. In the end, if you are motivated, you will paint.

Edit: sorry, I've just understood that the three pictures of ice gamin represent the same guy and not three ice gamins. Still, I think the main message is valid.

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Two Viks (15 stones each?) + Taelor (10) + Ronin (6) = 46 stones painted in March!

Next month might be more of a challenge - I'm away for three weeks, and have the next Iron Painter model to do in that time! But if there is time, I'll be doing two more Ronin, Vanessa, and Student of Conflict.


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