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New player - picking a Master or two, feedback appreciated.


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Long time Warhammer player, but completely new Malifaux player. We will be playing in a group of experienced gamers, but all but one are new to Malifaux. The "veteran" of our group has gone through the basics with me, showed me some models and provided me with a list of Masters he thought were fun and competetive today.


My thoughts are to buy 2 masters (preferably from the same faction) and some crew, along with the basic accessories and rules.


In terms of playstye, this is what I like:

- High mobility. I like being able to outmaneouver or outflank when needed.

- Hight damage output. I does not have to be straightforward high damage, it can come from synergies/combinations that are not always easy to get, but I do value high damage rather than attrition.

- Synergies, tricks and different strategies using the same models. I like being able to go with different approaches strategically, using similar models.

- I do not mind a low model count if that is required.

- I do not mind fragile models, if they perform well whilst being alive (glasscannon approach).


And this is what I dislike in terms of playstyle:

- Low mobility.

- Low damage output - win through attrition.

- A very straightforward approach strategically, which is often known to an experienced opponent.

- Having very few tricks or synergies.

- Jack of all trades, but master of none.


Having said that, I'd also like to be able to purchase the models now, rather than having to wait for them to become available. If it so happens that I can use similar crew for two different Masters (that preferably come from the same faction), that is a bonus - but not a requirement.


Here comes the list I was provided with;



- Leveticus

- Victoria of Ashes

(Jack Daw - Not released in plastic)



- Dr McMourning

- Seamus

- Nicodem

- Molly Sqiudpiddge



(Colette - Not released in plastic)

- Rasputina

- Ramos

- Mei Feng



- The Dreamer

- Lilith

- Jacob Lynch

- Pandora

(Collodi - Not released in plastic)



(Ulix - Not released in plastic)

- So'mer Teeth Jones

- Ophelia LaCroix

(Wong - Not released in plastic)


The Guild:

- Pertida Ortega

- Sonnia Criid

- Lucas McCabe


Ten Thunders:

(Shenlong - Not released in plastic)

- Jacob Lynch

- Lucas McCabe

- Mei Feng


Any tips, based on the Masters above, that you think would suit my playstyle and that are available today would be greatly appreciated. If I can find 2 masters from the same faction that would suit my playstyle, that would obviously be the best option.


Kind regards,



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That's a pretty long list.


Judging by your list of things you like, I'd recommend Lilith and a box of Nephilim and Nekima. Pretty much the epitome of what you described. Add a box of Waldgeist if you want some staying power from time to time.


Her tactica can be found HERE.



Reading what you like. Pick Seamus. Seriously. :D


The really fast Ressers (aka Kirai) are not very well supported with models at the moment. I'd go with Neverborn.

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Ophelia. Her damage output is second to none in the game, essentially her whole crew has access to three AP and nice Mv values, Gremlins have a ton of synergy, and she's sexy as hell.

Ophelia box, Somer box and Slop Haulers will give you two different crews that complement one another really well and both fulfill all your criteria.

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In terms of playstye, this is what I like:

- High mobility. I like being able to outmaneouver or outflank when needed.

- Hight damage output. I does not have to be straightforward high damage, it can come from synergies/combinations that are not always easy to get, but I do value high damage rather than attrition.

- Synergies, tricks and different strategies using the same models. I like being able to go with different approaches strategically, using similar models.

- I do not mind a low model count if that is required.

- I do not mind fragile models, if they perform well whilst being alive (glasscannon approach).

And this is what I dislike in terms of playstyle:

- Low mobility.

- Low damage output - win through attrition.

- A very straightforward approach strategically, which is often known to an experienced opponent.

- Having very few tricks or synergies.

- Jack of all trades, but master of none.

Sounds like you want the Viktorias. They have ridiculous speed, insane damage output, internal crew synergy, they are a little fragile but <mod edit> hit very hard </mod edit> whilst alive and this can be seriously mitigated with some healing. They are Outcasts with a very varied crew option list to them, The Sisters synergize well and everything else can be seasoned to taste. They are often seen as a one trick pony with their slingshot but having played them for nearly 2 years I can say they are very good at a lot of things.

I've yet to come across many problems that can't be solved by throwing the savagery of the Viks at it.

Edited by mythicFOX
Removed offensive phrase
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Hmm, Lets look at your dislikes

And I'll say I'm an unorthodox player, so this is my view, and others might not agree.


Low mobility - not really much of an issue. A few masters are slow (Rasputina), but can easily has a crew to counter that (snowstorm). Even Just using her box and a box of Decembers acolytes, I wouldn't consider it slow, partially thanks to Ice mirror. I don't think any box set plus a sensible booster or two needs to be slow.


Low damage output - Nicodem, Colette, anmd the Dreamer don't do a huge amount of damage, but they get round that by either summoning models that do, or giving extar Ap to your crew, which can easily do plenty of damage. If you choose Colette, you probably want a big beater like Howard in your list to be a priompt target to up your daamhe output. 

McMorning can hit fairly hard, btu a lot of his tricks are about making use of Poison, and so are sort of Damage by Attrition, but not a particually slow attrition.


Predictable Play style - No crew has a predictable playstyle, unless you make it so. Yes, a lot of people will play a master in a similar way (Sommer summoning, or Vik Missile) but they aren't the only ways to play them, and they certainly aren't always the best way to play them. Lots of people play Mcmorning Poison bomb for example, but as Zfiend recently discovered, he can do really well not focusing on Poison. Basically I don't believe any master has 1 best way to play, and 1 prefered crew. And the way the game plays you pick a crew to fit your strats and schemes each game, so you want to tailor it for the job.


Few Tricks and synergies - Likewise, I don't think this can really discribe any master in the game, if you don't want it to. Certainly not any of the oones you've listed


JAck of All Trades - Master of none. This is a tough one. I'm not sure I would any master a master of only 1 trade. There isn't a best summoner (Nico, Kirai, Dreamer and Ramos can all put in a claim for that). There isn't a best Ranged damager (do you want to kill 1 target, or spread the daamge) or ml attacker (likewise). Most Masters have an area that they do better than anotehr master from their faction, althoughfor a duel faction master it might not be the same area in each Faction ( Mc Morning is probably the best ml Master in the Ressurectionists, but only about 3rd best at it in Guild).


Sorry, this probably doesn't help, excapt to say tht you can probably play any of the masters in a way that fits yuor like section, and avoids your dislike. Certainly gettign 2 masters from matching faction is a good idea, and gives a wide range of choice.


Jack Daw






All currently don't have a plastic crew set, or a release date.

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Thank you all for your replies and tips, it is greatly appreciated!


Given that some models are currently unavailable I think I'll move away from those (put a parenthesis up in original post around those) for starters.


The tips so far shows that the game seem to be very versatile and maybe not as stereotyped per faction as I am used to from Warhammer, which is good.


So, given the tips here it's looking something like this if I want to buy 2 masters;



- Seamus + X?



- Lilith + X?



- Ophelia LaCroix + So'mer Teeth Jones



- Victoria of Ashes + Leveticus


Thank you once again for your tips and ideas!





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- Seamus + X?



- Lilith + X?



- Ophelia LaCroix + So'mer Teeth Jones



- Victoria of Ashes + Leveticus



I'd recommend Molly with Seamus, she's coming out very soon and she will give you some great models to use with Seamus and she synergizes well with his Belles and Sybelle. 


As for Lilith I'd go with either Lynch for some solid minions in the Illuminated and a very fun crew or Zoraida for Silurids and JuJu who are really kick ass models. Zoradia also has a very interesting play style which is a little out of the normal but makes her pretty versatile and she has a pretty massive pool of models to hire from making her crews fun and unpredictable for the opponent. 

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As someone who likes high mobility (Wood Elf player in WHFB) I went straight to Neverborn. Lilith and all the Nephilim are really fast (terror tots are crazy fast). Zoraida can transform into a bird and has obey to move around models(and make enmies attack eachother), she also come with Silurids who are really fast. Dreamer is fast and squishy but can transform into Lord Chompy Bits who is a tough high damage fighter. Beckoners and Mr.Graves have a bunch of movement tricks and Hungering Darkness is a moblie slaugther machine. Pandora has pushes and Lucius can order people around.

Neverborn is generally very fast and have access to plenty of flying and incoporeal units, tons of abilities to move either themselves or other models around. Most factions have a few high mobility options but Neverborn have more fast models than slow models. In my games I'm almost always the one to get the first charge.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For Seamus skip Molly for the time being. Crooligans are great, and you'll want them eventually, but though they can drop an enemies Wp Seamus himself, aside from terror, has no direct way to utilize the drop in Wp. Additionally with madam sybelle the rotten belle gets boosted to walk 6 while near her and they can serve as your scheme runners, as well as giving great battle field control via lure and undress.

My recommendation would be to get the Mcmorning box. Seamus works particularly well with nurses. If you want protection from shooting Sebastian can provide it, and the flesh construct is a great tarpit model, and in a pinch can help hide Seamus from Los if the enemy isn't on a vantage point.

In return Mcmorning loves to have access to rotten belles.

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I'll add my voice to the recommendations for Viktoria and Leveticus - both are mobile Masters with frankly disgusting damage output, but suited to different strategic situations. Both are very capable of switching up their playstyle to throw off opponents who think they know what to expect.


Once you've seen a Viktoria whirlwind obliterate the heart of an enemy crew in a single activation, you'll be chasing that high forever.

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