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Guild McMouning Core Crew


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So what crew do you bring with McMourning as a base list (~30 to 35pts out of 50) to build off of before seeing schemes and strat?


I've played a little bit with McMourning mostly with the combo (witchling, nurse, executioner), but curious to see what other ideas are out there. I have also played around  with riflemen ignoring armor vs arcanist crews.


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It's been a while since I played him, but off the top of my head I'd say his core crew is something like;



- Plastic Surgery

- On the Clock

- Evidence Tampering OR Badge of Office



Witchling Stalker


Judge synergises really well with McMourning's Plastic Surgery (which makes everyone undead within an aura), the nurse is a flat-out amazing support piece and the Witchling Stalker is there for condition removal (especially when combined with Nurses Heal+Paralyse trigger).


After that, add models to suit the strategy/schemes. Good additions would be;

- Fransisco (to boost McMourning's low Df and WP...some people swear by him)

- Executioner (McMourning is very good at keeping him moving)

- Austringer (great shooting, plus the push & interact action on a fridnely model can be invaluble). 

- Exorcist (don't remember his rules, but 'm pretty sure he's another anti-undead model). 

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Yeah, I think that you are going to hear a lot of "Witchling, Nurse, generic beater" on this. Witchling Stalkers and Nurses are pretty much the best combo in the game, in my opinion.


My personal choice for the beat stick is the Peacekeeper (I am so excited to get that model, you guys have no idea). because the Nurse's Downers are split into two parts, you can use the Stalker to purge the negative twist off of it while keeping the armor +2. Armor +4 is serious buisness, and it benefits from all the stuff that MacMourning can do a lot better than the Executioner.


Why do I say skip the Executioner? Well, MacMourning's Injection, his major speed boosting skill, works a lot better on a model with Wk 5 and flurry than Wk 4 and Trail of Gore. The Peacekeeper deals more damage, more reliably, moves faster, has a gun, and is more survivable than the Executioner, and the big things he brings to the table, namely the trigger denial and instant kill trigger are redundant in a MacMourning crew because the Exorcist exists.


The Excorcist brings two really big things to a McM list. Number one: Damning Oratory. Undead and Spirit models within 3 inches can't declare triggers. McM's Plastic Surgery upgrade makes everything within 3 inches undead. Now McM himself can ignore triggers on the stuff he is in melee with, and he is a much more reliable melee killer than the Executioner. As an added bonus, enemies that survive will have their offensive triggers suppressed by the aura, as well.


Number two: Banish to Oblivion. While the Excorcist's melee weapon is nothing to write home about, it does have the same instant kill-style trigger the Executioner has, making it surprisingly relevant as a melee threat. Just make sure to keep him out of the Plastic Surgery aura, because it *will* turn him Undead, subjecting him to his own Damning Oratory. All of this is on a model that is two soulstones cheaper than the Executioner, which moves faster and also brings a pretty nifty gun that covers the one defense McM's precision doesn't cover: Incorporeal.


Other dirty, dirty things to keep in mind for MacMourning:


-Injection just says "target friendly model". Clockwork Traps are valid targets, and they are immune to Poison, meaning that you can drop scheme markers on the center line very easily. You don't get to move them, though, due to the fact that they don't have a Wk score.


-The Watcher's Relay Information action can allow McMourning to pass through walls using the This One's Ready trigger on his Scalpel Slingin' and Rancid Transplant actions, and he can use Injection to change its vantage point during his activation.

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Yeah but his CA attack isn't all that good compared to the sword and gun shenanigans.


Wouldn't say that. It can fire into combat, doesn't care about Cover and can freeze people in place. It's an ok attack, and I like it. Once he's in melee, though... not so much.

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My personal choice for the beat stick is the Peacekeeper (I am so excited to get that model, you guys have no idea). because the Nurse's Downers are split into two parts, you can use the Stalker to purge the negative twist off of it while keeping the armor +2. Armor +4 is serious buisness, and it benefits from all the stuff that MacMourning can do a lot better than the Executioner.


-Injection just says "target friendly model". Clockwork Traps are valid targets, and they are immune to Poison, meaning that you can drop scheme markers on the center line very easily. You don't get to move them, though, due to the fact that they don't have a Wk score.

Very sneaky on the Nurse, hadn't noticed that before!


Want to play devil's advocate on the second point for a minute.  I don't think this is how it works but I wonder if there could be a case for saying you can't do this.  McMourning's Injection says that you 'Push the target up to it's Wk in any direction, then place a Scheme Marker in base contact'.  Does this mean that the Wk has to be completed before the 'then' can take place which a Trap can't do because it doesn't have a Wk?  Compare this to the Austringer who states that you 'may push 2" in any direction and then take an immediate (1) Interact action'.  The 2" takes place even on the Trap because it can be Pushed.  I can't remember the interaction of things like 'then' and whether the first part has to take place before the second can because they are part of the same thing?  I'm pretty sure that you can do this but I'm wondering whether there might be contention with it?


Is the Nurse the only thing that people take from the Study Group for Guild Doug?  I've only run him once so far and went with Seb, Nurse and Chihuahua.

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Wouldn't say that. It can fire into combat, doesn't care about Cover and can freeze people in place. It's an ok attack, and I like it. Once he's in melee, though... not so much.

I see we disagree again. Is there a single thing we agree on when talking Guild? :P

I find it that if I have the chance to cast it, I have the chance to charge as well. And charging in sword swinging and guns blazing is just so much more fun than casting from a distance.

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I see we disagree again. Is there a single thing we agree on when talking Guild? :P

I find it that if I have the chance to cast it, I have the chance to charge as well. And charging in sword swinging and guns blazing is just so much more fun than casting from a distance.


In general, I agree. But freeing up something can really make a lot of difference, and 1. the range of the spell is greater than his Cg, and 2. he can do it while engaged.


It's also great against Tara, who usually doesn't have many cards in hand...

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Very sneaky on the Nurse, hadn't noticed that before!


Want to play devil's advocate on the second point for a minute.  I don't think this is how it works but I wonder if there could be a case for saying you can't do this.  McMourning's Injection says that you 'Push the target up to it's Wk in any direction, then place a Scheme Marker in base contact'.  Does this mean that the Wk has to be completed before the 'then' can take place which a Trap can't do because it doesn't have a Wk?  Compare this to the Austringer who states that you 'may push 2" in any direction and then take an immediate (1) Interact action'.  The 2" takes place even on the Trap because it can be Pushed.  I can't remember the interaction of things like 'then' and whether the first part has to take place before the second can because they are part of the same thing?  I'm pretty sure that you can do this but I'm wondering whether there might be contention with it?


Is the Nurse the only thing that people take from the Study Group for Guild Doug?  I've only run him once so far and went with Seb, Nurse and Chihuahua.


Ah, but the trap is not performing a walk action. It is being pushed a number of inches up to its walk statistic. Due to the fact that it doesn't have a walk stat, its value is "0", resulting in a 0-inch push.


You ready to have you mind blown? The Clockwork Trap is NOT insignificant. It can't activate, but there's nothing saying that it can't perform (1) interact actions. It is actually a viable target for OTAOTGS...ILST (we need a better abbreviation). be aware that, although they are significant, they are still Peons, which means they can't take part in Cursed Object or Distract, but you can totally use them to drop or destroy scheme markers.

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Ah, but the trap is not performing a walk action. It is being pushed a number of inches up to its walk statistic. Due to the fact that it doesn't have a walk stat, its value is "0", resulting in a 0-inch push.


The problem (if one wanted to construct a problem out of this) is that it's Wk statistic isn't 0, like you claimed. It just isn't there. Thus the question if it can be pushed in the first place.


I believe so, though. Just 0", just like Zinc Lich said.

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Ah, but the trap is not performing a walk action. It is being pushed a number of inches up to its walk statistic. Due to the fact that it doesn't have a walk stat, its value is "0", resulting in a 0-inch push.


You ready to have you mind blown? The Clockwork Trap is NOT insignificant. It can't activate, but there's nothing saying that it can't perform (1) interact actions. It is actually a viable target for OTAOTGS...ILST (we need a better abbreviation). be aware that, although they are significant, they are still Peons, which means they can't take part in Cursed Object or Distract, but you can totally use them to drop or destroy scheme markers.

This we already know.  But this is not the bit that I am questioning/debating.  McMourning's Injection states you have to push your Wk but Traps have a '-' Wk value which is not 0".  So if you don't ever to the Push for your walk can you do the 'then'


It can definitely be pushed by an Austringer because it states push 2" which is a specified direction/distance.  If it was not intended that it could move at all it would have an ability similar to Fuhatsu.


I may have derailed this a little .... sorry OP!

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If you Push 0" there is not Push at all. You can see that in the Rules or FAQ i don´t remember it.


It's in the FAQ. And yes, abilities triggering of Push wouldn't come into play. The question was: Does the Interact come into play, if there was no push?

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It's in the FAQ. And yes, abilities triggering of Push wouldn't come into play. The question was: Does the Interact come into play, if there was no push?

This is the bit I'm playing Devil's Advocate with.  The two are part of the same sentence so does the first have to take place before the latter can?  And as Traps have to be Pushed their Walk but have no Walk can they then have a scheme marker placed in contact with them?

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The wording is Push the target up to its Wk in any direction, then place a scheme marker in base contact. It says up to, so I'd say even if it doesn't move you still get the marker, also, its not an interact, so you can stack scheme markers with it.


As a side note, A pathfinder and clockwork traps with Guild Mcmourning is pretty much guaranteed max points from Squatters Rights and A Line In The Sand, especially with an Austringer or two and a Malifaux child handing out interacts as well as Mcmourning.


But I pretty much always talk at least one nurse and one stalker, and take the Judge very often, other than that, I chop and change for each match.

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15 days ago, I've won a 8 persons tournament with Guild McMourning.


He's a mix of Lucius (for the support and mouvement/scheme markers tricks) and lady J for the punches in the face, who can adapt his playstyle depending on the situation.


I didn't take nurse nor witchling stalker because i wanted to try something different.



+evidence tampering

+ on the clock


Brutal effigy for the extra heal and doing scheme.


Sebastian for the protection against shoot and the bonus damage with poison.


Lawyer for annoying people with his lawyer things + injection (no matter if he dies since he has finish the job)


Guild austringer because guild austringer.


2 guild guards + sergent on flank for the schemes markers


The judge in the beatstick role (but it would work with any guild puncher).

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-The Watcher's Relay Information action can allow McMourning to pass through walls using the This One's Ready trigger on his Scalpel Slingin' and Rancid Transplant actions, and he can use Injection to change its vantage point during his activation.

This One's Ready causes a push. Relay Information affects LoS. Why would a LoS adjustment have any effect at all on a push?

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This One's Ready causes a push. Relay Information affects LoS. Why would a LoS adjustment have any effect at all on a push?


Well, it has if severe, dense terrain is on the board. But I agree, walls still make McM sad.

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This One's Ready causes a push. Relay Information affects LoS. Why would a LoS adjustment have any effect at all on a push?


Derp, you're right. I don't know why I thought it was a placement effect. Looks like I owe some people "sorry I cheated" chocolates...


I suppose it does still help with forests and smoke clouds, which isn't nothing...

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Depending on schemes and strats, I kinda like to go one of two ways:


Brutal Effigy is usually an autotake. It can scheme, it can potentially give out slow, but it takes McMourning from healing potentially 5 wounds, to healing potentially 9 wounds (If gets 5 damage done for his ability, and hits with all four attacks (including his 0)).


Nurses are great for a lot of things, many of which were mentioned already.

Same with Witchling Stalkers.


I'm throwing my chips in with the Executioner, depending on the faction across the table. Being able to give him extra movement (through injection, or stalker pushes...) shores up one of his biggest weaknesses. He can do counter schemes really well, he's got his own heal, and if you can get him into combat with Precise (ignores armor and hard to wound) and +2 damage (from hallucinogens), on top of being able to ignore defensive triggers, he can put out some serious hurt, and take down some potentially difficult models, including masters like Colette (who can't use Death Defying or Blinding Flash), or the Dreamer (I belive his pass damage off to nearby nightmares is a built in DF trigger? Not an inherent ability?) 


Hunters are fun, you can make them SUPER fast turn one, and then make ranged attacks the next turn.

Watchers are the same- depending on the board, you can move them 16" with flight, then push them 8 more with injection and place a scheme marker. Great for a final spring the trap, or a first turn plant explosives.


Varient Build:

I've put a ton of thought into a poison G. McMourning list that runs Nurses, Sebastian, the Chihuahua, Lawyers, performers and potentially Exorcists. The goal being, Sebastian, the Nurses, and the Lawyers rack up poison on folks, McMourning continues the push and potentially expunges, and the performers can use Sip of Wine to do crazy damage once the poison is wracked up high enough. The ability to have no cap is great. And the fact that you're not getting a flesh construct if you're not getting the kill with expunge is moot in the guild lists. The Exorcists are there to potentially amplify rancid transplant if you're not taking plastic surgery. 


Standard Disclaimer, all of these choices are dependent on Schemes and Strategy, as well as opponent faction and board layout.


Loves me some Guild McMourning.


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