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Smile for the Camera

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I love the idea of filling in the world of malifaux. I have previously posted a huge gap in the wierd-west style world, with the absence of a native american crew (malifaux I think would be a great setting for native americans to move to and essential to the setting). I feel there are some thing that are just needed, and today I had an idea as I was building a ttb character.

A photographer resurrectionist. Now bear woth me. Spirit photography at séances was populer and I think could be creepy. Soul stealing, handing out slow in blasts to reresent the lense. Burying modles so they are stuck, temporarily, in a moment in time. Board manipulation tricks. I mean a spirit photographer almost writes itself. What do you, the wyrdos think? Would that not be cool? And what else could it do?

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They could be similar to Coppelius - building up image counters instead of eyeballs of course. There would be utility in discarding the image counters with a (0) and a sacrifice effect "Open the Camera" that summons spirits or has some sort of blast effect.


I'd be leery of mass slow effects without a pretty major associated cost.

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Could be interesting to see something like this fleshed out. But I suddenly started imagining it like my mother-in-law with her camera. "Wait! Wait! I didn't get that shot. Go stand there and do that thing again! Hold on.. the flash isn't working.. don't move yet!!.. why isn't this thing working?? It was working for Shawn's birthday, that was only a month ago." Paralyze and horror duels and slows.. that's a mother-in-law.

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With the "evil Victorian" theme running rampant among the Ressers (I'm looking at you, Seamus!), this seems cool and flavorful!


The first mechanic to cross my mind was a ranged CA debuff, with a harder to get trigger handing out Paralyzed.  Some sort of Raptor-style "look at the top cards of a deck" trick might also be in-theme.


... I am deeply amused by the idea of such a unit needing to make Horror Duels to target Tyrants.  What?  There are some spirits you just don't want to photograph.  Probably too specific for actual gameplay, though.


A cursory search failed to help me, so - where is this past thread about Native Americans in Malifaux?

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I wish this idea had come up in the wave three testing grounds, we might have gotten some rules slapped together for it.



Tbh though, Ressers already have a ranged slow tosser (Chiaki) and paralyzer (Nurse). I'd say a dual faction Neverborn/Outcast merc that hands out debuffs would be more fitting and show that unearthly side of things just fine. It would even give them an excuse for a horror check or some trigger "Let me show you this picture.

It could do for a push action called flash powder to escape from combat etc.

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Whatever faction Cameraman is in, my thought is that a new faction could be made from Tyrants in a future edition, and if the camera-wielding Master comes to exist in that edition (or later), he'd have a problem against Tyrants and the beings they influence, considering that there are many scary things that can be seen through lens alone, in theory.


Tyrants I can think of offhand for this:


Plague (Hamelin DF Outcasts)

December (Rasputina DF Arcanists)

Obliteration (Tara DF Resurrectionists, losing Outcasts)

Cheruf (Sonnia DF Guild)

The Dragon (Shenlong DF Ten Thunders)

Nytmare (The Dreamer DF Neverborn - OR: Make Lord Chompy Bits a master and split him from The Dreamer completely)


Gorgon might be included but i don't know if it should, simply because I don't know enough about the Gorgon and its influence on Seamus or Molly. As it were, though, that's 6 dual faction Tyrant masters right there.




But I digress. My point is this: In a future edition of Malifaux, a camera-carrying Master is more than plausible (especially if my own idea comes to light, allowing for that particular handicap) - and I always envisioned a photographer/filmographer in Neverborn/Outcasts, myself :D


~Lil Kalki

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Suggestion: The best avenue for fan content in Malifaux right now is definitely Story Encounters. Why not write one up?

This is especially true because you could in theory add models like the Golden Pig or The Carver to the encounters, and if you want something custom, that's a distinct possibility. I had not considered that before, Ted. I'm gonna get on that soonlike! :D


~Lil Kalki

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