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Black Friday speculation!


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Organs, we'll be selling organs.

Oh, sorry, that was a typo.




I meant orphans.

If you have orphans for sale does that mean that you might also have orphan organs for sale? I don't really need a full set, mostly just looking to score a couple of orphan kidneys and maybe a orphan liver. If it's they're only sold as a full set, anyone interested in splitting one of those orphans with me?

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When do Wyrd normally post details for what is on sale at the Black Friday event?

And, will it usually be delivered in the UK by Christmas?

As far as I can tell, the details of the Black Friday event have gone up on Thanksgiving Day the last two years. 

Edit:  2013 was a "... oh, what the heck, the whole weekend" sale.  I think 2014 was as well, but the machine fails my searches.

Edited by solkan
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I don't work for Wyrd. I just buy a lot during their promotions. So take everything with a massive grain of salt. 

Details don't get posted very far in advance (a week or two usually) . 

The promotion goes live sometime either the day before or the day of Thanksgiving. The promotion continues through at least the weekend. 

The promotion is for the Wyrd Website only. 

Shipping takes a while. Christmas may be a stretch for some of our overseas friends. So,  I wouldn't count on it. 


Edited by Shadowopal
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^ yup.

Wyrd has been burned by their distributors too many times to show their hands early. They now seem to be erring on the side of under-promise, over-deliver which is always the better option.

Honestly, it's kind of fun because you legitmately can be surprised on the day of the promotion and how often can you say that?  


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^ yup.

Wyrd has been burned by their distributors too many times to show their hands early. They now seem to be erring on the side of under-promise, over-deliver which is always the better option.

Honestly, it's kind of fun because you legitmately can be surprised on the day of the promotion and how often can you say that?  


Whatever it is, I'm sure with will be awesome and exceed my expectations [so long as there are orphans, Justin promised us orphans (and possibly organs)]

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Many of You asks for a TTB Hannah. Is something wrong with reguar one?

Regular Hannah is so much worse. Softer detail, no censor, meh pose, poor leg design on the mech, etc. 



Whats annoying is that  I actually backed TTB, but due to the awkward rewards tiers, I was forced to pick between her, or a hardback rules book (or pay $100 extra and get both and a bunch of stuff I didnt need). She should have been an add on. It would have been nice to at least let backers buy one later, given how long we waited (and I still never received all my pledge). 

Edited by ehren37
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So I haven't bought from the Online Shop on special event deals in quite a few years (Gencon 3 years ago I think) but will this be the only time the alt-McMourning and Barbaros are available and at the $300 level? I won't mind waiting if I have to, but there is no way I can do $300 right now as I'm about to have to buy new tires. :(


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So I haven't bought from the Online Shop on special event deals in quite a few years (Gencon 3 years ago I think) but will this be the only time the alt-McMourning and Barbaros are available and at the $300 level? I won't mind waiting if I have to, but there is no way I can do $300 right now as I'm about to have to buy new tires. :(


I'm pretty sure there's only one or two limited edition plastic kits that haven't been released several times, the molds cost too much for just one production run.

It may be quite some time, though.

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Last year the $300 specials were the Translucent Bete Noir and Performer and I don't think we've seem either of them since.  There will be a lot of people getting them which means the secondary market will have a lot available and they are likely to be offered pretty widely as prize support if you happen to go to tournaments.  I've had two Bete Noir's in my possession (one of which I sold and one of which I gave away for the WAAC auction) and a Performer (which came from a trade with a friend) and didn't order anything last year so you probably will be able to get them if you're patient.  Miss Ery sells for peanuts now for a Ltd. Ed.

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Ah yes, good call.  Approximately 12 months since she was last available but good chance we'll see them available in some form again Legonaires so if you can't get them now you shouldn't be unable to get them ever (although how they offer them in the future is not clear).

Thanks, I will have to wait then as my tires won't wait with all the traveling I have to do for work. Maybe I can start Gremlins after Christmas. 

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