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What could be printed to improve Resser Tara?


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Still new to posting and haven't quite figured out how to quote, but this is in reference to DoctorWhat's post from 19 hours age.

Seems like a great crew build.  Very well put about Anna.  She has become an auto include in most of my resser and outcast crews if I can find the stones.  Really looking forward to the model as I'm getting tired of pointing to the proxy and having the opponent shrug their shoulders.  Whatever you say they say...little do they know what they're in for.  Can we hope for a 2016 release?

Edited by Slapdrone
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  • 2 weeks later...

Can you talk about the shenanigans used? :) Tara is my next purchase for Ressers :D

It has nothign to do with shenanigans really. Tara pulses out fast and has 6 ap. Use that to your advantage. More AP = more hits. You can unbury beaters like Izamu without ever having to walk them.


As for without Wave 3? The only difference is Anna. Sub Anna for whatever you'd like (Bete Noire and Izamu are two popular choices) and have at it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll use this post so I don't have to create a new one.

So I tried Tara yesterday for the first time, and of course it was a bit overwhelming. I didn't do THAT bad, but i really had trouble with the Fast thing, the bury unbury and really felt hopeless with only 3 cards in my hand.

I wasn't able to cheat most of the time and lost a lot of combat power that way.

I had a strange list i admit, Strategy was Stake a Claim, and chose Breakthrough and Deliver a Message which I easily accomplished on turn 2. Thing is I stupidly gave the nothing beast to the sacrifice when I could have done it with a smaller fry.

So I had:

Tara (with bury upgrades), Karina (with summon thing), Nothing Beast, Void wretch, Phillipe and the nanny, Yin, Rotten belle, Crooligan.

My opponent realized how good Crooligans are so besides having 2 Hunters he also had 2 Austrigers. I am still puzzled how the hell I am going to bypass the hunters on the flank... such great and solid scheme runners...

I seldom had good cards in hand and with the fast bomb... even fewer, and when i had them the nothing beast and void wretch suffered. So I guess the trick is making use of the focus action more? to get more flips?

Karina only managed to summon once. Not having the suit needed and not being henchman I guess i can only summon once or twice on a game.

I wanted to play her Ressers and not having the wave 3 things or mercs those new great choices like Anna, or forgotten marshall or scion I'm still in a puzzle in to what is best with her.

I have also Kirai box, Mollybox, Seamus box, Izamu, nurses, University of transmortis, Yin, hanged and that's about it.


Other question I have is: What is the thing for Tara and Hannah? Her ability states that she can only copy from Freikcorp Leader, so whats her thing? I love the model and I wouldn't mind owning it but i'm in a puzzle.

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Hannah make a new entry to use any (1) action from any model within 8 inches (except for friendly non-Freikorps leaders) and any (0) or (1) action from an Freikorps model. Need to bury something? Copy Pine Box from a Death Marshal. Your opponent has a useful (1) skill on a model within 8 inches (even their leader)? Have a go at that as well.

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But I have read things about her doing some burying that somewhat looked different then the death marshal pinebox...

well but ok i get It now :)  


Hannah has an outcast upgrade she can use to bury things, but unless you have declared your faction as outcast, you can't select that upgrade. 


Personally with Tara I find she works best when I don't focus on giving everything fast, and burying things.  but if you want to try them out, then I'd pick one of those 2 things, and build around that to try it out, rather than try and do both when you're not sure on either. Once you have tried them both individually, and decided if you think they are worth the effort, you can try using both together and see where it gets you. 

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Thank you Adran. That's exactly what I am thinking in doing. Now I'm thinking on what troops I should take along with her Resser wise.

First I'm going to try with her theme crew, like the Nothing Beast and 2 Void Wretch, a Belle etc. So I can try and figure out how everything works and I'll focus on Fast and the odd Bury bomb and placements with the NB.

I think that the NB being so frail is great for an interception role, stop a model in it's tracks etc. With Fast, having focus and 3 attacks should do something to a mid class enemy, maybe even heavy.

I also have a doubt. Let's say I activate Tara first and bury the NB and go on with her business. When she reactivates, can I unleash the NB and still activate it? Or because Tara was reactivated I can't activate anything else? Can I only do that first activation with Tara?

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If you activate Tara first and bury the nothing beast, and give her the re-activate thingy, then at the end of your turn, when you have no other models on the t\ble to activate, Tara gains the re-activate condition, and so can reactivate. She can then unbury the Nothing beast, and it can then activate when you next have the chance to activate it.


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If you activate Tara first and bury the nothing beast, and give her the re-activate thingy, then at the end of your turn, when you have no other models on the t\ble to activate, Tara gains the re-activate condition, and so can reactivate. She can then unbury the Nothing beast, and it can then activate when you next have the chance to activate it.


But that next chance can be after Tara's reactivation or I'll have to wait for next turn? Because It says on Tara's rule that she can reactivate when all friendlys activated. Because the NB is buried it is out of the equation, but if he comes out after does he get to reactivate or it ends my turn?

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At the time you re-activate Tara, there is no other model you can activate. After her re-activation you then will allow the opponent to activate a model. They will do so, or not have any left to activate, and then its your turn to activate a model, and you now have a model that can activate this turn, so you activate it (as long as it hasn't already activated). 

A similar situation might occur with Tara and Flesh constructs. You might have activated all your models and given Tara the  reactivate thingy. Then during her re-activation, your opponent uses their last card, so your flesh constructs get re-activate, and so can still activate this turn. 


When you get Taras reactivation, there can't be anything else on the board you can activate, but the game state can still change, and any new/unburied models you gain after her re-activation and before you enter the end phase of the turn, will still get to activate. her rules don't stop models activating after her, they just only allow her to gain re-activate when you can't activate something else

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Anna is hands down one of the best Henchman. You can't push, teleport, or place near her (no back alley, no hunpo assault, no pandora pushes, nothing). You can't lock stuff down to avoid her shooting because she'll just ignore it. Then, once she's killed something, use Corpse Bloat to take the rest! Not enough AP? Have Hannah copy what you wanted and then charge in to finish it off. Enemy too close? Push them off? Need more activations? Take some free zombies/seishin. She's absolutely amazing and people aren't prioritizing her.

I know this quote is a bit in the past, but I just want to reply to the very last part of this, where DocWut says "People aren't prioritizing her."  I'm curious what you mean in a sense (Do/did you feel that people simply aren't trying her out/playing her enough?), and or did you mean this in a specific sense of the game (Competitive vs otherwise)?

I'm really only curious because honestly, after I picked up the Shifting, and saw Anna, I absolutely knew she terrified me.  I don't normally play Ressers (Though I have a few), but Anna's existence is on the boarder of sane to me.  The one "balancing" factor I see for her really is that she was granted the Merc type so technically all the factions can make use of her incredible power;  Which both makes her a threat to all crews, it does potentially offer the chance of failing a bit if she doesn't offer too much against a certain crew.  Although I don't know what crew style trumps her, or exactly what weakness she exhibits, as I don't know the whole of the game that well.  But her abilities seem quite game altering in general (Being able to lock down over 16" of the board from pushes is nuts, although I guess it's an aura, so LoS does effect it, and she is only Ht 2) plus she is certainly not lacking in the attack area, with her primary Ca being good enough that I don't even know when someone would want to use her Ml (Unless the opponent's Wp was that much lower than their Df and you were already engaged).

Off hand, have you had any exceptionally hard times using her, or any match ups where she seemed to offer less?  I mean, aside for someone potentially realizing the threat she presents and focusing her down, which is not exactly a deep "tactical" answer to her.  Also, do you feel outside of the Tara list, that the Hanna/Anna combo (Which they are both Mercs, so theoretically they can pair up in any crew for a few extra ss) is worth taking?  Or is it based on a conditional boon it grants in a certain crew?  It seems like you are of the mindset that taking Anna and Hanna is simply a no-brainer, but I can't determine if that is simply the pair or if they are being "enabled" by something.

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Anna is hands down one of the best Henchman. You can't push, teleport, or place near her (no back alley, no hunpo assault, no pandora pushes, nothing). You can't lock stuff down to avoid her shooting because she'll just ignore it. Then, once she's killed something, use Corpse Bloat to take the rest! Not enough AP? Have Hannah copy what you wanted and then charge in to finish it off. Enemy too close? Push them off? Need more activations? Take some free zombies/seishin. She's absolutely amazing and people aren't prioritizing her.

I know this quote is a bit in the past, but I just want to reply to the very last part of this, where DocWut says "People aren't prioritizing her."  I'm curious what you mean in a sense (Do/did you feel that people simply aren't trying her out/playing her enough?), and or did you mean this in a specific sense of the game (Competitive vs otherwise)?

I'm really only curious because honestly, after I picked up the Shifting, and saw Anna, I absolutely knew she terrified me.  I don't normally play Ressers (Though I have a few), but Anna's existence is on the boarder of sane to me.  The one "balancing" factor I see for her really is that she was granted the Merc type so technically all the factions can make use of her incredible power;  Which both makes her a threat to all crews, it does potentially offer the chance of failing a bit if she doesn't offer too much against a certain crew.  Although I don't know what crew style trumps her, or exactly what weakness she exhibits, as I don't know the whole of the game that well.  But her abilities seem quite game altering in general (Being able to lock down over 16" of the board from pushes is nuts, although I guess it's an aura, so LoS does effect it, and she is only Ht 2) plus she is certainly not lacking in the attack area, with her primary Ca being good enough that I don't even know when someone would want to use her Ml (Unless the opponent's Wp was that much lower than their Df and you were already engaged).

Off hand, have you had any exceptionally hard times using her, or any match ups where she seemed to offer less?  I mean, aside for someone potentially realizing the threat she presents and focusing her down, which is not exactly a deep "tactical" answer to her.  Also, do you feel outside of the Tara list, that the Hanna/Anna combo (Which they are both Mercs, so theoretically they can pair up in any crew for a few extra ss) is worth taking?  Or is it based on a conditional boon it grants in a certain crew?  It seems like you are of the mindset that taking Anna and Hanna is simply a no-brainer, but I can't determine if that is simply the pair or if they are being "enabled" by something.

Not including the beta, I've had 30 some games using Anna Lovelace across all 7 Ressur masters, Outcast Tara, and 2 with Von Schill (I just don't care for him) to try and find a place for her.

When Shifting Loyalties came in the mail, only 2 things really made me super excited; Yan Lo's upgrade for the Carrion Emissary and Anna Lovelace.

People seem to look at her like some Cross of Datsue Ba and Sidir (Squishy if you focus, but versatile). They don't gun for her, they go after Tara/Izamu/Hannah/The Dead Rider/any other beater or master, and that is the mistake. She has solid 6's for stats,9 wounds, and armor +1 (which is eh, but Nurses are always an option), as well as access to stoning for prevention. Her Rush of Magic is always great. 

While Izamu or anyone is tying you up, Anna can still beat the crap out of you and she's making summoning fuel on tomes or spamming horror duels against models (a great way to shut down the Mech Rider or Gremlins). In melee? Anna trades 1 point of damage for healing and being more of a nuisance. Got Belles? Anna can push models into them like dropping chum to piranhas.

Her 8 inches of "basically, you can't do anything but walk or charge" is an absolute pain for a lot of players I've come across. No Hunpo Assault, close Back Alleys, Misaki/Pandora/Colette escapes, or anything if Anna's nearby (and she almost always is). You've locked a model down and Anna can beat it from afar/prevent its escape unless they burn AP from walking or kill the model holding them (often someone big like Izamu).

She fits into any crew that likes to keep things in melee or away from squishy models (Notably Molly  and Kirai, who work well with summoning into combat).


Some additional notes: Corpse Bloat is amazing as always and Anna is a great carrier for it. She's a good bodyguard model as well (or a fake bodyguard).

As for Hannah: Hannah can copy Anna's push 0 and her amazing casting gun (or corpse bloat!). Throw in Oathkeeper and you can have Anna activate, pump 2-3 shots into a model that's locked in with Hannah, push the model away (if it's not dead yet), Activate Hannah, copy the Ca shot and fire again, then charge something else because you've probably put 12 points of damage from Ca 6 goodness into them.


Is she game breaking? No, not at all. She's a versatile Henchwoman that has an awesome theme, model, and thematically works with Ressurectionists and her sister (Hannah). Is she strong? Absolutely. She's right up there with Sidir, Francisco, and Francois.

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Anna is hands down one of the best Henchman. You can't push, teleport, or place near her (no back alley, no hunpo assault, no pandora pushes, nothing). You can't lock stuff down to avoid her shooting because she'll just ignore it. Then, once she's killed something, use Corpse Bloat to take the rest! Not enough AP? Have Hannah copy what you wanted and then charge in to finish it off. Enemy too close? Push them off? Need more activations? Take some free zombies/seishin. She's absolutely amazing and people aren't prioritizing her.

I know this quote is a bit in the past, but I just want to reply to the very last part of this, where DocWut says "People aren't prioritizing her."  I'm curious what you mean in a sense (Do/did you feel that people simply aren't trying her out/playing her enough?), and or did you mean this in a specific sense of the game (Competitive vs otherwise)?

I'm really only curious because honestly, after I picked up the Shifting, and saw Anna, I absolutely knew she terrified me.  I don't normally play Ressers (Though I have a few), but Anna's existence is on the boarder of sane to me.  The one "balancing" factor I see for her really is that she was granted the Merc type so technically all the factions can make use of her incredible power;  Which both makes her a threat to all crews, it does potentially offer the chance of failing a bit if she doesn't offer too much against a certain crew.  Although I don't know what crew style trumps her, or exactly what weakness she exhibits, as I don't know the whole of the game that well.  But her abilities seem quite game altering in general (Being able to lock down over 16" of the board from pushes is nuts, although I guess it's an aura, so LoS does effect it, and she is only Ht 2) plus she is certainly not lacking in the attack area, with her primary Ca being good enough that I don't even know when someone would want to use her Ml (Unless the opponent's Wp was that much lower than their Df and you were already engaged).

Off hand, have you had any exceptionally hard times using her, or any match ups where she seemed to offer less?  I mean, aside for someone potentially realizing the threat she presents and focusing her down, which is not exactly a deep "tactical" answer to her.  Also, do you feel outside of the Tara list, that the Hanna/Anna combo (Which they are both Mercs, so theoretically they can pair up in any crew for a few extra ss) is worth taking?  Or is it based on a conditional boon it grants in a certain crew?  It seems like you are of the mindset that taking Anna and Hanna is simply a no-brainer, but I can't determine if that is simply the pair or if they are being "enabled" by something.

Not including the beta, I've had 30 some games using Anna Lovelace across all 7 Ressur masters, Outcast Tara, and 2 with Von Schill (I just don't care for him) to try and find a place for her.

When Shifting Loyalties came in the mail, only 2 things really made me super excited; Yan Lo's upgrade for the Carrion Emissary and Anna Lovelace.

People seem to look at her like some Cross of Datsue Ba and Sidir (Squishy if you focus, but versatile). They don't gun for her, they go after Tara/Izamu/Hannah/The Dead Rider/any other beater or master, and that is the mistake. She has solid 6's for stats,9 wounds, and armor +1 (which is eh, but Nurses are always an option), as well as access to stoning for prevention. Her Rush of Magic is always great. 

While Izamu or anyone is tying you up, Anna can still beat the crap out of you and she's making summoning fuel on tomes or spamming horror duels against models (a great way to shut down the Mech Rider or Gremlins). In melee? Anna trades 1 point of damage for healing and being more of a nuisance. Got Belles? Anna can push models into them like dropping chum to piranhas.

Her 8 inches of "basically, you can't do anything but walk or charge" is an absolute pain for a lot of players I've come across. No Hunpo Assault, close Back Alleys, Misaki/Pandora/Colette escapes, or anything if Anna's nearby (and she almost always is). You've locked a model down and Anna can beat it from afar/prevent its escape unless they burn AP from walking or kill the model holding them (often someone big like Izamu).

She fits into any crew that likes to keep things in melee or away from squishy models (Notably Molly  and Kirai, who work well with summoning into combat).


Some additional notes: Corpse Bloat is amazing as always and Anna is a great carrier for it. She's a good bodyguard model as well (or a fake bodyguard).

As for Hannah: Hannah can copy Anna's push 0 and her amazing casting gun (or corpse bloat!). Throw in Oathkeeper and you can have Anna activate, pump 2-3 shots into a model that's locked in with Hannah, push the model away (if it's not dead yet), Activate Hannah, copy the Ca shot and fire again, then charge something else because you've probably put 12 points of damage from Ca 6 goodness into them.


Is she game breaking? No, not at all. She's a versatile Henchwoman that has an awesome theme, model, and thematically works with Ressurectionists and her sister (Hannah). Is she strong? Absolutely. She's right up there with Sidir, Francisco, and Francois.

I'm more interested in the idea of, is the only real answer to her to kill her?  There really isn't terribly much you can do to get around her abilities besides kill her as far as I can tell.

I guess, thinking about it Misaki crews could smoke bomb to drop Ht 5 blocking markers that would cut off the Aura (It requires LoS to function right?  So anything hidden from her would be free to push again?)  I guess that in general is a solution, just trying to block LoS with large-ish models would basically shut Anna off, even if you weren't killing her.  Ototo could walk up to her by himself and once a 40mm base is touching her 30mm base she'd be fairly eclipsed huh?  Is that a potential option, or something that is very unfeasible?

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She's got nearly the same durability as Sidir. Treat her the same way. You can attack her just fine. If she can't see you (hiding for safety), you can't be debuffed or shot by her without AP going towards walking her somewhere.


I actually had Ototo thrown at Anna in 3 games. She can't push him off and Belles can't lure him, but then I just punched him a bunch (Misaki players never keep the stones around to save him, apparently). 

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She's got nearly the same durability as Sidir. Treat her the same way. You can attack her just fine. If she can't see you (hiding for safety), you can't be debuffed or shot by her without AP going towards walking her somewhere.


I actually had Ototo thrown at Anna in 3 games. She can't push him off and Belles can't lure him, but then I just punched him a bunch (Misaki players never keep the stones around to save him, apparently). 

Well, I play far less games and don't really know terribly much.  I have no local play group, and only recently got terribly interested in the game to the point I got on these forums (In the past month, month and a half maybe), which has opened up Vassal, but even those games have been fairly limited.  So unfortunately I don't know how I treat (Or should treat) many things :P  Sidir included.

I just think on paper Anna offers a ton of useful abilities.  Her being a Merc is clearly a big part of her design, because she clearly has a strong bit to offer anyone as far as utility and counter-picking for crew selections.  Although to my experience, most games are not played in the true order of Declare Faction, Schemes/Deployment type, Pick factions.  Normally I have only had available single crew boxes, so my games thus far have been predominantly limited, vassal being the exception (Though I also own very many more models at this point).

But I am probably just as scared of, if not more, of Levi or the thought of facing him.  But I'm sure it isn't that bad in the end, it just means learning to play against a person who is neigh invincible, or in Anna's case, extremely annoying to push/placement fanatics.

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What do you do when you don't have models out yet?

Do you print the cards? Do people mind you playing with a proxy model AND card? How do you do it? I don't really like to play with models that are not out yet, I guess mainly because of the card... Because I always feel opponents think I'm kinda "cheating", playing with something I don't have.

Or is it Wyrd approved to start using "models" with no existing release and no card?

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