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The University of Transmortis ..?


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Is this supplement still available / in print? But even more important, is it worth buying?


I've already read the review on GMorts Chaotica, and there it is said the Iron Zombies are a bit overcosted (my other question would have been if Iron ZOmbies could be hired in crews for "normal" play, but the answer seems obviously yes).


As just came back to the game, there are LOTS of minis I would like to get, so I wouldn't like to spend on a box I seldom use. To the other hand, I'm a bit attracted by story-driven scenarios. Are these fun? Replayable? They need any extra material past the one in the box (and two crews, obviously) ?

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I would say it depends on which faction/Masters you play.  The story encounter in it certainly isn't worth buying it for.  The Valedictorian as mentioned above is a very good Henchwoman.  The Iron Zombies are excellent summons though so if you are planning on running Nico/Molly then they're definitely worth getting.

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Honestly, it depends.


I've been using the Valedictorian a good deal lately, and she has been a little hit and miss. She is an expensive model, which has a good deal of things to recommend her, but nothing she does in specifics really justifies her cost. Her cost is justified by how much she does, but my opinion is that in most games systems, specialization trumps generalization in almost every situation. What she is is a model with 6" movement with Flight, a 3" melee range with, for her cost, a subpar damage line, and Terror 12 All, Hard to wound, Armor 1, and a decent 0 Action which can be totally crippling to the right opponent ( anyone with a rider REALLY doesn't want any of the student's 0 actions to land on them for example).


So depending on your master, she can be beneficial. Molly likes her because she's a Horror, and therefore can get an extra AP out of Molly's 0 action, and can be given black blood when operating near her, and can (for 12 stones total ) be given Necrotic preparation and Unnerving Aura to make her a fairly decent control model.


Seamus likes her because her 0 action targets WP and has a high ca value associated with it, in addition to incidentally having a terror All score.


For myself, I'm not certain I'd take her with any other master because the options available at that price range just have flat out better options, and synergies. But for Molly and Seamus I do feel she is a strong contender for consideration, but nowhere close to a MUST Consider. I feel she would have been better and more of a consideration if her attacks, base, took all the ignoring functions of the other students, as in if her attacks ignored armor and hard to wound, and if they ever gave her her own personal upgrade that acted like the mark of shezul she would be a better consideration for more of the resser masters.


The other students themselves, personally, I'd never hire. Ever. They are too slow at walk 4 and too particular in their effects, which are amazing when they encounter their particular area of focus, but just not worth spending the points on to begin with. However, I feel that if you play any master that can summon them, IE Molly or Nicodem, then you should absolutely consider picking the set up. They are not required, as Punk Zombies can do the business well enough, but the ability to react to opposing models, and summon a student of steel if your opponent has lots of armor, or Sinew if Hard to Wound, or just any of them if your opponent has triggers you need to get rid of, can be very beneficial. Nothing wrecks Kirai or the Dreamer's day so much as having to spend resource to beat or redirect the 0 action from the student's so that they have the ability to still do so when nasty attacks come their way.


My final opinion firstly is that If you play Molly to any significant degree the pack is a very strong consideration. If you play Nicodem, you should perhaps think about picking it up at some time. Seamus can take or leave the Valedictorian, as she is useful for him. Any other Resser master can probably leave them lower on the buy list. Unless of course you like the sculpts, which are very good in my opinion. 

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Thanks everyone for replies. I'm currently looking at Resurrectionists as a Faction I would like to start.

The two crews I would like to start with are McMourning and Seamus (I think his avatar is one of the best models in the game).

Afterwards, I plan to get Molly, just because a severed head in a baby carriage is too wicked even for Malifaux, and I want it.

So, University of Transmortis could be useful to two Masters out of three...


Is this box someway "limited", or it is considered a "regular" release? In other words, if I want it should I rush to get it soon, or could I delay the purchase?

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Yes, the University of Transmortis is available. And yes, it's worth it!


So, when it first came out, the pieces were overcosted. In Wave 2, they were upgraded with more appropriate stat cards (which are listed in the Crossroads book.). They're now really good.


I've used Valedictorian in tournaments before and won the tournaments. She's fantastic: big damage, huge mobility, very tanky, and can cancel triggers.


The other three Iron Zombies are great for summoning: they can do a lot of damage, and each is well-focused against a particular enemy type (Living, Undead, and Constructs.) You can summon them during play to match what you know your enemy has. I use them for Tara summons, but Nicodem and Molly both also get good results from summoning them.

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Ml 6 2/3/6 is not big damage even considering the double positive damage flip on a ram. Doxies have close to that line, and a single positive damage trigger, as they are close to half her cost.

You take the validictorian for speed, durability, and control. If you are taking her to deal DMG you are bringing the wrong model.

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Thanks everyone for replies. I'm currently looking at Resurrectionists as a Faction I would like to start.

The two crews I would like to start with are McMourning and Seamus (I think his avatar is one of the best models in the game).

Afterwards, I plan to get Molly, just because a severed head in a baby carriage is too wicked even for Malifaux, and I want it.

So, University of Transmortis could be useful to two Masters out of three...


Is this box someway "limited", or it is considered a "regular" release? In other words, if I want it should I rush to get it soon, or could I delay the purchase?

Avatars are only going to be useable in campaigns in M2E and as Ted has said. the model may go out of print so that's something you definitely want to grab.  The University box is not limited.  Valedictorian is useful with Seamus and I've taken her with McMourning a few times but it's not a necessary purchase for either.  If you like the models (and they are awesome - I've just finished painting mine) then go for it.


Ml 6 2/3/6 is not big damage even considering the double positive damage flip on a ram. Doxies have close to that line, and a single positive damage trigger, as they are close to half her cost.

You take the validictorian for speed, durability, and control. If you are taking her to deal DMG you are bringing the wrong model.

:+fate   she can put out reliable damage but it's not significant unless you have a high :ram or burn a SS.  I tend to use her on the flank to escort Necropunks for schemes like Breakthrough.

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Once more, thanks everyone for comments and input. I think I'll get it at some point, but I'll get other stuff, first.


How Iron Zombies were upgraded in Wave 2? New cards? I find none in the download section...


On Avatars, I was believing they're planned to be released in Wave 3. It isn't so?
I already own the Seamus one, anyway, even if I don't have the crew, just because how awesome it is (plus, I could still use it in lots of other games, from In Her Majesty Name to Savage Worlds).

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The Cards that originally came with the box are now wrong.

They were printed before the public playtest, and a few things seemed to have changed

They may well have updated the boxes with the corect cards, but they have cards in the Wave 2 Resurectionist arsenal deck.

Model wise they aren't the sort of model you will hire in every crew by default, but they are pretty good. Ressurectionists look at models differently due to summoning and that changes their views on what is a good hire and what isn't.


The last beta said that whilst the campaign would have avatars, they weren't going to be making a mode for each master, instead there would eb a base holder to show your master as an avatar that would work for any of the masters of your faction.

The old Avatar models are legal to use for this if you want, or can be used for the forth coming Emmisaries, but don't expect them to make any more.

This is based on the beta rules, Wyrd may change their mind, but at the moment its highly unlikely they will make 38 Plastic centerpeace models that will have limited game play appeal.

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You can use avatar models in general play as a legal proxy for the emissaries that will be comming out. They are available for general play, so you could use avatar Seamus as the carrion emmisary. The rules for avatars themselves are comming out in the next book, but they are an option for campaign mode only.


I'm constantly debating getting some avatar models just for that.... they are beautiful!

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I use them for the Emissary role. And we will start a campaign here as well so I might be able to use them as an Avatar as well. They are cool models.


University is a cool box, the models are really nice and they make good summons. I'd never ever hire one though. 

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I've been using the Valedictorian a good deal lately, and she has been a little hit and miss. She is an expensive model, which has a good deal of things to recommend her, but nothing she does in specifics really justifies her cost. Her cost is justified by how much she does, but my opinion is that in most games systems, specialization trumps generalization in almost every situation. What she is is a model with 6" movement with Flight, a 3" melee range with, for her cost, a subpar damage line, and Terror 12 All, Hard to wound, Armor 1, and a decent 0 Action which can be totally crippling to the right opponent ( anyone with a rider REALLY doesn't want any of the student's 0 actions to land on them for example).

I don't think that she is a generalist any more than most other Resser Henchmen. In fact, I would argue that she is one of the most specialized Henchmen that the Ressers have. She is fast, has huge Ml range on a big base and is extremely durable: she's a tie-up piece. All of those abilities are important for the role. Her damage and Trigger shutdown are bonuses like, say, Sybelle's Shriek or Mortimer's Ml 7.
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  • 2 months later...

No tried the scenario - just to add in a little on the side of young lady Val - she doesn't have a great damage curve, but few ressers do while wave 2 has improved they had more of a flat line then a curve. Damage tends to come from either a volume of blows or other sources... 


What the Valediction does have is some of the best tar pit in the game, with Horror, HtW, Arm1 and soul stone use she isn't going any ware if you don't want her to.  Put that in with some of the in faction healing and she is a great body guard target who can move herself around no problem.


The students themselves are as discussed generally better to be summoned but I would say that the student of steel can really get stuck in if you know that you've got Guild/Arcanists/Outcasts to get by the Armour which is something that the resser faction really can struggle with (punk zombies are great but if you're only doing DMG 1 per hit...). Worth considering as they address a real weakness in the faction. Great when standing with Toshiro! 

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The Valedictorian's damage isn't too bad when you take into account Flurry and SS.  At Ml6 she's a pretty reliable hitter and has a 3" engagement range which means keeping most things out of reach whilst you're hitting them.  You do need to be prepared to spend SS for a Ram to get the double positive damage twist though if you want to hit her very sweet 6 severe damage.  Certainly not as scary as some dedicated damage dealers but when you take into account her other attributes already mentioned she becomes a pretty solid and versatile piece.

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I've got the box to go with Leveticus, but then I realised that I had so many Undead units for use with Leveticus I could run them as Resurrectionist as well. So I grabbed a metal Molly (the only Resurrectionist Master I like) and Necrotic Machine.


I'd better stay away from Marcus and Zoraida (being the only Arcanist and Neverborn/Gremlin Masters I like). I don't need two more "take everything" Masters.

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