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The Zinc Lich's Malifaux Personality Test

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Very cool thread.  I'll bite.

Warhammer 40k:  Dark Angels Deathwing/Ravenwing, loved the fluff, minis and playstyle.  The elite of the elite dropping in out of nowhere to strike hard and fast.  Necrons in their previous iterations with as much teleporting as possible, super advanced robots popping up all over the place to get kids off their lawn.  Orks full of heavy walkers and tanks, because stomp stomp stomp.

Warhammer:  Skaven, heavy lean on clan Skryre for all the crazy weaponry, but every game I had one model with Skitterleap to teleport a model around to the perfect position to strike.  Dark Elves, themed around the Black Arks, these giant citadels magically floating on the sea with an army of pirates and monsters pillaging the coastal settlements of lesser races.

X-Wing:  My favorite ship is the TIE-Int and my favorite pilot is Turr Phennir.  I have a blast running elite arc dodger lists, like multiple interceptors, phantoms, advanced and so on.  Games are won and lost based on my maneuvers alone.  One of my favorite experiences is winning a tournament with Soontir, Turr and Jax.  I played against a lot of heavy hitting lists, but my ability to draw them out of position, strike and fade let me overcome them.  Turr being able to fly up right into point blank, blast someone with 4 dice then just boost or roll out of sight is incredible.

League of Legends:  Blitzcrank, Alistair, Singed.  I loved to make the big play and totally throw enemies out of position for my team to finish the job.

Morrowind:  My favorite game of all time.  You just get dropped off in the middle of this utterly alien land and have to not only figure out how to survive, but also have to immerse yourself in this land, this culture, and become its salvation.  I loved just wandering around Morrowind, reading books, learning the lore of the world.  It's obviously dated mechanically these days, but after playing it a ton, I'm a total lore nut for Elder Scolls.  The Convention, Dreamsleeve, CHIM, it's all crazy and awesome.

Pokemon:  Black/White were my favorite, with their largely self-contained and well developed generation of 'mons, refined gameplay and experience system, and a really good story.  Though, my favorite Pokemon will always be Bulbasaur and Wobbuffet.  Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venusaur are sweet looking plant dinosaurs, have all the lovely debilitating grass/poison effects and Mega Venusaur is a terror.  Leech Seed, Giga Drain, Sludge Bomb, Toxic.  He's so rude, I love it.  Wobbuffet is adorable, goofy and brutal.  He's so weird, turns enemies against themselves and just sits around not caring.  Love it.

Starcraft:  I like the aesthetic and lore of the Protoss, and Reavers are my favorite unit in the game (RIP) with all their lovable derpiness and how fun they can be when micro'd well.  But I always play Zerg.  I don't like doing too much micro, so I fast expand, build up quick raiding forces of mutalisks and harass mineral lines, expansions and so on to draw the enemy out of position.  Then I'll swarm them with zerglings.  Hitting them from multiple angles with good sized, but not overwhelming numbers, is what makes Zerg so fun to me.

Heroes of Might and Magic:  Dungeon is my jams, awesome fast high end creatures, 2 ranged units with no melee penalty, strike and return harpies, and the facebeating minotaurs.  Combine that with great magic and you've got a scary team.  I also get giddy whenever one of my heroes learns Logistics and start Gunnar fairly often, as mobility on the map is worth more than anything.

Mass Effect/Dragon Age/KotoR:  I really like learning about a world and making decisions that affect that world.  In most RPGs my PC of choice is very Rogue-ish.  Infiltrator in ME, Rogue in DA, Dex build in KotoR.  I hate having things I can't reach behind locked doors and I really like being able to sneak around and hit enemies from unexpected angles.  RP-wise, I'm all about the gentleman thief.  I'll rob you blind, but I'll still do the right thing in the end and help people who need it.


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I don't actually play video games but am a big warhammer fan (although I hate the company!)

My favourite armies are Eldar (Saim-Hann & Biel-Tan) for 40k & Undead (Vampires & Tomb Kings) for Fantasy.  I also dabbled with Eldar & Chaos in BFG.  But I also have Night Lords and Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons.  The Vyper model was what got me into the company about 20 years ago & I still have a thing for jetbikes! 

My favourite game moments both revolve around luck! 

  1. Space Marine Bike Sergeant and a grunt charge a fully tooled up Daemon Prince from the Chaos 3.5 book (so cheesy as heck!).  Daemon killed the grunt, then 5,6,6 to hit, 6,6,6 to wound and the DP failed all invuls!  Then the Serge died to a Lascannon next turn!
  2. Other one was a Scout with Sniper Rifle in 4th Ed rolling 4 sixes in a row to destroy a flat out Wave Serpant on turn six to win me the game!

They're the moments I love and part of the epic-ness of dice based games!

Hope that gives you enough to work with!


Da Git

Well, unfortunately, Malifaux isn't going to be able to help you out with jetbikes; its just not a vehicle kind of game. That being said, I might just have something up your alley. If you are a big fan of explosive luck streaks, the faction you are looking for is Gremlins, and no gremlin is as randomly amazing as Wong. The sheer amount of cards he can flip on a good Lightning Toss is incredible. As a faction, Gremlins are blazing fast and, while they don't typically summon like a WHF undead army, they can win games in the same sort of attrition heavy, flood-them-with-bodies style. Although Gremlins have a lot of ways to mitigate some of the more random elements of their faction, there's nothing saying you have to take them. You can double down on Dumb Luck and Bayou Two card and trust the law of averages to deliver powerful, if unpredictable swings.

You should also take a look at the Rooster Rider. They share a lot in common with jet bikes, like the fact that they are blazing stupid fast and they tend to die if the enemy gets to pick their engagements. They also have the aforementioned Bayou Two Card and a pretty hot trigger on a :ram that nets them free charges. Rooster Riders are one of those models that will sometimes win games all on their own, and sometimes utterly fail in a hilarious manner.

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My favorite game would have to be Dark Souls. I love the challenge and the sheer variety of builds and playstyles that worked for it. It made the game incredibly replayable. My favorite character would have to be Solaire, acting as the one hopeful character in a bleak setting. Most memorable moment is hard to pick. I suppose it has to be the beginning of the final boss fight. Such an intense fight, backed by some really great, calm music. They did a great job of making it feel like the end of an epic. Bloodborne is slowly beating Dark Souls 1 on my top list.


I don't play many strategy games, I did play a lot of zerg in Starcraft 1.

I used to be big into Magic, where my absolute favorite deck was an all-commons mono black control deck. I really liked the mixture of board control and swarming my opponent with 1/1s and 2/1s. Also, ninjutsu-ing in rats\ ninjas was always a fun time (for me, at least).

Favorite fighting game character is probably Erron Black, gotta love the gunslinger aesthetic. I think that before then, it was Cody from Street Fighter.

In World of Warcraft, I played an affliction warlock. Stopped playing when Cataclysm hit. In Guild Wars 1 I played a minion master necromancer.

Favorite RPG that I don't get to play nearly enough is Shadowrun, where I tend to play social infiltrator adepts or magicians

Edited by Zaristus
Rethought my favorite Magic deck
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Tales of Vesperia: An epic fantasy about humans and mysterious race of demi gods the Entilaxlia. The main chars journey to find the cure for the poisonous technology they've lived thousands of years on as a vengeful human seeks to annihilate humanity for the death of his brother like best friend and leader of the Ent. Lucifer.  It has such a fun plot and I love the chars as well as the ultimate attacks Mystic Artes. 


Fave chars: Raven: A tanned archer who constantly stabs the char's in the back but proves he's good by nearly committing suicide to save them during a battle that nearly cost them their lives. Rita Mordio: A hyper active mage who loves to research. She has a short temper and will often throw fireballs at her friends and enemies simply out of frustration. Repede: A smoke pipe wielding dog that fights with a dagger in his maw and tail. 


I'd love to be able to cast Artes which tend to be epic in style regardless of power level. I also love community styled world of guilds(groups that do certain things) that the game revolves around. It has such an amazing society and storyline of friendship.



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My favorite video games are MMO's.  I'm currently having a DDO phase.  I almost exclusively play paladin-like classes. 

I like to dish out decent damage and then, when their defenses are down, smash their faces in!  I would like to always do a lot of damage, but I know that's unrealistic, cause I like to be able to buff myself defensively, and spam a heal when I need it. 

Before this phase, I was hooked on Diablo 3, in which, you probably guessed it, I played a crusader. 

Essentially, I run a moderately defensive, self-buffer hit-stick that occasionally lands a wallop and can keep herself alive. 

I am eyeing Leveticus, but not sure if he is what I'm looking for.  He also seems to need a lot of thought, and I isn't smart.

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I really like reading your analysis thus far. I'd love to see mine done:


Magic the Gathering: All of my decks are Grixis colored (red/blue/black) or Izzet/Dimir

Lotr LCG: Spirit and Lore. Threat management, healing, and Encounter manipulation.

Mass Effect series: Female Soldier Shepard, I liked having guns for all ranges

Dragon Age Series (1->3): Arcane Warrior -> Mage -> Sword and Board Tank

Elder Scrolls: Spellblade spells AND swords!

Fallout: Speech is my favorite skill then shotguns ; )

Warhammer Fantasy: loved the dwarf fluff hated their playstyle elves were fun to play but I hate fantasy elves

40k: Love the Adeptus Mechanicus fluff. Played Space Marines since the Adeptus Didn't have models

Warmachine: Circle

World of Warcraft: Druid was my favorite class (had all the tools)

Warhammer Online: played a tank twice (knight and ironbreaker)

Eve Online: Mainly Ewar (control)


Fun to see what my gaming past says about me.

So, let's take a look at your magic deck choices. If all of your decks are some combination of Blue, Red, and Black, that means that you have very little interest in White or Green. What do those two colours have in common? Well, they traditionally focus on highly efficient creatures, with very little offensive casting or direct control. This is also supported by your love of EWar in EVE. Win the game by controlling the field.

You play a lot of Tanks, which focus on A: not dying, followed by B: irritating the opposition into attacking them, allowing them to leverage A. So, who is a master that brings strong Ca actions and survival tools to the table. As weird as it sounds, I think that I'm going to suggest Pandora for you. While she doesn't like taking punches to the face, she is slippery to get a hold of, and she provides so much control that it limits how much can actually get to her. I have played a lot of games against Pandora, and let me tell you, actually killing her is an achievement. You like controlling the enemy and dictating the rules of engagement? She does that. She provides explosive spike damage like Izzet decks, and she also stalls and grinds down enemies like Dimir. You even have the Druid/Circle dark forest magic thing going on.

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Okay, I'll bite. Because God knows I need another reason to consider switching Factions/Crews. ;)

When I was playing Magic: the Gathering, my preference tended toward red/blue or green/blue - raw power with a side of subterfuge to give me some tricks to throw my opponent off balance. I also enjoyed playing mono-black, but usually only the suicide-black kind of deck - sacrificing my life force, my creatures, my land, basically anything and everything to bring my opponents life force down to 0 within 3-4 turns. ;)

In 40k my preferred army was Dark Eldar for a long time, and in particular Webway armies (this was back in 3rd ed when the codex sucked, everyone spammed Raiders and nobody rated Webway portals). I also dabbled with a surprisingly effective Mandrake army, maxing out on one of the worst units in an already bad codex and led by an also bad special character - the Decapitator. Once again I took alot of players by surprise with that one and somehow won way more games that I expected to with such a "bad" list. I also dabbled with Witch Hunters and space marines, but always tried to go against the meta, the former being without Sisters of Battle and the latter being almost entirely on foot. 

In Fantasy I had an undead army, but that quickly gave way to a full goblin army. It sucked, but it was great fun throwing wave upon wave of expendible troops up the table.

I haven't played alot of video games in recent years, although I did play Mass effect, going for a Vanguard. Her playstyle was straight forward, high damage and in your face, but also required some tactical thinking. You couldn't just rush in, spray some bullets and hope for the best. 

Rogues are usually my character of choice for Fantasy RPGs (again, high damage but tactical thinking required), but my favourite game of all time remains Sid Meirs Alpha Centauri. I played that game for years, with my favourite Faction being the Hive - huge population growth and a philosophy that basicaly says "Screw individual well being, the collective is all that matters". 

Oh, and the only MMO I've played remains Eve Online, where I found that I enjoyed the stealth and exploration side of things, especially on my own in nullsec, more than shooting things down. Yeah, I'm really not a multiplayer kind of guy. :)

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Well I'm curious...

WoW:I've been an hc player for years with my druid resto ms/tank os; Warcraft: Grommash Hellscream by far is my champ

Skyrim: ranger/assassin nord

Diablo 3: Witch Doctor...really an amazing class in a really crappy game; loved this char, summoning and poisoning, one of the most fun classes I have ever played

Kingdoms of Amalur: Spellcloak, half finesse half sorcery;

D&D: Barbarian dwarf two handed, inspired by WH dwarf daemonslayer; pure insane dpr raging madness

Magic the Gathering: I love green/blue decks, raw nature power with a bit of control over my opponent, maybe with a splash of red for adding some speed

Warhammer: always played dwarves but people said me that I should have played Dark Elves or Warriors of Chaos instead due to my playstyle

WH40K: Dark Eldar, loved their speed combined with poisoned shooting;Archon with AP2 and poisoned blade in a unit of Incubi was my favourite setup

Warmachine&Hordes: Cryx/Trollbloods

Infinity: Ariadna, Scots sectorial...seriously, they have William Wallace

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This is an easy one. Which ones(!) am I? :P

Favourite Games:

Painkiller: My favorite ever (?) game. I especially love the Asylum (crawling lunatics!), Opera (Samurai & Ninjas!), Military Base (X E Qt R) and Docks levels. The twisted images of what was once human is greatly distorted and displays the underlying tones of the hidden dark side of humanity, with all it's dark desires and devouring hungers.
Warcraft III the Frozen Throne: Undead. I was in love with Anub'Arak and the Crypt lords overall. I could play hours upon hours and never get tired. In 2 vs 2 I would sometimes go for double rush strats where I would spam beetles and skeletons while building towers with my ally. Afterwards I usually went for the Tinkerer and spammed robo gobbers from the Pocket Factory. When I played seriously though I was all-out Death Knight + Crypt Lord (impale + beetles or carapace), fiends and statues + later Destro/Wyrms. Nowadays I would be inclined to play Night Elves as well, with Demon Hunter or maybe Warden as prime.
Diablo III LoD: Still Elemental Paladin (Holy Shock, or Vengeance). The auras smell like team leader, and the whole holy vengeful warrior stick really felt good. Elemental Assassin and Skelly Necro were still not too far behind. Multiple attack types and team support are my themes here.
Mortal Kombat: Noob Saibot. His ending in Armageddon where his Noob and old Sub-Zero personalities face each other and meld together into a new existence was like a personal discovery to me. Sub-Zero is the sauce (also because frag Scorpion-b1tch!). Oh, and Cyber Sub-Zero. Ya, not a fanboy, not at all...
System Shock 2: Now that is a brilliant old title. Improving upon yourself with cyber modules and training in a particular weapon style while unlocking your latest psi abilities: The apex of human evolution and self-expression through style.
EYE: Divine Cybermancy is an indie game that had great (but not fully realized) potential. The idea of a Church of Cybermancy and Cybermancy monks really hit the right spot. Being able once again to fuse PSI and cyber in one felt so good. The key here is the mystical vibe - the great circle of searching through yourself over and over again, learning more and growing stronger. And in the end, the final realization and the only way out - the Void.
Shadowrun: This is the perfect setting for me as far as RPGs go. I loved Shadowrun Returns (although it's rather stiff) and especially Shadowrun: Dragonfall (Yay! Efficient and cheap cyber implants!). Tried both pure tech guy and pure shaman/adept (nature). In the end, the character for me turns out to be one that dips a little into both and has great social options (which are not always well presented in RPGs, sign). Charisma please!
Custom RPGs: I have played in a group with the Savage Worlds and Warmachine systems. The first one was easier to immerse in while still giving good levels of customization (pretty boy with a dark side here). The second one I really loved though: It allowed the character to mix and combine careers and abilities so that they could get the most 'me' combination possible (leader/yolo/moneyy! gunslinger here). In the second I was influenced somewhat in the choice (as I used to lean heavily towards melee characters previously) by a certain Malifaux gun-wielding character. Too bad I didn't know that the expansion existed, or would have gone with a Monk-Scrutator Priest combo instead.
D&D: Not really a fan of the system, but what I would be interested in the most is being a bard: They can influence others and the battlefield in subtle ways, and are basically all-rounders.
Magic the Gathering: Ahh, the root of all evil. Always went for white-black decks here, with Orzhov and Boros my favourite guilds. My two favorite modern decks are white aggro Humans with black splash (Humanity will rise and shine!) and black-white demonology/necro deck that sacs stuff and spams tokens from the dead bodies. As for commander, my first deck is Merieke Ri Berit/Oloro: Black with white and blue, combo/control oriented (no counterspells, I hate those cheat cards!). The most enjoyable one however is the other one: Tariel, Reckoner of Souls with massive red aggro (efficient, hasty creatures)/chaos effects (Possibility Storm, copy effects, sac permanents) and white/black recurring effects.
Summoner Wars: The game I didn't want to admit I like because I roll bad dice (:P) Strangely enough, this is the only game ever that has a blue faction (and a counterspell) that I fancy: Vanguards. Durable, with healing, requiring good positioning as befits of a disciplined army. Capable sometimes of neat movements tricks with some unit and also have a unit of bad-ass battle monks B) In addition, I also play Cloaks (the rogue emigrants faction) and Mountain Vargath, the mountain goats of lightning and stomping.
Eclipse (the boardgame, I all began in distant space, herp). I liked the space jews (Eridani) the most in the basic game: They were the old masters, the supreme civilization with old roots that is now decaying. They start with a shitload of money, but their economy is crippled and start dragging you under quickly. This creates a challenge, but gives you great flexibility in the start while also pushing you to act quickly and decisively - or DIE! They prefer elite ships and are easily good with them from the start. In the expansion I found I like the Magelan (flexible space traders) and the space pirates who can only spam small and medium ships - but have great movement :P.
Neuroshima Hex - New York, durable (additional hitpoints), flexible (both decent melee and ranged units) and most importantly, unique and powerful specialists (RPG, Shotgunner). Hail Humans! New Vegas: Rogues that turtle while buying off and turning the enemy forces against their former allies. Money, power!

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This sounds interesting!

The Mass Effect trilogy are the best games i've ever played! I loved the vanguard class, which let you use magic powers to charge in the opponents face and slam the grund and make a shockwave, then use shotguns to finish them off. The only thing I didn't like about the class was that it wasn't the most "competitive", or best class, because I really am a power player that likes the best stuff.

Favourite moments I remember was when you found the reapers origin, and when you found the last living of the prometheans, a species long dead for millions of years, but one was left alive in stasis.

Favourite caracters was sheppard, thane, garrus and liara. 

I love to experience a good story unfold.

I also love games like Diablo and Elder Scrolls, were you build your own caracter, and mix the best combos of skills. I like my caracters tricky and skill based, but not "too" hard to play. Enough to make you feel smart, but not TOO confusing. In Diablo 2 i liked Sorceress, and in Diablo 3 Demon Hunter. In Elder Scrolls online I chose Nightblade.

I also played a lot of Starcraft when I was younger. I liked to build my own little "town" and army. I liked protoss the most but also Zerg. Not terran so much. I felt they was boring. 

I've also played a lot of Destiny on ps4. I love to strive to get the best gear and stuff. And get to the highest level. 

Edit: I generally like the magic based classes in games, casters, or the rouge types with stealth and powerful attacks. The rouges the most, I think, but it's a hard choice. I tend to choose the most competitive ones. But I really like it when there is some kind of magic involved.

I also love the the Mega Man and Mega Man X games. And to kill the bosses and get new weapons from them. Expanding your arsenal and collecting new stuff.

I love the creative part in games. To build your own caracter. Create it. Gather information on the internet and refine the caracter. 

The master that I am going to recommend for you is Leveticus, in the Outcast faction. First and foremost, if you want to be a competitive player, Leveticus is pretty much the best master in the game. He has an enormous hiring pool, able to hire any undead or construct model in the game, and he's no slouch at getting stuff done himself.

His big trick is dying and resurrecting himself every round, which can be a little bit hard to wrap your head around. In effect, though, he plays a lot like a Vanguard does; he pops up on the board somewhere, melts someones face, then disappears before the enemy has an opportunity to respond. Because his damage output is so high, his board position is so unpredictable, and he's such a slippery jerk, he fits both the caster and rogue archetypes.

The Outcast faction also gives you access to a crew of rag-tag adventurer types. I know I originally became interested in them because your crews sort of end up feeling like the Normandy crew; all sorts of characters, united to complete a mission.


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If you're not tired of doing this yet, I'd love to have my wargaming tea leaves read! Tried to keep it as brief as I could...


40K: CSM, with a heavy Nurgle focus. Love plasma packing plague marines and Nurgle sorcerers tossing around plague winds.

WFB: Ogre Kingdoms, Skrag the Slaughterer and Leadbelchers. Kaboom. And also, Yum!

WM/H: Skorne, X2 and Morghoul, piles of titans, heaps of buffs, whole lot of pain. Also, Mordikaar, because Cryx is stupid.



Mass Effect; Used engineer the most, just too good of a tool box on any difficulty. But I do have a soft spot for infiltrator, had a nice kinetic game play that you don't usually get out of a "sniper" class,

WoW: Tauren Hunter, the class that taught me to kite. Still one of my favorite MMO classes. Pure face melting DPS sweetness with added cats. 

WAR: Toss up between the Witchhunter and Chaos Chosen. I like the combo play of the WH, but aura weaving with the Chosen made tanking actually fun. Haven'l liked a tank as much in any other game.

SWTOR: Agent for snipes and drones. Also love the bounty hunter for making healing entertaining, rather than the babysitting chore it usually is. NOthing says "Get well soon" like a missile to the side of the head.

Thanks for taking the time to do this mess, it's been a blast to read through everyone's divinations!



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Everyone else seems to be doing it, so I'll jump in too!

I used to play 40k a long time ago. Imperial Guard, mostly because they were regular guys up against incredible odds and nightmarish opponents, and weren't weird freaky space marine supermen.  I played Warmachine very briefly, as Khador, preferring again a strong military theme and painting/basing units to be in wintery forest locations (I love winter, snow, forests, mountains, etc). I am a huge Star Wars fan, and when playing X-Wing, Armada, or Imperial Assault, I will usually play Empire (their ships/vehicles are just prettier) or Scum.

I used to play Magic quite heavily, and played in a number of big tournaments in Europe and Asia before getting burned out by the cost, among other reasons. I tended to prefer highly aggressive aggro decks, usually of a red, black, or red/black variety, but my favorite decks and the ones I had the most success with tended to be Midrange or Control White/Black. White/Black was my favorite combination overall, and it's probably pretty easy to draw a line of comparison between the Orzhov and The Guild. Blue/Green would probably be my second favorite combination, with a lot of trickiness and powerful, slippery monsters. While I do like being competitive, I think theme is probably the most important part for me. 

Speaking of Orzhov, I also love ghosts. A lot. And random paranormal stuff or monsters. 

For video games, I mostly play Blizzard stuff these days. A very long time ago, in Warcraft 3, I played Undead and Human heavily. In WoW, my first character was a Human Rogue, and my second was an Undead Warlock. I played again for a bit later on as a Worgen Death Knight (I liked the victorian werewolves). I play a lot of Starcraft 2 (Terran), Diablo 3 (Wizard, usually), and Heroes of the Storm. Some of my other favorite games are: Vampire Bloodlines, Alpha Protocol, Arcanum, Knights of the Old Republic 2, and Red Dead Redemption. I also played an Infiltrator Paragon and a Renegade Engineer (prefer tech to biotics/magic) throughout Mass Effect.


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I'll bite....

Favourite game is more of a series - the Legacy of Kain. Utterly enthralling story between two people that loathe each other; Raziel and Kain, around whose fates hang the Soul Reaver weapon. Chockful of treachery, manipulation and agile dexterous combat, we shall sadly not see their like again. =(

Other titles I enjoy: The Void - an extremely weird game exploring the space between life and death, where your life, health, spells, combat and everything else revolve around the use of a mysterious substance called colour. Everyone and everything in the Void has its own agenda, each manipulating your for their own ends.

Syndicate (the good one): A wonderfully tactical game about a corporation's rise to despotic power through the use of subjugation, brainwashing and a delectable array of heavy firepower.

Subjugation, brainwashing, and heavy firepower? Sounds to me like you want to play the Guild. I'm personally going to recommend you try out Sonnia Criid. While she might not be the most agile combatant, she is full of treachery and manipulation, along with carrying arguably the most powerful weapon in the game. Flame Burst is the most accurate attack in the game, and its able to stretch blast markers out almost six inches on a severe hit, plus she can shoot through walls. The Witchlings, her signature minions, are former mages who have had their bodies and minds blown apart and reassembled to serve Guild interests.

She also powers her spells with a chthonic fire god that lives in her head. That might also be a plus for you, seeing as you like The Void and also have the Hungering Darkness as your avatar.

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Huge wall of text with potentially bad grammar (non-native English speaker) incoming:

Other tabletop wargames:

I've played Warmachine/Hordes from 2007 to 2010 (first edition), my faction of choice was Trollbloods, mostly for aesthetic reasons, but I also liked the inherent toughness of their models. My favourite 'locks were Grissel Bloodsong, who had a different playstyle than the usual slow moving brick with army-wide mobility and spell-and feat denial on her feat turn and Grim Angus because goggles and longcoats are win and I loved knocking down a target with Lock the Target, shooting him with my gun, then letting a Dire Troll loose to eat it.

I wanted to try out Mordheim for quite a while, was mostly interested in Witch Hunters or Undead, but ended up playing a Reiklander mercenary warband because it was the cheapest option. I only played one or two games, which were spent camping on a roof and shooting things with longbows, which was utterly boring.

Was interested in W40k and Warhammer for fluff reasons, but the rules seemed horribly bland after WM/H, and all the games of 40k I've seen consisted of shooting each other for 6 turns, so I didn't end up playing them. The Inqusition (mostly for Inquisitors & their badass retinue and not chicks in power armor or Gray Knights), Black Templars, Orks or Chaos Marines (Red Corsairs, Emperor's Children or Death Guard) would have been the likely candidates for me from 40k, and Ogre Kingdoms, Night Goblins or maybe Chaos Warriors (Slaneesh or Nurgle) from WHFB.

Also owned a Chaos Dwarf team in Blood Bowl, which I sold without ever using and kitbashed an Orc team (which I've never actually played, but they and "standard" Dwarves were my favourites from the video game).

Turn-based Strategy Games:

Heroes of Might and Magic III is one of my all-time favourites. I loved both its strategic and tactical parts. From a strategic point of view I preferred to level heroes with the Logistics speciality, who could explore the map more quickly and could outmaneuver the opponent on the minimap. Two of my three favourite factions had an acces to such a hero, those were the Dungeon Overlords (gotta love Minotaur Kings) and the Barbarians of the Stronghold (I just loved their music and aestethics). My third favourite was Necropolis, I loved their town music and the combo of Death Knights, Vampire Lords and hundreds of Skeletons.


I liked Warcraft III (who didn't?), my favourites were Orcs and Undead on the second place. Kinda liked the Blood Elves from the Human faction, but WoW made me hate them.

Played Dawn of War quite a lot when I was 16, I liked were Space Marines and Necrons in multiplayer and Orks (because of comic relief) in the single player campaigns.

My other RTS games were mostly historical ones, I was into Age of Empires 1-2 when I was young (Phoenicians in 1 for War Elephants, Teutons because of their Knights in 2). I also played the recent Total War games quite a lot. In Shogun 2 Shimazu were my favourites because of early acces to Christianity (thus ships with cannons) and their starting location which made controlling the trade nodes easier. In Rome 2 I liked Carthaginians and Epirus for their phalanxes + Elephants combo (and naval control in case of Carthage) and Romans and Gauls for deadly heavy infantry. Haven't played that much with Total War: Attila yet, but Visigoths and Suebi were my favourites because they start as migrators so I can sack everyone while looking for the perfect place to settle and because they had awesome infantry from the start.

Also loving Paradox's recent grand strategies, notably EUIV and CK2, no particual favourites, but played as Hungary in both games for the first time, because of my nationality. :)


Played some of Diablo 1-2 when I was like 12, liked the Warrior from D1 at first but I always died, then discovered how the Sorcerer with Mana Shield outtanks and outmelees him. In Diablo 2 minion master Necro was the only thing I played. 

I love Bioware's older D&D games (BG, NWN 1-2-though the latter is not actually Bioware), usually played a Cleric with a Lawful alignment, either Human or Dwarf. Played through BG 1-2 and expansions as a Lawful Evil Dwarf Fighter/Cleric a few years ago. I preferred BG1 to BG2, because the latter was a pain in the ass with an evil PC, although killing Drizzt do Urden (I dislike elves in general) was more fun in BG2, as it is one of the most challenging encounters in the game (with no rewards). From BW's newer games I liked Dragon Age: Origins (played through as a Dwarf Noble Rogue and roleplayed as a good guy, except for killing the potential Elven party member on the first encounter, but he attacked me first, so not really an evil act), but the second part was horrible and I did not even give the third part a try. Mass Effect 1-2 were also pretty good, played as Renegade Shepard with Soldier class (Assault Rifles ftw). My permanent companions were Wrex and Garrus in 1 and Zaeed and Garrus in 2. Mass Effect 3 was one of my biggest gaming disappointments ever.

My recent favourite is Witcher 3, I played Geralt as a tanky melee/alchemy hybrid, with an emphasis on poisons and potions in my build. Most memorable moments from the game were the Ladies of the Wood (they were one of the creepiest things I've ever experienced in any RPGs) and the Reasons of State questline (where you have to help in a plot to assassinate a certain king). Oh and I loved the card-minigame, Gwent from the Witcher, Nilfgaard deck ftw.

Wasted a few months from my life for Skyrim (and failed a few exams because of it), I played an Orc in heavy armor with dual-wielded swords.

Also played some "traditional" pen and paper RPGs. Two campaigns in Warhammer Fantasy RPG, one as a Halfling cook (just to piss of the DM) and one as a Sigmarite Zealot, who was a tough melee monster, too bad the campaign was about investigation and my only contribution was whacking the village mayor dead with a flail after I mistook him to a Chaos Spawn due to a rather obvious illusion. The campaign ended with the village being torched by Skaven and the DM giving up. And two campaigns in Pathfinder, one as a Lawful Neutral Half-Orc Inquisitor (which is a bit like a mix between Clerics and Rangers with more skill points) and one as a Lawful Evil Human Cavalier (quite a bit influenced after Roose Bolton from GoT).

Online games:

Played Leauge of Legends for two years, my most played character was Mordekaiser by far. I loved his early game toughness, continously whittling down the enemy laner's HP with dots and damaging spells, then killing them at lvl 6-7 and pushing the tower with their ghost pet I recieved from my ultimate. Also gave Dota 2 a try, but did not play it as much as I've got tired of the MOBA genre. Viper was my favourite hero there though.

Tried out Hearthstone, but got bored of it after a few months, played mostly with Warlock and Paladin decks.

Used to play WoW for a few years, on retail I mained a Goblin Death Knight, and on a vanilla private server an Orc Shaman, but the latter was for PvE only, as I've found Shamans rather boring in PvP (but at least I got a guaranteed raid spot). If I'd start on a vanilla server again, I'd definitely roll an Orc Warlock or an Undead or Dwarf Shadow Priest.

My most recent (and hopefully last, because it is time consuming) MMO experience was Guild Wars 2. I mained a Warrior, Shoutheal for World versus World mass PvP and Shoutbow for arena PvP. Both were tanky builds with almost constant AoE healing, CC cleansing and a long cooldown AoE ress. The WvW build had more CC, the PvP one had more dots and thus more killing power with some occassional burst damage.

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We're gearing up for the holiday season, so let's see if I can get through some of this backlog. Just in case you folks need another gift idea!

(subtlety is for people who are not me).

God help you if you were part of the raid and somehow stopped me from Doing My Job, whatever it was that raid. Sometimes Penguining was My Job and sometimes it was doing damage and sometimes it was crowd control, but I got livid when some other person blocked me.

 any chance to do something else, I took it. 

I started to write down before what I did for single player games...and then laughed and showed myself out of the thread. But now I have discovered spoiler boxes.

When I run with this character. . .I cannot shuffle! 

Alright, what do you get a person who likes efficiency and flexibility, enjoys playing sims, and hates shuffling cards? Charlie Hoffman! Unlike most masters out there, he provides buffs to his crew in the form of increased stats. Instead of flipping more cards, you succeed more easily with the cards you have. Playing Hoffman is all about keeping your construct train on the rails; positioning each piece to make the best use of his buffs and sharing those buffs out to the minions that will get the best use out of them.

Very cool thread.  I'll bite.

Warhammer 40k:  Strike hard and fast, as much teleporting as possible, popping up all over the place to get kids off their line.  Orks full of heavy walkers and tanks, because stomp stomp stomp.

Warhammer:   every game I had one model with Skitterleap to teleport a model around to the perfect position to strike.

X-Wing:  I have a blast running elite arc dodger lists, like multiple interceptors, phantoms, advanced and so on.  Games are won and lost based on my maneuvers alone.  my ability to draw them out of position, strike and fade let me overcome them.  Turr being able to fly up right into point blank, blast someone with 4 dice then just boost or roll out of sight is incredible.

League of Legends:  Blitzcrank, Alistair, Singed.  I loved to make the big play and totally throw enemies out of position for my team to finish the job.

Morrowind:  My favorite game of all time.  You just get dropped off in the middle of this utterly alien land and have to not only figure out how to survive, but also have to immerse yourself in this land, this culture, and become its salvation.

Pokemon:  Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venusaur are sweet looking plant dinosaurs, have all the lovely debilitating grass/poison effects and Mega Venusaur is a terror.  Leech Seed, Giga Drain, Sludge Bomb, Toxic.  He's so rude, I love it.  Wobbuffet is adorable, goofy and brutal.  He's so weird, turns enemies against themselves and just sits around not caring.  Love it.

Starcraft:   I fast expand, build up quick raiding forces of mutalisks and harass mineral lines, expansions and so on to draw the enemy out of position.  Then I'll swarm them with zerglings.  Hitting them from multiple angles with good sized, but not overwhelming numbers, is what makes Zerg so fun to me.

Heroes of Might and Magic:  Dungeon is my jams, awesome fast high end creatures,

Mass Effect/Dragon Age/KotoR:  all about the gentleman thief.  I'll rob you blind, but I'll still do the right thing in the end and help people who need it.


Have you thought about all the fun you could have with your own cadre of ninja assassins? When it comes to elite models striking from strange angles and disappearing before the enemy can react, you don't get much better than the Last Blossoms. Not only that, but Misaki is, in fact a noble (gentlelady?) thief, able to abscond with the enemy's soulstones, and with the Ten Thunder's Misdirection upgrade, you can jump into the middle of the enemy crew and do your best Wobuffet impression, slapping people to death with their own attacks. 

My favorite game would have to be Dark Souls. I love the challenge and the sheer variety of builds and playstyles that worked for it. It made the game incredibly replayable. My favorite character would have to be Solaire, acting as the one hopeful character in a bleak setting. Most memorable moment is hard to pick. I suppose it has to be the beginning of the final boss fight. Such an intense fight, backed by some really great, calm music. They did a great job of making it feel like the end of an epic. Bloodborne is slowly beating Dark Souls 1 on my top list.


I don't play many strategy games, I did play a lot of zerg in Starcraft 1.

I used to be big into Magic, where my absolute favorite deck was an all-commons mono black control deck. I really liked the mixture of board control and swarming my opponent with 1/1s and 2/1s. Also, ninjutsu-ing in rats\ ninjas was always a fun time (for me, at least).

Favorite fighting game character is probably Erron Black, gotta love the gunslinger aesthetic. I think that before then, it was Cody from Street Fighter.

In World of Warcraft, I played an affliction warlock. Stopped playing when Cataclysm hit. In Guild Wars 1 I played a minion master necromancer.

Favorite RPG that I don't get to play nearly enough is Shadowrun, where I tend to play social infiltrator adepts or magicians


Mono black control, eh? Well, you say several times that you like having cheap, plentiful minions; Warlocks and Necromancers are both pet classes, you use a lot of 1/1s in magic, and you play Zerg, who embody the "victory in numbers" strategy. I think that you should take a serious look at Collodi, to be honest. While he doesn't, strictly speaking, fit the profile of a summoning specialist, he certainly isn't ever going to be without minions. The big reason I recommend him is something that isn't very apparent to people who haven't played against him before: he is an enormously controlling master. His attack action is accurate, surprisingly damaging, and hands out slow *everywhere*. Not only does he ensure that his crew has consistent, cheap activations, but he makes the opponent's important activations less effective. Leverage those 1/1s!

While it might not be ninja rats, Collodi is certainly able to support Swampfiend Minions, and Swampfiend minions mean surprise swamp golems!

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Hmm, let's see what you think of me if you have the time :)


I love MOBAs. They're my favourite genre of video game. I used to play League a whole lot, where I would mostly play AD carries, particularly Ezreal who is a skillshot heavy mobile autoattacker. After switching to Dawngate I ended up playing nearly everything but carries, my faves were Desecrator (a literal grave who tanked with lots of CC), Fenmore (a wolf themed tanky mage who healed & shielded himself with positioning), The King of Masks (a thespian mage with a dash that powered up his next spell with lots of area denial) and Kel (a shepherd tank whose whole thing was being able to throw his sheep and dash to it). Now that the Worst Possible Thing happened and Dawngate got shut down, I occasionally play Heroes of the Storm. In that I mostly play Arthas, Murky and Chen. I actually sort of hate DotA 2 but have somehow played over 300 hours of it. Rubick is my fave there (no that's not pandering :p). Zynga's MOBA Solstice Arena was surprisingly good and I played Tiny who was a dog with a bucket on his head who was a tank that healed.

It's not exactly a MOBA but another of my favourite games of all time was Bloodline Champions. I used to mostly play Alchemist & Herald of Insight who were both healers. Dabbled in all the other healers and also Ranid Assassin and Nomad.

Played a bunch of the original Guild Wars where I used to play Mesmer, generally an interrupt Mesmer. In Guild Wars 2, I hit level 80 with my Engineer in 5 days and still play her because why would I want to play a class that's not Engi? 100% of my PvP games are as Engineer.

TF2 was my jam for ages, and it was basically my first competitive game. I was a Medic main although on my regular server, I was known as quite a fearsome battle medic too - I wasn't afraid to whip out the Blutsauger. Near the end of my days playing, Demoman and Soldier were my second most played.

I got into Warcraft 3 way after everyone else, but I've played a decent amount. Orcs all the way there, with Blademaster as my main hero if I'm feeling tryhard, or Tauren Chieftain if I'm lookin to be casual. Humans are my second there with Blood Mage as my favourite.

Briefly played WoW after Warlords of Draenor. Mained a Worgen Death Knight who never ever switched out from blood spec, and was levelling a panda monk who never switched from brewmaster when I got a bit bored of the game and quit. Those two were the only characters I really could get into. WoW isn't really my sort of thing.

I'm on and off super into Age of Wonders 3, where my favourite race is Halflings and favourite class is either Dreadnought or Warlord.


For tabletop stuff, I've done a bit of RPGs. Paladins are my favourite character archetype and I tend towards playing one. My other favourite archetype is the alchemist or enchanter who has exactly the right potion/magical ring for every situation. Not particularly common in fantasy games, but it works well as a D&D wizard retheme.

Board game wise, my favourite genre is the deckbuilder, by far. My favourite game is Puzzle Strike 3rd Edition, where I play Lum who is a panda that focuses on cycling his deck and also gambling a bit on card draw, Max Geiger who is a time traveller who manipulates his deck to get what he wants when he wants it, and Menelker, a big nasty guy who turns into a dragon just as he's about to die, turning the tables completely.

Also really like Mage Knight: Board Game, where my favourite characters are Norowas, whose focus is on recruiting units, and Krang who is kind of weird and hard to describe, mostly to do with manipulating resources?

Other board games I like are mostly Euros, so no special characters, but I generally really like the kind of games that are super punishing where you always want to do way more than you actually can, like Dungeon Petz.

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Tales of Vesperia: An epic fantasy about humans and mysterious race of demi gods the Entilaxlia. The main chars journey to find the cure for the poisonous technology they've lived thousands of years on as a vengeful human seeks to annihilate humanity for the death of his brother like best friend and leader of the Ent. Lucifer.  It has such a fun plot and I love the chars as well as the ultimate attacks Mystic Artes. 

Fave chars: Raven: A tanned archer who constantly stabs the char's in the back but proves he's good by nearly committing suicide to save them during a battle that nearly cost them their lives. Rita Mordio: A hyper active mage who loves to research. She has a short temper and will often throw fireballs at her friends and enemies simply out of frustration. Repede: A smoke pipe wielding dog that fights with a dagger in his maw and tail. 

I'd love to be able to cast Artes which tend to be epic in style regardless of power level. I also love community styled world of guilds(groups that do certain things) that the game revolves around. It has such an amazing society and storyline of friendship.

Alright, I know that you have a lot of other stuff going on in the reasons why you like Tales of Vesperia, but I can't see anyone talk about a blade-wielding dog without recommending them McCabe. Giving your trusty dog Luna a glowing sword and sending her off to disembowel your enemies is not only a great image, it's actually a pretty good trick. McCabe also has the whole "friend or foe" duel faction thing going on, as well.

My favorite video games are MMO's.  I'm currently having a DDO phase.  I almost exclusively play paladin-like classes. 

I like to dish out decent damage and then, when their defenses are down, smash their faces in!  I would like to always do a lot of damage, but I know that's unrealistic, cause I like to be able to buff myself defensively, and spam a heal when I need it. 

Before this phase, I was hooked on Diablo 3, in which, you probably guessed it, I played a crusader. 

Essentially, I run a moderately defensive, self-buffer hit-stick that occasionally lands a wallop and can keep herself alive. 

I am eyeing Leveticus, but not sure if he is what I'm looking for.  He also seems to need a lot of thought, and I isn't smart.

I'm not sure that I would say that Leveticus requires a lot of thought, really. I mean, he takes some getting used to, but once you get the trick, you just kind of point him at an enemy model and enjoy the fireworks. If you are looking for a defensive buffing hit stick, I think you should try out Von Schill and the Freikorps. Between the healing power of the Librarian, The Shirt Comes Off, and the Steam Trunk, not to mention all the Hard to Kill floating around, you certainly have resilience down. His offensive output isn't what you would call explosive, but it isn't like its bad; there's nothing wrong with a gun with min damage 3 that ignores Hard to Wound.

Okay, I'll bite. Because God knows I need another reason to consider switching Factions/Crews. ;)

When I was playing Magic: the Gathering, my preference tended toward red/blue or green/blue - raw power with a side of subterfuge to give me some tricks to throw my opponent off balance. I also enjoyed playing mono-black, but usually only the suicide-black kind of deck - sacrificing my life force, my creatures, my land, basically anything and everything to bring my opponents life force down to 0 within 3-4 turns. ;)

In 40k my preferred army was Dark Eldar for a long time, and in particular Webway armies (this was back in 3rd ed when the codex sucked, everyone spammed Raiders and nobody rated Webway portals). I also dabbled with a surprisingly effective Mandrake army, maxing out on one of the worst units in an already bad codex and led by an also bad special character - the Decapitator. Once again I took alot of players by surprise with that one and somehow won way more games that I expected to with such a "bad" list. I also dabbled with Witch Hunters and space marines, but always tried to go against the meta, the former being without Sisters of Battle and the latter being almost entirely on foot. 

In Fantasy I had an undead army, but that quickly gave way to a full goblin army. It sucked, but it was great fun throwing wave upon wave of expendible troops up the table.

I haven't played alot of video games in recent years, although I did play Mass effect, going for a Vanguard. Her playstyle was straight forward, high damage and in your face, but also required some tactical thinking. You couldn't just rush in, spray some bullets and hope for the best. 

Rogues are usually my character of choice for Fantasy RPGs (again, high damage but tactical thinking required), but my favourite game of all time remains Sid Meirs Alpha Centauri. I played that game for years, with my favourite Faction being the Hive - huge population growth and a philosophy that basicaly says "Screw individual well being, the collective is all that matters". 

Oh, and the only MMO I've played remains Eve Online, where I found that I enjoyed the stealth and exploration side of things, especially on my own in nullsec, more than shooting things down. Yeah, I'm really not a multiplayer kind of guy. :)

I've been looking forward to this for a while now. What do you recommend to the person who has everything? Alright, so you like playing masters that require a little bit of finesse, have a high offensive output, and you like breaking the meta and beating people up with models people generally think are bad. Suicide black and a preference for the Hive in Alpha Centauri leads me towards the Gremlin faction, and since you already have Som'er and Ophelia, my official recommendation is for you to try out Ulix.

Dealing with the idiosyncrasies of the pig subfaction certainly requires a fair bit of finesse, but when you do everything right, he has the ability to totally flatten anything that gets in his way. You also get to put a bunch of stuff on the table that you don't see with other Gremlin-faction crews. Who else gets as much mileage out of piglets? Not to mention everyone who follows your blog will get to see what conversions you get up to!

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Well I'm curious...

WoW:I've been an hc player for years with my druid resto ms/tank os; Warcraft: Grommash Hellscream by far is my champ

Skyrim: ranger/assassin nord

Diablo 3: Witch Doctor...really an amazing class in a really crappy game; loved this char, summoning and poisoning, one of the most fun classes I have ever played

Kingdoms of Amalur: Spellcloak, half finesse half sorcery;

D&D: Barbarian dwarf two handed, inspired by WH dwarf daemonslayer; pure insane dpr raging madness

Magic the Gathering: I love green/blue decks, raw nature power with a bit of control over my opponent, maybe with a splash of red for adding some speed

Warhammer: always played dwarves but people said me that I should have played Dark Elves or Warriors of Chaos instead due to my playstyle

WH40K: Dark Eldar, loved their speed combined with poisoned shooting;Archon with AP2 and poisoned blade in a unit of Incubi was my favourite setup

Warmachine&Hordes: Cryx/Trollbloods

Infinity: Ariadna, Scots sectorial...seriously, they have William Wallace

Well, you mention the Diablo 3 Witch Doctor, which automatically makes me think of Resserectionists. After all, they are the faction best known for poison attacks and summoning. In fact, along with undead, those are the top three things that I would use to describe the faction. Your WarmaHordes picks are typically melee focused, so you probably won't miss having guns. That being said, you also identify the GW Dark Elves, and I wouldn't say that most Resser crews will impress you with their speed.

My recommendation for you, then, is Kirai. First and foremost, she has Malevolence, which allows her to summon Ikiryo in combat with anyone who attacks her or things near by her. I'm glad that you mentioned the Daemonslayer, because that is exactly what Ikiryo is: a totally disposable face-mauling machine. Kirai's crew is mostly composed of incorporeal spirits, which make better speed than most Resser models due to being able to walk through buildings like they weren't there. Kirai and her box henchman, Datsue-ba, also help accelerate her crew around.

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Well I'm curious...

WoW:I've been an hc player for years with my druid resto ms/tank os; Warcraft: Grommash Hellscream by far is my champ

Skyrim: ranger/assassin nord

Diablo 3: Witch Doctor...really an amazing class in a really crappy game; loved this char, summoning and poisoning, one of the most fun classes I have ever played

Kingdoms of Amalur: Spellcloak, half finesse half sorcery;

D&D: Barbarian dwarf two handed, inspired by WH dwarf daemonslayer; pure insane dpr raging madness

Magic the Gathering: I love green/blue decks, raw nature power with a bit of control over my opponent, maybe with a splash of red for adding some speed

Warhammer: always played dwarves but people said me that I should have played Dark Elves or Warriors of Chaos instead due to my playstyle

WH40K: Dark Eldar, loved their speed combined with poisoned shooting;Archon with AP2 and poisoned blade in a unit of Incubi was my favourite setup

Warmachine&Hordes: Cryx/Trollbloods

Infinity: Ariadna, Scots sectorial...seriously, they have William Wallace

Well, you mention the Diablo 3 Witch Doctor, which automatically makes me think of Resserectionists. After all, they are the faction best known for poison attacks and summoning. In fact, along with undead, those are the top three things that I would use to describe the faction. Your WarmaHordes picks are typically melee focused, so you probably won't miss having guns. That being said, you also identify the GW Dark Elves, and I wouldn't say that most Resser crews will impress you with their speed.

My recommendation for you, then, is Kirai. First and foremost, she has Malevolence, which allows her to summon Ikiryo in combat with anyone who attacks her or things near by her. I'm glad that you mentioned the Daemonslayer, because that is exactly what Ikiryo is: a totally disposable face-mauling machine. Kirai's crew is mostly composed of incorporeal spirits, which make better speed than most Resser models due to being able to walk through buildings like they weren't there. Kirai and her box henchman, Datsue-ba, also help accelerate her crew around.

Thanks mate, honestly I never thought about Kirai 'cos I don't like oriental theme...but I'll give it a try now ;)

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Some great responses here, so now I'm curious to see what you'd come up with for me. :)

In Magic, I tend towards Selesnya - I like to ramp up my lands, summon tough monsters, nurture them with enchantments to grow bigger, and then pound the opponent to paste in a dramatic finish. I really enjoy life-gain (for the sense of security it gives) and I've had enormous fun with some Orzhov decks that alter the life-gain mechanics to hurt my opponent while healing myself.

The most fun I had in World of Warcraft was playing a Priest geared and specced for DPS in shadowform. I'd have a little "Mwa-ha-ha" moment every time someone attacked me while I was in normal "I'm a harmless healer!" mode, only for me to bring up that purple-black aura and melt their face off. None of the other classes ever really clicked for me.

The computer game I play most at the moment is Guild Wars 2, where my main character is an Engineer. I like having the full suite of tools at my disposal - healing, buffs, debuffs, mobility and damage - but mainly I like strapping on a flamethrower and rampaging across the countryside, burning everything to death. It's my "unwind from a stressful day" game. My first character was a Mesmer, but while I quite enjoyed the ability to cripple the opponent and watch them slowly die while never being able to touch you, making any progress through large numbers of enemies was just an awful grind.

In 40K, I really like the aesthetic of the Dark Eldar and Tyranids, but couldn't get either playstyle to work for me. I ended up playing a lot of Orks and Dark Angels but always felt that the Orks died way too quickly and the Death Company usually got overwhelmed. I quite enjoyed the few times I borrowed a friend's Blood Angels - lots of fast jump troops that hit hard in melee.

In WH Fantasy, I enjoyed Vampire Counts because they were deadly and hard to kill (except that when they died, the whole army crumbled) but never really cared for the other undead, who mostly existed to tarpit things for the Vampires to murder at their leisure. I liked Skaven for the massive blocks of troops and the crazy magic-tech. Most of all I liked the Wood Elves - thematically, for their relatively neutral/pragmatic moral stance (halfway between High and Dark) but also for the playstyle of whittling down the enemy with deadly arrows and magic, then smashing anything that was left with Treemen.

In League of Legends I was drawn to Ashe and Warwick for their ability to ambush and cripple opponents one-on-one, leaving them unable to effectively fight back or run away.

I promise I'm not as vicious as this rundown probably makes me sound. :P

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  • 5 weeks later...


I hope you are still active. Shadowflame redirected me from this thread to yours, so maybe you can help me out ;).

Before I begin I send out a little disclaimer; I am collecting Gremlins and want one box to break out from; with that let's begin.

Every game I Play I love some casting warriors, not Paladins though. For instance in Diablo 1 I made a spellheavy warrior, which is fun. I like the balance that comes with it, though I like the spell side a bit more and if I can't create a hybrid in games, I go with the casting class (like the Wizard in Diablo 3; though I tend to go for magical sword and off-hand). So I should not mention that I play Diablo 1 and Diablo 3. I like Si-Fi; I like Fantasy, but I also like when both meet (like the scriptor in Warhammer 40k). I also enjoyed some of the Final Fantasy entries, IV; V; VI; VII and IX.

Currently I like playing Wizard Poker (read: Hearthstone) and though I played the heck out of druid, currently I enjoy some MidRange Hunter; Freezemage and Control Warrior... especially the Warrior feels now with some cards like the sorcerer-warrior I always like.

I always love it, when there is something unique or a new twist to an old thing, or if things are a funny hommage to an icon (for example I painted a Circle of Oboros Gorax as Blanka from Street Fighter). Yep I have Circle models and it's not the call of the wild that sucked me in, but that the generals are all casters and to some extent fighters.

I also love the Legend of Zelda and the most stunning entry for me was NOT Ocarina of Time but A Link to the Past and Windwaker (both tied).

I usually don't do well with Sandbox games, where you have too much freedom to do, because I just get overwhelmed with all the decisions, though I always try to do it.

Though I played some WoW; I am happy that I just don't do it any more. Guess what I played, right mage, but Arcane mage (my prime was during the WotLK Expansion, but I started with Burning Crusade).

Oh and my current stance is that some internethypes are well overrated (like Zombies; Pirates vs. Ninjas; etc.) so yeah.

Also I have fun with some sidescrolling beat em ups like Castle Crashers, I enjoyed the Green Knight (poison damage) the most. Again, spell-casting knights! (I guess you get the theme).

I take my liberty with painting, so all my Gremlins have yellow skin Color (I just don't see why I should invest Money in miniatures just to paint them exactly like they "should" be (I'm looking at you Warhammar [40k] purists!)

I had a weakness for Magic (but I couldn't justify playing a deck of 60 cards or so and gathering up a pile of cardbox), but green, black and blue had been my most beloved colors, with me having played lastly a black-blue deck.

I think that is why I like Star Wars; especially the Jedi and Sith order, again "spellslinging knights".

Well this is it from me. Hope to hear from you soon(ish)

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This seems very interesting:

Favorite series was final fantasy, especially 7 ten and tactics. After that it would be the heroes of might and magic series.

Favorite RPG character is always the tank. I love being able to shrug off the hit and protect my party. My favorite WOW character was a blood elf paladin. Gave me the tanking ability and gave me the ability to heal.

I play warmahordes and tried all the hordes factions and ended back in trolls 3 different times. Their ascetic was always great. Unbridled fury mixed with the hilarity of those damn pygs.

When i played magic ( and that was way back in the day) I normally played blue control or green rush decks.

Can't say i really like the undead very much, but I am not strictly against them either lol.



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On 12/7/2015 at 8:42 PM, The Zinc Lich said:

Subjugation, brainwashing, and heavy firepower? Sounds to me like you want to play the Guild....

This makes me giggle. ^_^

On 12/15/2015 at 3:39 AM, Kadeton said:

...I promise I'm not as vicious as this rundown probably makes me sound. :P

So does this, but for the opposite reason. I've seen what you attach your 'likes' to... :P


I was curious whether you would spot something in my gaming history that pointed toward one of the masters I almost chose, but no, you sent me straight to where I went first and intend to stay--sending Guild constructs out to make some peculiar but useful moves, with AP and stats and (every so often) abilities shifting across the field to wherever I want them. ^_^I miss my undeads, dear gods do I miss my DPS (I haven't got a beatstick other than the peacekeeper yet but it is often on other duties, see below), but you were right, I do love the familiarity of converting what resources I have into what I need; that is exactly the utility which sets apart the (reformed) necromancers from single-stat blaster-casters. If another EverQuest raiding refugee shows up, let them know that a plated-up peacekeeper makes a splendid surrogate rampage tank for Hoffman...in the same way an enchanter chain-casting runes does...it works, technically, but it costs a lot of soulstone-gems to keep mitigating the damage and things have probably already gone rather badly wrong for you at this point.

And I forgot to answer the question of most memorable moment in the game. Most satisfying, I think, on a personal level, because those nail-biting first-time raid wins were wonderful but not personal...that would be the first time I saw the Mechamatic Guardian stroll over the hill and punt everyone in its path the way people had been doing to me for years WHO'S THE SHORT ONE NOW MWAHAHAHAHA!...once again, I'll show myself out. :lol:

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A buddy has infected me with the Malifaux bug, but I'm always awful at picking factions in tabletop games so maybe I will let someone else do it for me :P


Warcraft 3: undead, humans

SC2: protoss, humans

Sins of a Solar Empire: Advent

World of Warcraft: Warlock

Mass Effect: Vanguard




MTG: White, green

x-wing/armada: rebel alliance

Firestorm armada: aquans

WMH: Cygnar, Skorne

Infinity: Nomads


Hopefully that's enough information. I would say that I enjoy a middle ground between straight forward and complicated. I like to feel like I earned the victory because I used models in a clever way or did some fun combos, not because I just brought a bunch of beat sticks, but I'm awful at micromanagement or keeping track of a lot of individual stuff. 



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