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Dark Carnival card quality


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I just popped open my Dark Carnival box to check out the sprues and cards and noticed a couple of things:

First one of my mannequins swords was broken already, I'll have to glue that up, dang those things are thin!

Second the stat cards are all kinds of different sizes. The printing looks fine but they are all cut to varying sizes vertically and horizontally. Does anyone else have this problem on their cards? It makes it so the cards don't all fit into sleeves the same, some are very loose, some don't fit at all.

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I did not check the card quality, but I ended up with 2 packs of cards in my Dark Carnival set.


Mr.  Cooper also seems like a very large fellow - or else Miss Anne Thrope is very tiny.  I don't mind either of those being the case, but it was what I initially noticed when glancing at the plastics.

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I just got mine, and I'm disappointed in the quality, too: my sword mannequin also had a broken sword (unlike yours, no evidence of mine in the box; two other bits had snapped off the sprue; another piece was bent to the point of breaking.


I'm seeing the same weird card dimension issue, too: about 1/16" variation in width, which is pretty surprising since I assume they'd all be die cut at the same place.


I'm always more discerning with limited edition since it both costs more and is not necessarily replaceable... after absolutely loving Tara's set and liking the hanging trees, I'm fairly frustrated with this year's big LE purchase.

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I did not get the carnival box, but my Shenlong box has a similar card issue. The upgrade cards in that box are a fair bit larger than all the other cards I got.

Also SPIRALINGCADVER I would put in the parts request immediately. I had a piece of my Whiskey Golem from last year mismodlded to a mere nub preventing the assembly of an entire arm. And they were able to replace it.

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I had a broken sword on my Mannequin but fortunately found the piece in the box (worst case, I was prepared to file it down into a parrying dagger). All my upgrades are larger than my stat cards, and the Practiced Production card is significantly wider than even the rest of the upgrades. Haven't tried to sleeve it yet, but I expect I'll need to cut it a bit.


Miss Anne Thrope is a little on the small side and the Carnival crew is a bit large, but not to the extent I'd think it was a scale error. It's kind of silly how tall Mercury is, though. He's at least a head and a half taller than every other humanoid model I've tried to compare him to. Maybe the Black Friday performer will take his place and he'll be used as a counts-as Strongarm Suit.

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I like Mercury being large, it fits with the Strongman theme and I think it is pretty funny that he is still a showgirl.


The one that surprised me though is how big Mr Cooper himself is.  I expected Mercury to be large, but I did not think Mr Cooper would be so large as well.  His hip seems to be right around Miss Ann's shoulder.

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I noticed the card issue with the mechanical rider. It's bigger than all my other cards. Sorta makes me glad I have the wave 1 and 2 decks of arcanists.


I don't understand why we would start getting varying sizes on the cards. It seems like a rather odd thing to be failing at, cutting paper to a specific size.

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So weird that this is happening, it sounds to me like the card sizing issue is pretty consistent across models that released during gencon. I think the dark carnival breakage is mostly due to how tiny a lot of the pieces are, but I've seen similarly tiny bits out of tenT models that didn't have this problem.

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So weird that this is happening, it sounds to me like the card sizing issue is pretty consistent across models that released during gencon. I think the dark carnival breakage is mostly due to how tiny a lot of the pieces are, but I've seen similarly tiny bits out of tenT models that didn't have this problem.


I think the breakage is partly due to how the sprues are laid out and how many of them they need to jam into the box.  I think it is an issue with the pegs on the smaller set of sprues.  When I tried to put them back into the box I was not able to find a way to line up the smaller sprue so that the pegs would fit into empty space in the large sprue - so it sticks up a bit and you sorta have to jam it into the box.  In the end I just took the smaller sprue out and put it on the shelf next to the main box until I get a chance to work on it so that nothing ends up broken.

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Seems like the die cutter may have been off for the print run. Looking at my cards from the Dark Carnival, I have one Character card and one Upgrade card that are noticeably larger than the others. The others seem to all be the same size. I had one piece break off the sprue but thankfully was in the box so no worries there.


My Crossroads Seven box, though, had all the cards cut correctly. What was interesting about this box was the inclusion of two plastic baggies taped to the sprue containing the parts that had broken off. Glad I dont have to have to go thru the replacement process for those (not that it is a huge issue or arduous process, just that I dont like to wait for one piece for a model).


Looking at both sets, assembly for the Dark Carnival looks like it will be yet another exercise in patience. Not a huge issue really, as it is a Nightmare edition so should be a bit more detailed set (and fiddly bits expected). The Crossroads Seven box however looks quite a bit easier to assemble and I may elevate it in the cue as a result.

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I think there's a certain amount of "We can either give this to you now as is, or we cancel the pre-release" as minor variations in the cards go. And that's probably as much the card printer telling Wyrd that as anything else.

I mean, I can still use the cards I received, even though four of them are slightly different sizes than the rest.

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Solkan, I get what you are saying however, the Dark Carnival wasn't a "pre-release". This was a limited release set that cost a substantial bit more than a normal crew box.


First, let me say that I am fine with the slightly larger cards, after all it is nothing a pair of scissors can't fix. Additionally, as you point out they are still 100% playable as is without presenting any kind of advantage to a player. What does concern me however, is mistakes like these are indicative of poor quality controls in manufacturing. Slips in quality control that aren't addressed can easily become standard practices. Similar quality control slips have resulted in out of scale miniatures in the past. Wyrd has spent a lot of effort presenting it self as a company that prides itself on the quality of its products, mentioning an issue like this aids them in holding the third party manufacturer to its quality standard obligations. The hope being to ultimately maintain or increase the production quality.

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Well this sure sounds great that I haven't even gotten my order yet and I'm kinda regretting going for the Nightmare price on a box of issues. :P

I'm with you on this. The cards are, if anything an annoyance, oh no I'll have to use larger sleeves than normal. The broken bits is likewise a really annoyance, but since I actually have the bits I'm not terribly fussed about it.

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I've had a couple of cards 'off', notably I actually had to trim my Mech Rider card to sleeve it, and that was not a GenCon pre-release also had some oddly tinted TT cards that I constantly mistake for Guild because the orange looks red. Still the cards are functional which is what counts.


As for the Dark Carnival, put 'em together and was generally pleased. My sword mannequin sword was (as appears common) snapped and I never noticed but was insanely lucky, i had kept the box for image reference and the sword point had caught and remained on the box lid lip. Glue has repaired it, looks OK and hopefully will be durable enough.


It is an unfortunate thing I guess that Malifaux makes really dynamic and detailed mini's with precision..... which I love. But this means delicate and often many multi-part constructions with almost insanely difficult pieces to cut and glue. There are web posts and meems devoted to it. In the end I love the detail and I prepare myself when I go to the hobby room for frustration and occasionally tears. DC mannequin having a really delicate sword which does not survive international air freight, yeah predictable, just advise everyone to open the box really carefully and search it thoroughly, for me I totally missed it, but the Mali-gods took pity and saved it for me.

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It is an unfortunate thing I guess that Malifaux makes really dynamic and detailed mini's with precision..... which I love. But this means delicate and often many multi-part constructions with almost insanely difficult pieces to cut and glue. There are web posts and meems devoted to it. In the end I love the detail and I prepare myself when I go to the hobby room for frustration and occasionally tears. DC mannequin having a really delicate sword which does not survive international air freight, yeah predictable, just advise everyone to open the box really carefully and search it thoroughly, for me I totally missed it, but the Mali-gods took pity and saved it for me.

Would just love to see less one point connections to bases utilizing just a tip toe. Dynamism is great and all but at the end of the day, I do have to transport and play with these models at some point. Terrified of moving my Misaki crew anywhere, one torakage is held on its base by hopes and dreams alone.

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Would just love to see less one point connections to bases utilizing just a tip toe. Dynamism is great and all but at the end of the day, I do have to transport and play with these models at some point. Terrified of moving my Misaki crew anywhere, one torakage is held on its base by hopes and dreams alone.


Yeah, that is something I do not like either.  While I love their sculpts, I think they need to work a bit more to find a balance between assembly, durability in game, and dynamic poses.  I think a sweet spot can be found, they just need to do it.

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Upon further checking, there appear to be different sizes that Malifaux cards are getting cut at.

My cards for Smoke and Mirrors, Crossroad Seven, the effigies I've opened so far, and Widow Weaver are all one size.  The cards in my Sonnia set, and my Santana Ortega card are slightly bigger.

I've got a bunch of upgrade cards mixed together, from the new general upgrade pack and the two Arcanist arsenals.  Likewise, my Hannah and Miss Anne Thrope cards are wider (card oriented to read the text) than the cards in the two player starter set.  Notably, the Hannah card is the same size as the reference card from the upgrade deck.

But the wide upgrade cards in Dark Carnival are still a different size, so ....


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My dark carnival hasn't arrived yet, but when I bought my Misaki set a while ago, one of the upgrades was a lot bigger than the other cards in the box, but all the other sets I've bought are all the same size.

I took a look at my Misaki cards from the box when all this stuff came up and noticed the same thing. The arsenal decks though at least are consistent, so that is a work around if it really bothers. I really hope that they will continue to produce the Arsenal decks, perhaps just forgo the cards in the boxes all together. Far easier to introduce erratas or changes  this way.

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Well I just opened my Shenlong cards that came in the box, the upgrades were in a separate bag, and are slightly bigger than the stat cards. They still fit in my card sleeves though, so it's not really that big of a deal to me.

So my dark carnival arrived today, and after opening the cards I've noticed that it seems every card is a different size.

Edited by Durza
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