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Tara's Faces in the Void



So, I found out Tara's "faces in the void" is kind of a broken action. That's the 2 action that unburies an enemy model in base which chain activates. Well, there's no provision for the enemy to be considered friendly. So, it starts off engaged with Tara, making it unable to charge or shoot. All it can really do is walk and then take another another one action.

Is my take on that correct?

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Which version of the card are you looking at?  My Malifaux Core Rulebook PDF says


(1) Faces in the Void ( Ca 7t / TN 14tC): Unbury target buried friendly model into base contact with this model. If the target is elidgible to Activate this Turn, the target may Activate immediately after this model’s Activation ends as a Chain Activation.

that it's "Unbury target buried friendly model ...."


Friendly model.

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In the wave 3 beta, the Scion of the Void (a Henchman for Tara, basically) gives its leader a  :crow to all Ca actions and lets them take (2)Ca as (1)Ca. Considering you're getting to unbury an enemy model (that might not want to be unburied *coughpapalococough*), activate it yourself immediately afterward ("I'll just go wander into this open terrain in front of this massive gun-line, shall I?") and it's at least a 1-for-1 AP exchange (it could have Nimble, -Expert, Fast, etc, and Tara will soon be able to do it as a (1) action, so the AP ratio is stupidly good), I think it's only fair that there's a chance it can fail.


If the enemy gets to activate before Tara, especially in a turn where she wants to set up a beast bomb by burying one of her own models, it gives her a simple way of unburying that model to allow her to use the Glimpse the Void trigger again, as well. Just because there are a few restrictions in place and that it's a conditionally-useful ability doesn't mean that it's bad. It comes on the same upgrade that allows the beast bomb tactic to work at all, so really it's just a bonus.

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I'd say that action doesn't help in the list you took that day, which was ranged on top of ranged. In a more close quarters list, you could be popping out that punk zombie and immediately having it flurry at whatever. So, yeah, it's definitely not as good as that first glance read through thinks it is, but it's not worthless. Just more situational.

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It's way less regularly useful than her friendly version, but taking a big enemy that's activated, making it fast, burying it, slapping it around and setting it on fire, dumping it out with fast in your control at the end of the turn, then having it killed is both very powerful and something I've achieved more than a few times.

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I've never actually got it off but I've not thought of this before.  It certainly has nothing stating that you treat the model as friendly which mean it would be engaged which makes it far less useful than I originally thought.

If it can't close attack from where it stands unbury it so it's only engaged with Tara and then use Eternal Journey. Still not super useful, but somewhat workable.

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Can someone from the Wyrd side confirm that it was their intention to be this action as it is written this way please?

As you guys mentioned already it is almost useless at the moment. Having access to take a fully control over enemy model wouldn't be OP considering the fact you need to win opposed Wp duel with a flip with proper suit (or burn a soulstone).

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Unless it appears in the FAQ doesn't matter if anybody from Wyrd comments in here, it won't be official.  As written it would still count as an enemy model so be engaged even though it was under your control which means you could opt to let it walk away by not taking a disengaging strike but couldn't charge it.  Not sure on intent either mind.

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There's no official stand unless it's in the FAQ!  But I do hope they put it in there to clarify one way or the other.  I'm on the fence whether it might be a little too good if you do treat it as friendly which is why it's important to give it Fast first (assuming of course that it's a Melee model.  There's always the option or Burying shooters or dumping this out on the doorstep of whatever you want to kill).

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