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Night Terrors...Why Should I Bring Them?


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I have a couple of the metal Night Terrors, and I've played them in a few games in the past and once my opponent and I both realized they were insignificant, we were both having difficulty figuring out why you would ever bring them,  or even summon them for that matter.  Does anyone have any experience in the matter of fielding these guys?  Right now they're in my spare models box so as not to take up room in my Ressers bag.  Thanks in advance for any insight you might bring to these woefully unplayed models.

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They are quite good against certain crews/models and in certain strats/schemes. Remember they are minions, not peons.

I've had 1 of them hold 2 death marshalls and a guild guard for 2 turns. Granted the cards were with me, but for 3ss I think they're a steal.

Hardy, fast, annoying and cheap. Good stuff.

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Night Terrors are reasonable cheap and tough for their cost. They count as minions, so they can score points of Recconoiter and Turf War, as well as being good harassers towards :ranged attacks and models that rely on Ca tricks. Having two or even more Night Falls auras up makes certain Castings worthless. (remember, Auras stack, even if they are on the same model!) 

They are also Spirits, which means they do have synergies with other models and can be summoned by Kirai or Molly. 

So, use them to engage shooters, spam Night Falls, score Minion-based VP. 

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Okay, read it.  They're staying in the unused models box.

No no. Don't do that. You see Reconnoiter on the pool, you take 3 of them and you are guaranteed to have 4 points for the strategy. Seriously. They are amazing for Reconnoiter, I never start a game of Reconnoiter without 3 of them. 

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Okay, read it.  They're staying in the unused models box.

No no. Don't do that. You see Reconnoiter on the pool, you take 3 of them and you are guaranteed to have 4 points for the strategy. Seriously. They are amazing for Reconnoiter, I never start a game of Reconnoiter without 3 of them. 

This latter thing does get some raised eyebrows when ZFiend is playing Guild but what can I say - you just don't want to get between that guy and his Night Terrors when it comes to Reconnoiter.

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Okay, read it.  They're staying in the unused models box.

No no. Don't do that. You see Reconnoiter on the pool, you take 3 of them and you are guaranteed to have 4 points for the strategy. Seriously. They are amazing for Reconnoiter, I never start a game of Reconnoiter without 3 of them. 

This latter thing does get some raised eyebrows when ZFiend is playing Guild but what can I say - you just don't want to get between that guy and his Night Terrors when it comes to Reconnoiter.

Also if someone gets to them they have incorporeal and hard to kill, so you have time to adapt if someone is threatening that quarter that they are occupying. Also they are incorporeal indeed and fast. So you can seriously deny points in Reconnoiter. With Rezzers usually summoning you can leave that denial move so that it goes without a reaction.. Apart from losing a point. :D 

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I have only used them in Reconnoiter.  I can park them someplace safe and they get me points.  But most games they just sit turns 3-5.  Nice for cheap activations, but I'd like to get a little more use out of them.  They seem like they'd be good to engage a casting master with, but I usually need to keep them safe to hold a quarter while everything else is moving around.

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As said already they're superb at reconnoiter. I usually take 4 with Nico, with incorporeal and a 12" move they can get to pretty much any quarter you want which is brilliant to both shore up your own quarters that are getting threatened, as well as nabbing poorly occupied quarters from your opponent. They are reasonably durable especially considering their cost and if you gang up on models with them they can take out or at least tie up opponents scheme runners reasonably well.

Also as has been said they score for Turf War, Extraction and Guard the Stash so for 4 strats they are a reasonably solid pick especially if there are 3 SS spare in your list when playing those strats. Yes they aren't amazing models that are going to rip through your opponents crew or make it super easy to achieve your schemes but they are only 3 SS! Almost half the cost of a Necropunk/Belle. If you take a couple of them then your other minions can be freed up to achieve your schemes/kill the opponents models as you know the strat points are secure.

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I don't have the card handy - does Night Falls Stack? That could get nasty quick.

If they were not insignificant, I think they would be auto-includes. As they are they are still useful, but not overpowered for 3 stones.

All Auras stack, provided they don't say otherwise.

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Putting the -4 cast aura on the enemy army seems pretty great.  It works even on casts with the claw symbol, right?  So the Hungering Darkness would only have a melee range of 1, yeah?

Zero, I think. Just b2b.

The ability say minimum Rg of 1", unfortunately.

Aha. I stand corrected.

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