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Card Organization

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Okay... I will preface this by admitting I am a little impulsive.. So I saw Malifaux a while back and now I have about 230 miniatures. I am looking for advice on the best way to organize all these cards for the models and upgrades.

I want to be able to quickly choose things, but many of the cards cross factions so I can't just make an Arcanist box, a Neverborn box, etc.

Advice? There are just so many I am afraid I will miss cool/appropriate options.



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I have a box where I put them in. It's organized by Masters (+ personal totem), then henchmen by cost, then enforcers by cost, minions by cost, and eventually peons by cost. 


Three ring binder with card sleeves!!  I learned this after much experimentation.  You put all the duplicates in one pocket.  I put model specific upgrades next to the model, and faction upgrades in their own place.


Okay, interesting.

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I'm experimenting at the moment, and think the 9 card binders probably work best.

I'm looking to get duplicate cards of the duel faction suff,so they can be found in both faction set up.

The other option is to do a sheet of same configuration duel faction stuff, and move it about as you want them.


I've tried the card boxes, and its good, but I often let things get messy, and I find in the time constarints of a tournement I find the card binders slightly easier to look through.

(And I can organise the pages to include summons on 1 page for some masters etc. )

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+1 to Ultrapro binders.


I use a small four sleeve one for the faction I'm taking, cards organized by Master, Henchman, Enforcer, Minion, and Peon alphabetically. Upgrades follow broken down by master, then generic. My gremlins fit nicely, along with the various out of faction models that tend to wander into my lists.


It's small enough to where it fits in the top tray of my toolbox  (magnetized bases here, i don't trust my skeeters to foam!)  with my tape measure, fate decks, markers, and dice so I don't end up with extra stuff I will inevitably forget.

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