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tournament ressers: how much is too much?


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So starting to prep for my first big time Malifaux tourney, and I'm having a bit of a analysis paralysis problem.

Normally, I lug the whole collection down to the store for games. Theyre relaxed and casual, so no big deal. Most people though tend to focus on a core set of models they know for tourney work. As summoners, we can kind of get around that, so having the big old toolbox of dudes to fall back on is really nice. I suppose the question is really, what's your sweet spot? Bring the proverbial golf bag and practice? Or limit yourself to your go to models, possibly making your choices more restricted.

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Did the Tournament Organizer post which strats/schemes are going to be played for each round? They should, because it helps with your problem and it has been done at every event I have been to. If they did post the strats and schemes, build a base crew for each round that will be enough to fulfill the objectives, but also keeping in mind specific models you will want for each faction that is declared. Then take those models. For summons you should also just bring models you think you will need given the objectives.


You could also just lug the whole golfbag I suppose. 

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I would take the lot, its still gonna be less than a lot of other games, but i like having choices for summoning even i just summon up hanged, shikome and drowned most of the time. I'd come with a list/ plan for each round to speed up your decisions, you could also use this to limit your core choices to models you know.

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I'm going to be the lone voice here but I like Pool restrictions for this very reason - you really have to make the hard choices about what you are picking models for. 


My core list selections (Molly/Seamus)





Datsue Ba

scheme/strategy dependent - Mortimer






I know others would put Yin here, but I have not clicked with her yet, I find her a little slow

very scheme/strategy/Terrain dependent - Dead Rider






Canine Remains



scheme/strategy dependent - Performer, Night Terrors, Crooligans


Those are my core choices, then I would flavour depending on opponents and strategy/schemes. This came about from 2 tournaments with 100ss pool restrictions and I felt it gave me a good grounding on what suits my style of play. One of the tournaments only the strategies were known in advance, but the second one had both strategies and schemes revealed.

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There is no right answer.

Personally I like to bring as amny options as possible, but for a lot of people, they will do better using a few models that they know well.


If you have analysis paralysis, then I wouldn't bring the whole bag. There isn't a huge amount of time to select the crew, and a time pressured game is not the time to try and see how the combination of Datsu-Ba and Philip work together if you haven't tried it before. ( or any combination that havce some tight ordered synergies and activation order to get the best from them). using more familiar models leads to playing faster, as you don't need to spend as much time  reading the card as normal.


Whilst people aren't going to complain at you if their game against you only just gets to turn 3, if you are only getting to turn 3 in every game you play for the day, you are probably robbing yourself.

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As others have said it really does depend on the restrictions of the tournament.  Unlike Kogan I don't like limited SS pools to choose from but often you are limited by a Master so can only take the models that work best with them.  I would lean towards a tendency to take them all though.  However, putting them in and out of a case all day is a pain and will eat into your set up time so take a tray or something similar to store and carry them on (I took a biscuit tin to my last tournament!).

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I suppose to answer the question is I'll always bring all my toys, restricted only by what the Tournaments restricts me to, whether that's Fixed master or Pools.


If its fixed faction I'll just arrange my KR case so that the most commonly used models are on the top for ease.

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There is no such thing as too much when it comes to Rezzers.


Aaaaand there it is. Was waiting for it. :)


Really, it comes down to "how much do you want to carry." There are merits to bringing everything and there are merits for bringing only what you need. As has been said before, there is no right answer.

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I would reccomend narrowing what you bring down for the courtesy of your opponents.  For example, my brother recently brought over 20 belles to a tournament with the idea in mind that he would try and summon as many of them as possible just for LOLs.


When rounds are timed, I feel that this is just rude.

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The Breach app is great for this. It lets you save crews, so you can make ones specific to schemes and strategies. I have 2-3 core lists for each master that I play, depending on schemes and strategies. Before I pack up, decide which masters provide the best tactical advantage and which will provide the biggest headache for my opponent. That gives me a strong core that I can augment with a few other models.


It's also a good way to look at what you have and decide what you want to play with. You've already spent the energy to make a list, so all you need to do is grab the models and substitute a minion or three and an enforcer.

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