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UK Nationals 2016 - 12-13 November


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3 Questions:


1) How will the reserve list work? Will the players (especially international ones) know if they have a spot?

2) To get best painted do you have to paint the miniatures yourself or commision paint jobs are entitled too?

3) I assume schemes are predefined? When do you think we will know them?



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35 minutes ago, trikk said:

3 Questions:


1) How will the reserve list work? Will the players (especially international ones) know if they have a spot?

2) To get best painted do you have to paint the miniatures yourself or commision paint jobs are entitled too?

3) I assume schemes are predefined? When do you think we will know them?



I'm sure Mike will answer shortly, but based on previous years

1 The reserve list has been a 1 out 1 in system. The last couple of years Nationals has had a resevre list, and at least 20 people from the list have made it as people drop out. But you may not know until a week or so before hand. 

3 The strategies and schemes and deployment are likely to be given out once you arrive at your table for the round. No advance knowledge for anyone. 

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Basically what Adran said, its 1 in 1 out on reserves.  P

You have to have painted your own models to enter

On strats and schemes I run a system where you are given the strats and schemes at the beginning of each round.  There is then a 10 minute period to pick your crew and get the game underway.  So nobody has pre knowledge and no planning overnight.  I ran it this way last year and it worked very well.  There were definite concerns from the players before the event happened that it would cause issues but I had nothing but good feedback on it, hence keeping it for this year.

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