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Ten Thunders vs. Pandora / Rezzers


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Hi everyone, sorry for the first post outright, but I don't have any sort of idea how to deal with Pandora or Rezzers. In case of Pandora the problem is her WP test on almost every occasion and in case of Rezzers I have problems with attrition and how to deal with boatload of summoned models.

In case of Pandora I was thinking about Kang to avoid some horror tests but otherwise I losing to Pandora almost everytime.

In case of Rezzers they out activate me usually within first 2 turns and apart from some ranged units I am also out of ideas.

Could you please suggest anything for 10T newbie ? :)

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If you are facing a summoner, and I should point out that in fact all Resser masters, while having the option to summon, may not actually be able to in the game if they don't take an upgrade to do so, very general tactics against them are:

Do not get psyched out because more models are showing up, any more than you should at your models disappearing.

Put direct pressure on the summoner as opposed to directly trying to constantly destroy summoned models. If the summoner is spending resources to stay alive they will have less resources to be able to devote to summoning.

KEEP IN MIND WHAT YOU NEED TO DO TO GAIN VP. This needed to be said in caps because it is the most important. It doesn't matter if the opponent summons 100 extra models of those models are not stopping you from gaining vp or gaining them vp. In my experience the best thing about summons is that they cause the opponent to voluntarily slow/paralyze their own models, effectively, by devoting ap to constantly clearing out the summons, if they aren't required to.

Kill them if you NEED to, ignore them if you can, distract them if you cant.

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Against Pandora I tried going with Misaki and 2nd time with Yan Lo - unfortunately Misery did a short work with me. The opponent keeps them bunched up together not only to amplify Misery, but also possibly mitigate damage on to Pandora or Iggy if I try killing Sorrows so Snipers or Archers are not best suited for job. Basically he plays Pandora only  so far and kind of specializes in control over the field. I was thinking that blasts would help but at the same time he usually picks Box Opens upgrade. So that would be a job for Kang to keep ranged stuff in the bubble or go with him to the party in to the melee.

Sensei Yu sound like the one who could mimic stalking from Misaki - the downside of him is lack of charge, but stalking could possibly help that. Would need to find a proxy for him and something popped into my head about that....

In regards to Masters just bought Mei Feng, also have Lynch, Yan Lo and Misaki...

EDIT. In terms of non master stuff I have Snipers, Samurais, Izamu and Dawn Serpent...

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Oiran with Misaki! The +1 Wp  :aura  really helps.


If your opponent is running a death bubble, just avoid it. Misaki + Disguise keeps her from being charged and lets you nibble off the edges and move. Untouchable lets Misaki gain Defensive for free and prevents horror duels. Yamaziko's Brace Yari protects models within 3" (which puts serious control on Baby Kade), and Master Tactician can ruin your opponent's hand and leave them open to assassinate. Torakage are hella mobile and really punch up in my experience against the Neverborn.


You can untie Pandora's knot or you can avoid it and scheme harder. I think Misaki is the best master for it, but it definitely requires a more gentle touch. If you can frustrate your opponent into breaking their models off from the bubble, you're well on your way to winning.


Oh, and Oiran have a Lure. It's not great, but does help to dismantle Pandora's bubble.

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If you're running Misaki, look one line lower down the card and read the "Thunder" attack action. Then target something next to Pandy and practise your best maniacal laugh. Works best with recalled training. Alternatively, pick up Yin and Chiaki, farm chi on Chiaki then give it to Yin to give her 0 action up to Ca9, then gift Pandy a lovely negative flip on Wp and Ca, so she can't cheat defensive flips without using her Df stat, and her only effective attack is Inflict.

Bring an Oiran or two, to boost your whole crew's Wp as well.

Against Ressers, bring Kang and play to score VP that don't involve direct conflict. Their masters are generally their most dangerous models (Seamus and McMourning especially), or are key to their summoning (Molly, Kirai and Nicodem), so killing their master can put a huge dent in their plans.

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I haven't played against Pandora, but my advice against any crew the fights in a bubble is select your schemes accordingly and make them come to you.  I have a friend how likes to play Von Schill and turtle up around around his healing box.  I send a couple harassers - a couple of Thunder archers with no LOS work great - and send two sets of scheme runners out away from his bubble and drop schemes.  Most of the time I'll still have a model or two that is not in either group.  They can help harass, drop additional scheme markers, or run interference for the scheme runners.


He'll have to choose to break up his bubble or leave some of your scheme runners alone.  Your trouble shooters can engage the pieces of the bubble as it separates.

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I played against NeilH with this Misaki crew at a tournament Sunday. The thing you do is dont go after Pandora, if she wants to get out of trouble shes one of the best masters in the game at doing it (you fail an attack once and your in trouble). You target the rest of her crew, as the majority of her crew acts as force multipliers on WP (widow weaver, Bishop, Poltergeists etc) so if you take them out, Pandora is left to take on too much in most cases. Also try to spread out and make sure you have condition removal, the amount of times she paralyses your key model is just frustrating.


I find Katanaka Snipers, Yamaziko, 10T Brothers are all good vs Pandora as they can either shoot from range, or be outside of LOS and with nimble/dance of the heavens move into a position to jump other parts of her crew. With regards to what master to use, it either has to be Misaki or McCabe as they are the only models that can withstand the WP barrage (McCabe with Promises).


Hope that helps.

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  • 1 month later...

As a TT player who recently had his rear handed to him by Pandora, I can make a few suggestions...


1. Anyone who's immune to Horror Duels (or strong against WP duels, in general) is always a plus. Yamaziko, Fuhatsu, and Monks of High River are a few that come to mind.

2. Pandora's crew is a crew that works on a lot of Synergy. If you see Sorrows in the crew, those should be in on the "Hit List". They're Incorporeal, but only have a Df 4, and if focused upon, are relatively easier to take out.

3. Just avoid going after Pandora herself all together. Focus on the crew models that sap your WP, and the crew is easier to face. She'll most likely still be winning a number of WP duels against you (so get used to it), but without her crew to assist in de-buffing your crew, it'll be a bit easier on your crew.


Good luck!

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No love for Sidir?


Against Pandora: He is Ruthless and can carry Promises so your hitters near him get  :+fate  to both WP and Ml. His Sh attack is on equal footing with Pandora so he can do nice damage to her if you are willing to focus and cheat a 13 to hit. Against her bubble he uses Empty the magazine so Pandy and her sorrows need to test Walk(!) or suffer damage that means at least a 9 is needed to pass which will drain her hand. Also don't forget that Incorporeal works only against attacks and Empty the Magazine is a tactical so they suffer full damage from it and get slow.


Against Ressers are a somewhat broad category but raising Wp with Oiran and wrecking stuff with Kang seems like no-brainers against all of them. Also don't forget that Oiran have a high cast so if you actually have the needed suit in hand on a decent card you have a good shot at pulling their master closer to your hitters which most of them don't like one bit. Against McMourning you want all the condition removal you can get. Against Nico I would say Toshiro with his summon upgrade to steal corpses isn't all that bad. Also consider Oiran running along the side of the board and luring Nico away from his own models and tying him up in melee.

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I actually have yet to use Sidir (or anyone from McCabe's crew box for that matter) yet, but now I'd be definitely willing to try it out.


Well you won't probably be using the Wastrels with anyone but McCabe if even with him.. Luna is the same. :D 

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I'm slowly leaning more and more towards Guild as my next faction to collect. I still want to try McCabe as a TT Master first though. Granted my exposure to the game hasn't been as high as I'd like, but I'm learning it fairly well.


I'm really tempted to use Sensei Yu with more of my lists, but I have this natural tendency to play box crew models together exclusively.

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