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Everything posted by Zaristus

  1. Thanks for the in-depth response! I'll probably start with Levi box Abominations Engine Von Schill box Hodgepodge Effigy University of Transmortis And maybe Lazarus and/or Punks as budget allows
  2. After a lot of umm-ing and ah-ing, I've decided to go with the master I like the look of best to start. As bad an idea it may be to start him, what should I grab along with Levi's box for a solid start? I'm fine with focusing on iron or bone. Edit: I know Ashes and Dust are amazing with him, but I'd rather wait for them to release the plastic version.
  3. My favorite game would have to be Dark Souls. I love the challenge and the sheer variety of builds and playstyles that worked for it. It made the game incredibly replayable. My favorite character would have to be Solaire, acting as the one hopeful character in a bleak setting. Most memorable moment is hard to pick. I suppose it has to be the beginning of the final boss fight. Such an intense fight, backed by some really great, calm music. They did a great job of making it feel like the end of an epic. Bloodborne is slowly beating Dark Souls 1 on my top list. I don't play many strategy games, I did play a lot of zerg in Starcraft 1. I used to be big into Magic, where my absolute favorite deck was an all-commons mono black control deck. I really liked the mixture of board control and swarming my opponent with 1/1s and 2/1s. Also, ninjutsu-ing in rats\ ninjas was always a fun time (for me, at least). Favorite fighting game character is probably Erron Black, gotta love the gunslinger aesthetic. I think that before then, it was Cody from Street Fighter. In World of Warcraft, I played an affliction warlock. Stopped playing when Cataclysm hit. In Guild Wars 1 I played a minion master necromancer. Favorite RPG that I don't get to play nearly enough is Shadowrun, where I tend to play social infiltrator adepts or magicians
  4. Thanks for all the input, guys. Guess I'll be digging through the Arcanist, Neverborn and 10T forums
  5. Do you mean hire enemy models, or make them move? Forcing them to move counts in my book. If it's hiring, I'd rather try to focus on a single faction then branch out, I know a lot of masters like to hire really specific units that aren't in faction.
  6. Hey all, I've been lurking in a lot of Malifaux communities for a while, and I'm finally looking to jump in. I'm not very experienced with wargames, but I played a bit of Warmachine, and I really gravitated towards Legion and Circle there because of the movement tricks. However, with Malifaux, it's hard for me to find a faction that I don't like aesthetically. I guess my question is: Which factions have the most mobility/movement tricks?
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