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Rezers'r missing a Miss

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So in April, my Arco friend is planning on getting Miss Step.  I'm currently hunting down Miss Terious for my Guild friend.  I know the 10T player will have his hands on Miss Anne Thrope eventually.  And whoever grabs up Neverborn among our entourage will probably get Miss Ery (tho how you can tell a boy teddy bear from a girl, I have no idea.)

So I've been searching around my main faction, Rezers, and I don't see a Miss of any kind.  Sure, the faction is dominated by the ladies already, but that's really Seamus's fault.  And, I guess you can count Dr. Dufresne if you'd like.  Tho, McMourning is duel faction, and she's not a Miss named model.  And Tara can bring Miss Terious, but Tara is duel factioned "not" Rezer, too.

Maybe I'm missing her.  If she doesn't exist, here are some ideas;

My favorite (because stupid stuff amuses me) is a female Seamus called Miss O'Janist.  Or maybe a female Hanged called Miss Demeanor.  That name would be good for a Crooligan or a Flesh Construct, too, maybe.  A Drowned call Miss Placed?  It's too bad Yin is already female, 'cause then she could be Miss Stake.... but then, she's also duel faction. 

Anyways, roll with this pun, throw me some ideas, make me laugh...

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Took me a second to get Miss O'Janist...

But yeah, I don't think the Miss Models extend to every Faction, it's not as much about being far as.. catering to the popular ones :P  Or perhaps, more simply, as ideas strike the Wyrd folks, who take them to make cool models.  But I doubt they're looking to really "Spread the love" strictly for that reason alone, so I wouldn't hold my breath for a Miss Resser

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It's rumored that the 2016 Miss will be Arcanist, as it was a prize for placement in the Nythera event and Rezzers got stomped in that. (The discussion of the potential Miss brought the laughs, and the potential Guild Nightmare the whimpers of "please stop being horrible HORRIBLE people".) Also, are you sure you counted Miss Pack the original Miss, a Nurse?

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