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Will the Hoffman crew be fixed?


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I'm really interested in getting the new Hoffman crew box, but I'm not sure if I should get it now or wait. Is Wyrd planning on fixing the watcher with the shrunken wing, or are they just going to leave it as-is? I could just get a set now and try to fix the wing myself, but if Wyrd is going to fix the problem I don't mind waiting a little while longer.

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Sorry to not be in the know, but who said it was a problem? I quite like it- some dynamic character to it. I've seen some 'fixes' that people have done that look good, but I like the original best. Looks great on the table without consuming a bunch of space that I have to navigate and pretend "this is where my punk zombie is but can't fit because your stupid wings are in the way" through to kill it.

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Sorry to not be in the know, but who said it was a problem? I quite like it- some dynamic character to it. I've seen some 'fixes' that people have done that look good, but I like the original best. Looks great on the table without consuming a bunch of space that I have to navigate and pretend "this is where my punk zombie is but can't fit because your stupid wings are in the way" through to kill it.


My friend and I still play multiple seraphs in our Legion (WMH) armies. Gets really fun when we get 6 or 7 jammed up in a small area. Lots of butt-charges, which don't always work as planned.


Small wings should not be looked upon as a problem.

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Small wings aren't a problem, it's the fact one is vastly smaller than the other. I'm talking about the new plastic one, not the older metal one. I actually like the older watcher, in fact if the Hoffman box doesn't get fixed I'll probably be swapping out the misshapen plastic version for one of the metal versions.

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Why does it need to be fixed? This appears to be an example of somebody portraying their opinion as a fact which is clearly not the case at all. It's not broken or a problem just because a bunch of people don't like it. If you feel it needs to be fixed, buy one and "fix" it yourself, failing that get the metal ones. I for one quite like the plastic Watcher. I know a lot of people don't but that doesn't mean there is a problem with it, I can see why they'd think it needs fixing. It's probably a design choice and I doubt Wyrd will be going back to redesign the entire model because people don't like it. That's not good business. Sorry guys but I think you'll have to put up with it or do something about it. 

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Sorry to not be in the know, but who said it was a problem? I quite like it- some dynamic character to it. I've seen some 'fixes' that people have done that look good, but I like the original best. Looks great on the table without consuming a bunch of space that I have to navigate and pretend "this is where my punk zombie is but can't fit because your stupid wings are in the way" through to kill it.


Unfortunately, the large wing manages to go over the edge of the base by probably another entire base.

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No, the small wing is comically small.  The large wing is probably a good start for what it would take for something like that to fly, but it could be smaller.  I actually like the idea of the whole thing being quite tiny, as I always picture the things to be around the size of an owl or so.

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In crossroads one perches on an artists (Nicolo?!) shoulder. So they should be pretty small if you're looking for irk comparisson. However I'd weep if I had another "zombie chihuahua" to assemble.

I'm fine with the odd wings but i can appreciate why people are annoyed of the scaling. With one comedy massive wing that's almost double the size of the other surely Hoffmans watcher just flies in circles?

Would people have the same opinion if say..... 1 witchling stalker had an arm twice as big as its other, a ronin had two different length legs or lennys tree trunk arm was half the size?

Like I say, I don't mind it. But you can see why people don't like it and that its justifiable.

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Why does it need to be fixed? This appears to be an example of somebody portraying their opinion as a fact which is clearly not the case at all. It's not broken or a problem just because a bunch of people don't like it. If you feel it needs to be fixed, buy one and "fix" it yourself, failing that get the metal ones. I for one quite like the plastic Watcher. I know a lot of people don't but that doesn't mean there is a problem with it, I can see why they'd think it needs fixing. It's probably a design choice and I doubt Wyrd will be going back to redesign the entire model because people don't like it. That's not good business. Sorry guys but I think you'll have to put up with it or do something about it. 


It's not an opinion, it's fact. Obviously you've never actually looked at the mini because if you had you'd see that one wing is about twice the size of the other. Fortunately I think I've found suitable replacement wings (the ones I've seen some people using to replace Kearis' wings), so if Wyrd isn't going to fix the problem, at least I have a way to do it myself. 

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I have the kit and although I don't like it, I don't believe it's a mistake.  It appears to be done on purpose as forced perspective.  If you look at it from just the right angle it looks great.  From any other angle, it looks a bit goofy.  As others have stated above, like it or dislike it, I don't see it being changed/fixed.


I'm currently looking for some substitute wings.  The plastic dark eldar scourge wings look like a good fit.

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It's not an opinion, it's fact. Obviously you've never actually looked at the mini because if you had you'd see that one wing is about twice the size of the other. 


It is YOUR opinion that there is a problem with this model. MY opinion is that there is nothing wrong with the model. There is no fact in there at all. Once again you have proved you are trying to portray an opinion as fact. Yes one wing is massively larger than the other, so what? I and many others like the model. Just because you do not doesn't mean there is a problem with the model. It means YOU have a problem with the model. Opinion... NOT fact. 

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I love the Watcher model. I think Wyrd did a great job on the fabric dynamics. If you look at the model, you can tell that the wings are supposed to be leather or canvas, and that the smaller wing is furled. You can see a less exaggerated example here and the wings should look familiar to anyone who's had bats before.


I think Wyrd did a great job of capturing a flying model in the middle of the cornering and it's dynamic in a way you don't normally see on the tabletop. It's certainly more creative than anything I've seen from GW or PP and the dynamism of the Wyrd models is one of the things that keeps bringing me back.


Teal deer: If you don't like the Hoffman box, I'll buy two.

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Wyrd have chosen to go with OTT cartoon styles. Designs will only continue to be more and more cartoony. Hopefully not but in some cases its just something we have to live with


I don't understand why people say this. I think heroic scale and traditional miniatures look more cartoony. It's... weird. Almost like... taste is subjective.

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I would love to know whether the idea was that the small wing is simply folded or if they tried to capture the 2D perspective on a 3D model. Either way, I'm kinda lukewarm about the model - it isn't horrible but I think that it is on the weaker spectrum of the new plastics. Certainly nowhere near as bad a boo-boo as the Young LaCroix or the kneeling Samurai.

Edit: Oh, and I don't think that people who like it are wrong (unlike the people who see nothing wrong with the new Young LaCroix ;):P )

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