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How much do I need the Arsenal decks?


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So, I will probably need the Arcanist deck, or at least one of them cause I like the old Colette better than the art for M2 Colette.


I seem to be buying new models, I don't know how far I will be expanding but it looks like mostly using Hoffman and Criid. So aside from the model cards for the counts as, how much do I need the deck for upgrades? This may eventually come up for the Outcasts or rezzers on account of Tara eventually reaching general release.



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Well, as we wait for things to release, I have found the arsenal decks to be wonderful! I have just about everything from the 1.5 days in my collection and have been dragging my feet when it comes to upgrading to plastics (life stuff.... you know the story. haha). They aren't that expensive, and they allow you to use everything, even proxies for stuff that isn't out yet.


I would recommend getting both decks for any factions you may want to play. While you are looking at only Hoffman or Criid at the moment, you may want to toss in a death marshal or Fancisco one day, and it is invaluable to have that card in your reach so you don't need to flip around in the book constantly.


Plus, they are pretty cheep considering everything you're getting. 20 bucks to have the lifeblood of the entire faction means you could use anything and try everything before making a purchase of the models. it's a sweet deal in my eyes.


course... I bought all of them. :P


EDIT: it does seem that the upgrade cards that are specific to a master come with them in the crew box, but I'm not sure you can get the generic upgrades outside of the arsenal decks.


(frankly though, I don't use the generic upgrades for much at all. in typical games I just use named stuff)

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You will probably end up needing them. They end up being pretty practical, at worst a backup card isn't the worst thing to happen. Like Jeremy correctly said, there is not current way to get the faction generic upgrades as physical cards (as he also said, your mileage may very on those upgrades. I also don't fine myself using them very frequently.) They are of course also available in the large rule books. I, personally, have kind of a tumultuous relationship with these cards. I have ended up buying many of them for one or two cards that I need.

Overall, no, they aren't a bad investment, I don't really regret buying any of them, and they will come in handy.

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For new players who don't have old metal models, they are a really annoying, super-redundant extra cost if one wants the generic upgrades. For old farts like me who have huge metal collections they are very convenient.

If you don't care for the fluff, I suppose you could use them to sort of replace the thick rulebooks and make do with just the cards and Arsenal packs.

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It also depends on faction. The generic upgrades are the only thing that is only included in Arsenal decks. In broad strokes, Neverborn and Guild use their generics less, while all the other factions have upgrades they really, really want. (Add 2 "really"s for the Arcanists).

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For new players who don't have old metal models, they are a really annoying, super-redundant extra cost if one wants the generic upgrades. For old farts like me who have huge metal collections they are very convenient.

Although I have a few of the older metals I am pretty new to M2E.  The Arsenal boxes are a little frustrating, especially as you end up with so many duplicates but I find them very convenient and a good investment.  I chuck them in a plastic box which I think is for CCG's and they're easy access so it's a lot easier to look at your different options and have cards side by side to explore synergies.  It's also a lot easier to have them on the table when you play rather than rely on books.

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 This may eventually come up for the Outcasts or rezzers on account of Tara eventually reaching general release.


Hahahaha yeah right! 


Ahem... sorry about that. There are many of us who believe Tara's normal box is a like Leprechauns or Unicorns. Pure Myth! 


The arsenal decks are only required if you want to be using generic faction upgrades. There are some epic ones out there so it's advisable but not required. 

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I like metal models so I bought all of the arsenal decks 'cause I like metal models and I like having anything I might possibly need comfortably in hand. 


If you are buying plastics and getting all but a handful of cards you probably don't need the arsenal decks, and as I understand it there is no "tournament legal" printing of the cards so you can pretty easily make your own if you have access to the big rule book and Crossroads.


If you have access to a scanner and printer, simply scan and print the relevant page, cut out the copy of the card and glue it to an unused magic or pokemon card.  


Less pretty, use a word processor, type the text into appropriately sized text boxes, print, cut, paste.


Even less pretty, take a 3x5 index card, cut to an appropriate size, hand write the appropriate text on the card.


Or, if you don't like the "do it yourself" approach and have $$ to waste, buy the arsenal decks, take out the cards you need, leave the rest in the game store where some unsuspecting non-malifaux player will pick them up, read them, become curious, and start playing.

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Well you could always copy them from the book then print them on some thick card stock and laminate.


Of course you could also try your luck in the Trading Card thread.


Yeah, this. (Although I would propose to Wyrd to include all the Generic upgrades into the Effigy boxes, to make them more worthwhile. That would be amazing.)

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Another option would be just to forgo the cards in the boxes (or with the models) all together and just sell Arsenal boxes. This would remove the somewhat superfluous design of the Arsenal boxes for new players (since now the only method of getting the cards would be thru the arsenal decks or generating them yourself via scan, edit and print).

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