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Why Molly when you can Nico?


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Okay, i confess, i am yet to play a game with Molly. I do own her though and eyeing up expanding her as and when models come up....however, i've played one game with Nico and while I can see Molly doesn't need the corpse counters to summon from, her summons aren't as "healthy" (wrong word considering they are dead but....well, you know). Nico can also hand out slow/fast like sweeties. 

So, why would I go for Molly over Nico. As someone about to leap into ressers after the GT i'd welcome your thoughts....8)


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Molly's got a more aggressive and engaging style (IMO) - her various mechanics encourage you to get up close and personal with the enemy, while Nico prefers to hang back and send others to do his bidding (and isn't fond of the enemy getting too close). Molly's more mobile (especially with Sybelle), and she's packing serious debuffs. She can still hand out some extra AP, and can also double up on summoning more easily - all those Corpses that you're not otherwise using can be put towards Spare Parts.

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Nicodem giving out fast or slow takes his AP to do so. Giving out slow requires the target actually be more effective than a Master's AP or you've traded down. Giving out fast essentially gives a delayed AP, because Nico is sacrificing his AP to do so.

Molly first of all can utilize black blood, which adds up if used well, and allows for cluster bomb tactics. She is also the only master that can more reliable use a Belle Bomb tactic (clustering Belles for more attacks due to pounce when Lure is Utilized) against NB. Try the tactic with Seamus or another master and watch your cluster of belles potentially get shredded by Black Blood. 

Molly is more mobile than Nicodem, so having her move around and help contribute to scenarios which requires a model in a specific area is more useful with her than Nicodem. Especially when you consider the boost in movement Sybelle can give her, as well as Call Belle, as well as Molly's triggers.

Molly can often utilize her summons more efficiently because she has accomplice built in and doesn't have to take an upgrade to get the same effect.

Molly can use a 0 action to just give an specific model, (Horror or Spirit depending on upgrade taken) a free AP without draining resources or taking one of her actions.

Molly has some flexibility in her summons that Nicodem doesn't with her ability to summon a model and have it die instantly to trigger effects which are keyed off such, like popping out Killjoy or Bete, or dropping a scheme marker from an instantly killed Drowned.

Since Molly doesn't generally care about Corpses you can get more milage out of upgrades like Corpse Bloat (The blow up a corpse portion) and Spare Parts than a master who is actually reliant on corpses and who will be using them for different things.

Her debuff is a bit nastier as well. Slow is bad, but Whispered Secret is much, much worse.

That's off the top of my head. That isn't to say one is superior to the other. 

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I will be playing Molly at the GT - happy to discuss her and her crew with a new player :)

While agreeing with everyone else's comments, the only thing I would add is that in Strategies where summoning wounded models is a bad idea (eg Reckoning), Molly's own Attack Action - Revelation - is very reliable and with Paralysed on Severe can be quite potent (esp if you debuff the target first with Yin, Dead Doxy or Molly herself).

Just watch out for over-extending her. She and her crew use control cards a lot, and a canny opponent will wait til your hand is depleted and then target Molly. Without being able to discard cards for her defensive trigger she can die quickly.

Edited by Sholto
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I would just add to what is posted above that they actually have quite different play styles.


Nicodem tends to want to sit at the back and summon a LOT for the about half the game. Its then up to his minions to do the heavy lifting for him but can combo well with big hitters within his bubble. He is either sending out a metric ton of zombies to do his bidding or rolling up the table with a massive death ball – fast Izamu with positive flips to attack and damage, don’t mind if I do. In either case he’s a slow moving master.


Molly on the other hand plays very fast with a lot of movement tricks and nasty de-buffs in her crew. She’s typically a little more upgrade light and doesn’t need corpse counters to summon -which means that she can really take advantage of some of the generic upgrades  Mwwhaaa / Corpse Bloat / Spare Parts. Her debuff when used correctly can equal death for most models in the game if the opponent forgets to bring condition removal and her summing is probably the best “tech” that the faction has in dealing with summoning masters. 

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The Debuff is wonderful.  I put it on Tara and did the aforementioned KJ bomb to kill her off in one activation!  Also, Plant Explosives becomes pretty damn easy with her as you just drop Drowned next to the enemy then attack it a bit with Molly to splash BB (and generate yourself some cards) before they die and you leave a scheme marker for Finish the Job.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I tried her for the first time a few days ago. And while I missed a lot of her tricks and underused her abilities (using the big cards for summoning) her summoning in turf war was just awesome. Doing Tests on 15Wp to drain hands and then some black blood it does take a toll. I was summoning 1 to 2 shikome a turn and they are nasty!

The summons are more for hindrance and take AP from the enemies while bombing them with some damage then to make "solid" summons.

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I tried her for the first time a few days ago. And while I missed a lot of her tricks and underused her abilities (using the big cards for summoning) her summoning in turf war was just awesome. Doing Tests on 15Wp to drain hands and then some black blood it does take a toll. I was summoning 1 to 2 shikome a turn and they are nasty!

The summons are more for hindrance and take AP from the enemies while bombing them with some damage then to make "solid" summons.

Your opponents pitch cards for the TN15 Def duel? Lucky duck! Usually they fall for that once, then I do it 10 more times over the game and they learn their lesson :D

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I tried her for the first time a few days ago. And while I missed a lot of her tricks and underused her abilities (using the big cards for summoning) her summoning in turf war was just awesome. Doing Tests on 15Wp to drain hands and then some black blood it does take a toll. I was summoning 1 to 2 shikome a turn and they are nasty!

The summons are more for hindrance and take AP from the enemies while bombing them with some damage then to make "solid" summons.

Your opponents pitch cards for the TN15 Def duel? Lucky duck! Usually they fall for that once, then I do it 10 more times over the game and they learn their lesson :D

He had Goblins so he started cheating from the deck. Still drains it ;)  there was a turn where he went through his whole deck (during the course of the turn), between summons and Def15 test and other Wp tests (Sybelle, Yin, etc) and his own cheats.

Edited by nunorod
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  • 2 weeks later...

Sybelle can walk up 10", place Molly in base. Molly can walk her 6 (with the +1wk for Sybelle), summon a punk zombie in a cluster of enemies (23" from your deployment now), Molly can take a 0 action to make it hit everyone in 3". Then summon another horror, maybe a student of viscera. Then accomplice into one of the newly summoned to make it attack. Your panicked opponent will now kill the model that has not activated, and out pops Killjoy to mop up.

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In an effort not to blow all your high cards though you might want to play the 0 for slice and dice then bring in a crooligan which is fragile but you can do blistering fog to make the black blood do two damage rather then the one. Then if they survive long enough you can hit him with the slice and dice triggering his black blood and killing it to bring in a killjoy or whatever. 

Or depending on how tight the terrain is, and if you want the summoned model to live throw whispered secrets on the newly summoned model with the philosophy trigger to force the disengaging strike or they lose their model that way. Give you some board control at least. Molly is pretty devastating.  

Although Nico has his tricks to rebuild his hand from mindless zombies, I think molly's best option is to use Philip and Nanny. The down side to that is burning a lot of actions on other models. Sure you can kill an opponents hand but all of this can be pretty card intensive and you don't want to over extend yourself. 

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23 hours ago, Colonel Sanders said:

Sybelle can walk up 10", place Molly in base. Molly can walk her 6 (with the +1wk for Sybelle), summon a punk zombie in a cluster of enemies (23" from your deployment now), Molly can take a 0 action to make it hit everyone in 3". Then summon another horror, maybe a student of viscera. Then accomplice into one of the newly summoned to make it attack. Your panicked opponent will now kill the model that has not activated, and out pops Killjoy to mop up.

This is beyond annoying, but legit.  One of my regular opponents does it....every....single....time.  And it is just a pain.  

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The issue with the Killjoy bomb is it is very all or nothing.  If you can kill Killjoy early, it is 13 points just gone.  Having used it with Tara and Hamelin, it can work really well when it does.  When it doesn't it puts you way behind.  


Ultimately, I really advise against using it until you have gotten used to Molly.

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