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An Overview of the Arcanists


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Hello, fellow rebels!

Recently, myself and other writers on my gaming news site have jumped in to talk about our favorite faction in a bit of detail.  As someone that's been playing Malifaux for three years, I find myself still an Arcanist fan through and through.  Not wanting to miss a chance to talk about how awesome they are, here is the article about it!

It's split up into talking about their story, and then generalized information about the crews.  Now, posting here, I know a generalize overview of the Masters in the game probably isn't needed, but I'm curious about why other people play Arcanists, and how they view them.  Are they a criminal organization, or are they the underdog heroes?  In the article, I make a claim reaching for the idea that the Arcanists are probably the closest that we get to a good guy faction in the game.  Agree, Disagree?


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I don't see the Arcanists as good guys, far from it. I only really find Colette and Mei Feng sympathetic, Rasputina and Ramos are grade A assholes, the others are more middle ground. The closest thing to a central organization, the M&SU, is set up to give Ramos power and influence. It protects worker only so far as it doesn't interfere with Ramos' other interests.


It's still my favourite faction, but I have no illusions about the virtues of its Masters. :P

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Gremlins would be the closest to a good guy faction.


They for the most part just want to keep their land. Yet, they are willing to maintain mutual benefiting relations with the humans.


Ramos, he doesn't want freedom. He wants control himself. Maybe he wouldn't be as bad the Guild, but the sake of the people is certainly not his first concern. Does it have good people? Definitely. Like the Guild, I would consider most of the Masters "good guys." But as long as Ramos is charge, I don't think the Arcanists can be considered the good guys.


EDIT: On topic for the other part, I love the Arcanists playwise. Every Master I have run has been great fun.

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Fluff-wise, I agree that the Arcanists are as close as it gets to a "good" Faction from my own ideological context. Even then, their methods are questionable at best.

The basic setup of a labour union set up to minimise worker exploitation under an oppressive totalitarian regime, including "freedom fighter" elements, is a sympathetic position to me. Unfortunately, Ramos is the epitome of corrupted union officialdom, seeking nothing more than personal power with a callous disregard for those he's supposed to protect.

Kaeris, Ironsides and Mei Feng are morally grey, being little more than thugs for the union. They have interesting personal stories but I don't think I'd call them good people.

Colette does seem like a good person, even though she's a former criminal. She looks after her showgirls and does what she needs to survive. Marcus has sort of excused himself from moral standards.

I have a lot of sympathy for Rasputina, and I think hers is the most powerful personal story of any of the Masters. She's done terrible things, but only because she's been placed in terrible situations where "good" outcomes were impossible. Her choices may not be the ones I would have made in her situation, but I can understand why she made them. She's compelling, but I would avoid her at all costs. She's a fantastic character.

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I think Mei Feng fits in the villain category. She is a secret agent for a criminal organization engages slavery (of Gremlins), "protection" rackets, etc. She might care for her specific people she leads, but I don't remember her giving a shit about anyone else. *shrugs* I could be wrong. Maybe I missed something.


Ironsides I would fit into the hero category. She is focused on destroying the Guild for good reasons. She might not be too concerned with what Ramos is trying to build, but I could see her turning against him if she doesn't like what she sees.

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True. I probably see her in a more favorable light. But I still believe she is a bit more on the "good guy" side than simply being a "thug for the Union." It's not like the Union is filled with well-meaning people. *points to the Ice guy from her story* Admittedly, it may be a little different when/if I see her beating down a good person knowing full well the situation.

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From another perspective, Mei Feng is a hero fighting against the exploitation of her people by the M&SU from the inside. She's a resistance leader for worker's rights in an organisation that no longer protects them.

Ironsides mostly seems to get drunk and pick fights. She's not exactly a productive member of society.

Of all the Arcanists, I think Kaeris is the most villainous after Ramos. She's got the stereotypical villain childhood trauma (a lazy but common trope), has no obvious compunctions about killing people and causing massive amounts of property damage, and is to all intents and purposes an assassin that Ramos sends to kill his enemies in spectacular fashion.

It's all in how you look at it. ;)

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So of the 1st edition books I've only read the first two, and Marcus only appears briefly there. Does he do anything of note in the other two? Or is his morals a total enigma? Because the whole going to live in nature thing can be noble or scary depending on the details. :P

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The leaked story from shifting loyalties portrays Mei feng in a very bad light, she is definitely NOT a good guy, admitting lying to her followers about fighting for the people etc. Ironsides is more about people power and is a good guy in the way John Frost was (admittedly more punchy) morally they are fighting for something good but their methods are questionable, as is the person they take orders from. If we go in good old D+D speak:


Ramos- Neutral Evil (possibly true neutral but he wants power too much for his own ends for me)

Ironsides- Neutral Good (I admit, I'm biased here)

Marcus- True Neutral (he really doesn't care)

Colette- Chaotic Good (wants the best for herself and her girls)

Rasputina- Chaotic Neutral (a bit mental, slightly out of control but she recognises that December is bad and works against it)

Mei Feng- Lawful Evil (I may go so far as Lawful neutral- she follows the rules to the letter, even if that means bad things happening)


but that's just my take;)

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I think people are viewing these events through the wrong lens. In Malifaux, life IS cheap. It's another resource and, whether we agree or not, the various masters don't have the luxury of being squeamish.

Yeah, Ramos sacrificed two men to Tina's cannibal cult but it wasn't for laughs. He needed to keep them mollified and ensure allegiances that are essential for the Union. He even goes into how the Union would take care of the families of the two unfortunate souls.

Morality is a complicated thing and trying to shoehorn people into our modern blank and white categories is a little silly.

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Thanks. Though I wouldn't call it a "leak" when Wyrd has willingly shared it. :P


As for Alignments my view is more:

Ramos: Lawful Evil, he's a bastard so evil for sure. Lawful because while he doesn't want the current ordered society, he do want an ordered society, just with him in charge.

Ironsides: Chaotic Neutral or possibly Chaotic Evil. Seems mostly interested in getting revenge, getting drunk, and beating up whoever, in no particular order.

Marcus: Too little information.

Colette: Neutral Good or True Neutral. While it's obvious she cares for her friends, I don't think it's clear that she cares about anyone else. She doesn't seem very extreme on the lawful chaotic scale either.

Rasputina: Chaotic Evil all the way. She leads a band of cannibals and partake in their feasts. If she was less evil at some point she has fallen down the slippery slope by now.

Mei Feng: Lawful Neutral. If anything she seems like a punch clock villain in those story pages.

Kaeris: Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Evil. She comes across as a sociopath in the Crossroads story and her school of magic requires rejection of control.

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