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Guild Guard & Guild Riflemen with McCabe


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I have found riflemen very useful with McCabe. Ability to help their mobility and give them reactivate really makes them dangerous.

Guild Guard on the other hand falls to the category "useful with McCabe's saber" which is actually code for "not very useful at all". I wouldn't recommend. Take hounds instead.

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If you're using them with Lucius in conjunction with hounds and sergeants etc you can run a very fun and effective scheme marker heavy crew.

I plan to run a Lucius scheme crew against Collette and see just how far I can push it, especially with the new beta models I see some opportunities for really fun guardsman crews, other than that I think they have limited use (the fact guild autopsies outshoot them bothers me to no end but I've ranted enough about that).

Rifleman I'd take in a more offensive crew and will run well with McCabe or Lucius, I generally wouldn't run them outside of those two but that is personal preference not a view on their power level or effectiveness.

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Brilliant, thanks guys!
Sounds like Guard are generally derided by everyone??
Do they have any good points?

Also, I've started experimenting with a Pistolero de Latigo in the middle of my crew, and with out activation, I can usually ensure they're giving positive flips to Df. Any tips or tricks around this? Or, again, advice? Especially for positioning etc as the aura doesn't include them, so how do you stop the PdL getting killed too easily?

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A pair of guild guard are cheap, reasonably durable, and have the potential to scare opponents. They are good at chasing down enemy scheme runners (bonus movement  to enemy scheme markers - these things can almost keep up with a scheme dropping silurid), and the halt trigger on their gun can ruin the day of quite a few of the big monsters if you are prepared to support them.


Not a play in every list, but they certainly have a place

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Do they have any good points?


Well, the male Guild Guard plastic model is pretty badass looking, so there's that.


They really are exactly that. Quite bad and I would never field them myself.


Only in their refined form, eh? As Autopsies...

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I plan to run a Lucius scheme crew against Collette and see just how far I can push it, especially with the new beta models I see some opportunities for really fun guardsman crews, other than that I think they have limited use (the fact guild autopsies outshoot them bothers me to no end but I've ranted enough about that).

I commented to an opponent last week about how Autopsies were better at shooting now they were dead and he replied that it's because they don't have to worry about whether they left the kettle on at home or have to pick up a loaf of bread on the way home!  And they just highlight the efficiency of the Ressers cause - improving (un)life

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Why all the guild guard hate? 8 stones 2 activations df 6 armor one. They are really good for so many Strats and schemes. Reccnoiter or interference.

They have arrest built into their gun. And if you deplete someone's hand via Austringers guild guard exorcists etc menace is super funny to pull off.

But hey no you guys are right bad models. No usefulness or versatility at all.

Rifleman are good as long as they don't get sneezed on. Df 4 5 wounds doesn't liked being looked at. So with their 14" gun they make you stop looking at them.

Both models are good when used correctly.

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What do people find making their lists instead of Guild Guards?  I'm branching out into a Guild force soon but will mostly be the contents of some of the crew boxes so I'll like only have Witchling Stalkers, Death Marshalls and Guild Guards so my options would be limited.  What do you guys use for scheme runners as seems Guard would be ok at that.

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Guild hounds are fine. With out Luna. But once one dies every it's brother/sister is quite sad. But they are quick and run objectives really well. If you have Luna and a guard sergeant walk 8 dogs get where needs getting quickly. But if it's scheme marker heavy anyways Guild sergeant pulls his weight just fine. I find throwing a scheme marker at an enemy to have my dogs charge it effective at both moving the dogs up/across field quickly.

Watchers can contest a guild guards spot, but df 4 4 wounds is not the best for trying to hold something. But they are walk 6 and have an assortment or tricks.

I still say it's all about what you want to accomplish that makes a model good.

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Don't know much about the dogs!  Just been on the other side from them with Luna and McCabe turbo charging them!  What would be the advantage of running Guards over Hounds then (or are there really not any!)?  I have some Zombicide Dogs that would make good proxies for them fortunately (just like my Zombie Dogs became Canine Remains).  Not on the right side of the law, just corrupting...

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Well, Guards are way more resilient, at least in pair, and have a ranged attack. So, this:


I still say it's all about what you want to accomplish that makes a model good.




Not on the right side of the law, just corrupting...


You only say that so zFiend isn't mad at you. I always knew you were a good guy.

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