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Breaking up a firebase


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Depleted are a good generic tarpit option as well yes, but as you note they are pretty slow, so you would need to commit a few of them to do the job effectively.


One thing I would really disagree with is thing Pandora could hold the fort till everyone else catches up -unless- you could deliver her bomb style into the firebase. If she presents herself a target, 10 Wnds simply won't cut it against a firebase that wants to kill you, just ask anyone who has had perdita carved up by the viks. (large damage weak hits with multiple positive flips)


As for the Beckoners, if you are not bothered by the brilliance characteristic, and are not using any other mercs, orians may be another option. They lack one of the triggers, but they have a Ca8 vs Ca6. either way however, breaking up that firebase is -always- a good idea :)

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All those :-fate damage flips also increase your chances of pulling that Red Joker as well (bit of nostalgia but any one remember the old arguments from last edition about Hard to Wound making it more likely those models would suffer the Red Joker on damage?)

I sure do and I like to think that it helped in getting the Red Joker damage toned down for this edition :)

As for how to deal with shooters - one option is to run a Silurid there and once they kill it, have Bad Juju pop out.

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The Rifleman would randomize into an engagement with way more Guild than Huggys. Also, with Incorporeal and Prevention, Huggy is surprisingly resilient against Riflemen. Also, Fears Given Form or Aether Connection make him very dangerous.

Aether connection does make him very durable but is leader only.

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If I had been running Lynch, Lures would probably have worked well. Especially on a rifleman firebase, where a lot of the efficiency is reliant on being close together. Or if I had summoned Lilitu and been a bit more patient I could have dragged Dashel away and murdered him with Teddy, instead of sending Teddy chasing after him.

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You may not have had enough blocking/ dense cover on the board as they should not be able to see most of the board.

Silurids may be a good option for dealing this especially once you have the blocking cover sorted out.

The austringer cannot ignore cover on them, if they haven't activated that's an additional negative so double negative if behind cover which slightly evens the playing field vs focus.


Then "if" the survive they can leap in tie up the gunline so he wastes activation's while you set up your next move.


but as you've said your board didn't have enough blocking which is immediately unbalanced against a shooting crew so that would be the first thing I would be focusing on correcting.
It's taken us two years of play but I believe for the most part our boards are pretty well balanced with 1/4-1/3 of terrain being blocking and the rest either being soft, hard, dense, hazardous etc

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As noted above, Waldegeists are probably the best solution for gun lines. They're slow but you can take all the time you want as your opponent can't see you. Add 4" engagement range, Armour +2 and Perfect Camouflage and you've pretty much got the perfect tool for the job.

You know that Germinate-markers doesn't actually have the Dense-characteristics? So they don't block Line of Sight, they only provide cover..

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You know that Germinate-markers doesn't actually have the Dense-characteristics? So they don't block Line of Sight, they only provide cover..

I'm not sure what the poster you quoted was referring to but although the tree markers arnt dense the Waldgeists are on 40mm bases. If you run them up together with bases touching and germinate tree infront they make a really good shield. 80mm across with cover, armour 2 and negatives against shooting in further turns as long as they don't activate before the main shooting threats.

The only real threat is Ht3 shooters who can see over the Waldgeists.

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Neverborn doesn't like being shot at, but they have some tech against it.


The best being Lilith's Illusionary Forest. That will at least take care of Dashel, etc. Lilith can also use Tangle Shadows against Austringers to let them come to her or her to them. Transfixing Gaze can be used similarly. Since Lilith doesn't need LoS for her CA attacks, the game is even between the two.


Swampfiends can deploy up field with Hexed Among You, and have Bad Juju pop out of them when they die. Good for some blitzing tactics.

Hungering Darkness can stay hidden and charge into the battery on turn 2. Just stay hidden on turn 1.

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  • 2 months later...

This is borderline thread necromancy but since most of the responses focused on ways to deal with gunlines as masters other than the Dreamer, here are some ways to deal with a Dashel gunline while playing the Dreamer. 


Using the dreamer you can use empty night with the crow trigger on lilitu. She can then walk 18" and tie up the entire gunline using her 4" engagement range from outside the shooting range of the gun line. Otherwise you can use a daydream to push her 4" with lead nightmare and chain activate lilitu and double walk for a 16" move and use your 4" engagement range to tie up their gun line. 


If you prefer teddy to lilitu you can empty night to give him fast, empty night to push him 6" then chain activate teddy and triple walk 15" into the firing line from 21" away. 


Lelu, Coppelius and Insidious madness are all fast enough to engage the Dashelball from outside their shooting range as long as you use a daydream / empty night and chain into them.


You can give lilitu fast and triple lure a model per turn out of the Dashelball and kill them.


You can use Vasilisa to give wicked dolls fast, instantly healing the damage using dreamer's pleasant dreams aura and walk walk "over the needle" with the mask trigger. To engage them from outside of their shooting range. 


You can rush their lines with black blood models that can get in from outside of their engagement range (lilitu, lelu, tots) and then use black blood shaman and doppelganger (mimicking black blood pustule) to blast their lines apart with no ability to resist the damage. 


Hooded Rider can revel in reclamation and then double walk to tie up the gunline. 


Vasilisa can use strum the threads to give herself fast  and triple obey (pricey on masks and soulstones) Nekima, Candy, or Ama no Zako and then they have fears given form plus some other nasty form of area control in the middle of their gun line.  


Take double trapper + doppelganger and kill the riflemen from outside of their shooting range.  


Most of this stuff works fairly independently of cover too. 

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