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New player starting Guild


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Hi there,

I am a longtime wargamer from Germany but absolutely new to Malifaux. I first fell in love with the Death Marshall models. They look awesome as hell. That´s the main reason why I wanted to start with the Guild :)

I got the 2-Player Starter Set for Christmas and now I want to expand my Guild forces. Since the Death Marshalls are included in the Lady Justice Box Set, this is pretty much an instant buy. The other models in the box are also absolutely awesome. I was always a big fan of melee combat, so Lady J with her big sword is just right up my alley. I have also read that Sonnia Criid would be a good addition to the Guild models from the starter set. That would be master number two for me. At this point I am not so sure what I should add to my Guild forces. Regarding the other masters, I am not a big fan of the Ortegas, but Francisco seams to be one of the best Guild henchmen. I also don´t like McCabe. On the other hand I am a big fan of McMourning, but I´ve read that the stuff in his box set is partially only usable with the filthy Ressers. I also like the idea of Hoffman and his constructs, especially his ability to hire some of the awesome looking Arcanists constructs (Rail Golem, Howard Langston). Furthermore I could get Lucius for a very good price. Since I can´t buy all of them, which masters besides Lady J and Sonnia would you recommend for a beginner or would it be more clever to just buy these two masters and expand with other minion, enforcer and henchmen boxes? There are some boxes that caught my attention (Peacekeeper, Ryle, Austringers, Abuela, Brutal Effigy, Guild Hounds, Witchling Handlers).


Greetings Vader


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I'd say the two crew boxes will give you plenty to play with for a while, you could get them and a couple of boosters and play a tonne of games with different list set ups before getting a new master. You're also completely right to start with crew boxes, it's a much better idea than buying (for example) a box of Death Marshals separately. 

After you feel comfortable with Lady Justice, Sonnia and the stand alone models you could pick up McMourning and/or Lucius. They're both gaered more towards winning on scheme points that killing enemy models (particularly Lucius) so you'll get a different experience of the game from playing them, even with familiar models. All the models in the McMourning box are playable in Guild thanks to one of his upgrades. He does get options in Resurrectionists that aren't available in guild and vice-versa, but the box is set up to work with either. Same with Lucius actually, but for Neverborn.



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I wouldn't recommend getting too many masters too soon. You should be able to learn to play just fine with Justice and Sonnia. Once you have few dozen games under your belt you will probably be able to figure out some good additions on your own. If you want to to get some models from outside crew boxes to bolster your ranks, I would recommend getting Austringers, Brutal Effigy and possibly either Peacekeeper or Ryle.

Since you don't like the Latigo Posse, I would recommend you keep an eye out for any Franciscos people might be selling separately. He just got an alternate model during Black Friday, so relatively many people might be willing to part with the model that comes in the crew box. It wouldn't hurt to ask in the trade subforum either...

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Just now, Franchute said:

I'm new too. Somebody recommended me the executioners. Do you place Peacekeeper or Ryle are above these guys?

Both of them and way above. Executioners are slow and really fragile for their cost. Ryle and Peacekeeper are difficult to kill and hit hard. Peacekeeper has higher damage and durability of the two, but Ryle is faster and he can heal and use soulstones.

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17 minutes ago, Myyrä said:

Both of them and way above. Executioners are slow and really fragile for their cost. Ryle and Peacekeeper are difficult to kill and hit hard. Peacekeeper has higher damage and durability of the two, but Ryle is faster and he can heal and use soulstones.

Excellent. Thanks.

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I'd just like to second Myyrä on the executioners - they generally don't work as well as Ryle or the Peacekeeper. Since you're just starting out you might make do with the henchmen from the starters and just keep these two on the short list for the future.

The brutal effigy is handy with both of your favoured masters and the biggest drawback of the guild starter boxes is a lack of cheap schemers which it solves nicely. Those two boxes and maybe the effigy should get you far enough to figure out what you want next. Austringers are generally awesome on the verge of considered overpowered so everyone will probably suggest you get them sooner rather than later. I'd get the couple of starters and just play for a couple of weeks unless you need to order in bulk.

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Thanks for all the advice :)


20 hours ago, Ludvig said:

I'd get the couple of starters and just play for a couple of weeks unless you need to order in bulk.

My problem is that Wayland Games offers 20% discount on the whole Malifaux range and the exchange rate of Euro to British Pound is very favourable. I have set myself a limit of 300 Euro for my order and I think it will be 100% Malifaux stuff. I´m also starting Gremlins and will buy some Ressers for my wife, therefore I can´t spend the whole budget on Guild. I would estimate that I have around 150 Euro for the Guild stuff. Lady J and Sonnia would be 40% of my Guild budget, with Ryle, Brutal Effigy and the Austringers I would be at 60% of the budget. Even then I still have around 40% of the money to spend on other Guild stuff. Are the minions of Hoffman and Lucius good additions to Lady J or Sonnia?

I understand that it can be a problem if I have too many masters too soon but maybe I can use the rest of their boxes with Lady J and Sonnia before I start to learn playing Hoffman and Lucius.

McMourning is also an intriguing option because of my wife´s preference for the ressers. She could use the Resser stuff of McMourning with her new Seamus crew and I can play Guild McMourning :)

So at this point, my purchase list would look like this:

Lady J, Sonnia, Ryle, Brutal Effigy, Austringers, two out of the following three (Hoffman, McMourning, Lucius)


What do you think? Is it overkill? I tend to go in this direction very easily ;) Otherwise I would reduce my Malifaux budget and buy some 4Ground Terrain :)


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Models in Lucius crewbox are near useless to anyone except himself and McCabe. Playing Lucius would pretty much require buying some other good minions as well.

All the minions in Hoffman's box are good enough to be used with other masters as well. The only downside is that actually playing Hoffman effectively would require some additional constructs as well (Peacekeeper and Ryle would work).

McCabe's box has Sidir, who is quite good with McMourning and Lady Justice, but beyond that the box doesn't have much to offer to other masters. Wastrels really aren't very good.

McMourning's box can't be used with any other Guild masters, but he doesn't need anything too special to function either. He also has some nice synergies with Judge.

I would recommend getting Hoffman and McMourning. Hoffman, because his minions are good in most Guild crews, and McMourning, because your wife would really benefit from those Nurses (and I suppose you could play some Guild McMourning as well).

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McMourning box has nothing you can use in guild as long as you don't take a good doctor himself as a master, but he is fun to play. I see your start is similar to mine - I got Lady J and Sonnia, then bought a Lucius box... And so on, now the only boxes I lack are Hoffmann, Pale Rider and Ryle xd 

Soo... I think that Lucius box is kinda weak. Personally I like the lawyers, even more as I mainly play against Neverborn, but to be honest they are not must have and as time goes on I tend to take other models. Guild guards - I could say that I like them but they don't make it to get into my lists often, they are very weak on offense and slow, tgough sometimes  surprisingly resilient. Sometimes not :P And I find Dashel very lackluster, so I don't recommend it for you.

Hoffmann box is my next purchase, because I really like Hunters on paper and heard good things about them, same about watcher. So I would recommend this for you, I think hunters and watcher could work very nice with Sonnia. Can't speak about a Lady J, tried her twice this year and she is definitely not for me.. Her box though is very nice.

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I consider the following releases "Core":

Crew Boxes

Justice - Mostly for Death Marshals, but the Judge is pretty sweet as well and Lady J herself is a good master to learn the game with.
Sonnia - Witchling Stalkers provide important tools and Sonnia is among the absolute best Masters.
Perdita - Another extremely powerful master plus the best Henchman in the faction.  Papa Loco is also a great model that fits in well with the starter set.


Austringers - Probably our best overall Minion; rather faction defining.
Brutal Effigy - Most of our masters love this guy and even those that don't love his buff find value in an amazing little scheme runner.
Peacekeeper - Our best "superheavy".  He's our big, reliable beast and works with anyone.

As far as the rest of the Crew boxes:

Crew Boxes

Hoffman - Great addition.  Watcher is fantastic and the Hunter is a great minion.  Hoffman himself is loads of fun, but really wants a few Arcanist releases that don't work elsewhere.  I'm pretty borderline considering him a core purchase though.  Watchers are that good.
McMourning - His box set only works for him, and even then not all of it, but you can get quite a bit adding him and a Nurse to the core listed above, and sharing with the wife is always advised.
McCabe - His box is a little meh.  Sidir is cool, but pricy and the Wastrels are very forgettable.  McCabe himself is spectacular, but demands a purchase of Hounds, so I generally recommend him only after you've got some of the core stuff purchased if you want to play the master.
Lucius - Really not terribly impressed with the contents of his box.  Lawyers are ok, but in a point bracket with some spectacular alternatives.  Lucius himself isn't quite as compelling as other masters either, IMO.  Definitely low on my priority list.

Some good other single additions include Guild Pathfinder, Hounds (primarily for McCabe) and the Pale Rider.

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1 hour ago, Ludvig said:

What the others said above. Hoffman for his awesome models. I'd advise you to stay away from Lucius since he would be nearly impossible to play in an effective way without several other purchases, many of which are from other factions.

You could have probably just ended that sentence after the word "way."

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7 hours ago, admiralvorkraft said:

You could have probably just ended that sentence after the word "way."

Haha, you may be right. I just haven't given up on him yet. They should add a strategy were only kills made by minions count or every kill by a non-minion model gave the enemy VP. If that was true he might just barely make it to being on the top half on the power curve. ;) 

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Oh, Lucius is cool, and the Guild Guards are underrated imo.

But as you have the starter, you maybe didn`t need more cheap units for the beginning (but because of the Starter Box it would be a first option into the NvB faction). So Hoffmann would maybe the better choise and instead a 4th master you maybe should take something separate, like the Guild Pathfinder, his Traps could really make a difference and take a glance on the Performers, wich are Arcanists, but also Mercenaries and could deal poisoned enemies more than well.

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Alright, Hoffman seems to be a good choice if his minions are also usable with Lady J and Sonnia. I also have no problems with expanding into the Arcanists territory to get a few more constructs for him in the future. Regarding the last master, I am leaning towards McMourning because he would help building a nice Resser crew for my wife. I know that I can´t use everything from his box but I think that I should have enought choice with the three other Guild crew boxes, Austringers, Brutal Effigy, Ryle and maybe Peacekeeper :)

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3 hours ago, Vader2097 said:

Alright, Hoffman seems to be a good choice if his minions are also usable with Lady J and Sonnia. I also have no problems with expanding into the Arcanists territory to get a few more constructs for him in the future. Regarding the last master, I am leaning towards McMourning because he would help building a nice Resser crew for my wife. I know that I can´t use everything from his box but I think that I should have enought choice with the three other Guild crew boxes, Austringers, Brutal Effigy, Ryle and maybe Peacekeeper :)

I'm the new player talking, but I read in Pull my finger that, with McMorning, you can also expand towards arcanists as you can play the performers in a McMourning Guild crew.

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5 minutes ago, Franchute said:

I'm the new player talking, but I read in Pull my finger that, with McMorning, you can also expand towards arcanists as you can play the performers in a McMourning Guild crew.

Performers are Mercenaries, so you can take them literally in any crew. I personally don't think they are that fantastic with Guild McMourning.

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Performers are fun with McMourning and certainly worth trying, but certainly not first string stuff I would recommend to a new player.  They're more the kind of model you pick up when you've got a handle on the core rules and want to try experimenting and finding combinations of your own.

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I just placed my order now. Peacekeeper didn´t get in, but I ordered Lady J, Sonnia, McMourning, Hoffman, Ryle, Brutal Effigy and Austringers :) Since the models in the starter box are good fits for Sonnia I will start playing with her and blast the **** out of the filthy Ressers^^

Regarding the Arcanists, I also like the Colette box set. In the forseable future, I will definetly purchase some Archanist stuff. The Rail Golem looks stunning and I really like the whole stuff from the Ramos box set, especially Howard Langston. He looks like a cyber drider:D Hoffman will be excited to get these new toys ;)

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Hoffman runs the Ramos box quite well.  The two Arcanist models he runs better than Arcanists do is the Steam Archnid Swarm and the Rail Golem, fwiw, but Joss and Howard are crazy good with him as well.  I'd also be sure to pick up a Metal Gamin, as looping to Ca 8 is pretty awesome.

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