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Unboxing Malifaux - M2E Nekima


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I see Lorelei, the Living Blade is now as long as her own former hilt xD Thanks Gmorts! :)
I planned to take Nekima mostly as a show-piece, to brag about Malifaux with the other gamers (got only Lynch as Neverborn), oh well I think I'll take another model for the purpose.

Just wait until crouching Kaeris get the standard scaling issues and ends up larger than Nekima...

Hell, no! I've been waiting her plastic for 2 years now! Isis menace will look like kittens, in that case... xD

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Yeah. Very, very, very disappointed.

Wyrd seems to be losing grip on model production.

Watcher looks like it had one wing shrunk at the dry cleaners.

Nekima is too small (not sure if deliberate, I would say no, because it's a ridiculously stupid decision if it is deliberate).

All crouching models are too large by a LARGE margin.

Brewmaster has been missing for almost? A year now? Due to "production" issues?

Totems are purportedly far too big for bases. Most notably the Brass Arachnid, which seems to have been made bigger simply because the person responsible didn't realise it was only larger in CAD, because it was closer than the other models.

The fact these issues are still happening is a worry for the future of Wyrd. If there is one...

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Yeah. Very, very, very disappointed.

Wyrd seems to be losing grip on model production.

Watcher looks like it had one wing shrunk at the dry cleaners.

Nekima is too small (not sure if deliberate, I would say no, because it's a ridiculously stupid decision if it is deliberate).

All crouching models are too large by a LARGE margin.

Brewmaster has been missing for almost? A year now? Due to "production" issues?

Totems are purportedly far too big for bases. Most notably the Brass Arachnid, which seems to have been made bigger simply because the person responsible didn't realise it was only larger in CAD, because it was closer than the other models.

The fact these issues are still happening is a worry for the future of Wyrd. If there is one...


Most definitely. The worst thing is that they keep on popping up and now two pretty big ones with Nekima and the Watcher. It really puts me off from buying the boxes based on renders and arts, at this point you really need to see the minis before even thinking of buying them. 


Gladly we have Gmort and I saw that he had Leveticus on his Black Friday order picture, now to wait for his unboxing so I know whether to buy it or not.

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Yeah. Very, very, very disappointed.

Wyrd seems to be losing grip on model production.

Watcher looks like it had one wing shrunk at the dry cleaners.

Nekima is too small (not sure if deliberate, I would say no, because it's a ridiculously stupid decision if it is deliberate).

All crouching models are too large by a LARGE margin.

Brewmaster has been missing for almost? A year now? Due to "production" issues?

Totems are purportedly far too big for bases. Most notably the Brass Arachnid, which seems to have been made bigger simply because the person responsible didn't realise it was only larger in CAD, because it was closer than the other models.

The fact these issues are still happening is a worry for the future of Wyrd. If there is one...


Personally, I think you're being too hard on Wyrd.  It seems to me that Nekima's size is a direct result of other matters you listed.  Players give Wyrd  guff for all the base overhanging models, so they size one of the most notoriously difficult metal models to fit entirely within her base, so the overhang problem is eliminated, and they get npthing but guff from us for that too.  Have they found t he perfect solution yet? Maybe not, but I think this shows that they are actually trying.

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Personally, I think you're being too hard on Wyrd.  It seems to me that Nekima's size is a direct result of other matters you listed.  Players give Wyrd  guff for all the base overhanging models, so they size one of the most notoriously difficult metal models to fit entirely within her base, so the overhang problem is eliminated, and they get npthing but guff from us for that too.  Have they found t he perfect solution yet? Maybe not, but I think this shows that they are actually trying.

The metal Nekima had very little overhang. I'm not sure where that's coming from, but I never had issues with her model being hard to use. Annoying to assemble and transport sure, but her minor base overhang never even came up.

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Personally, I think you're being too hard on Wyrd.  It seems to me that Nekima's size is a direct result of other matters you listed.  Players give Wyrd  guff for all the base overhanging models, so they size one of the most notoriously difficult metal models to fit entirely within her base, so the overhang problem is eliminated, and they get npthing but guff from us for that too.  Have they found t he perfect solution yet? Maybe not, but I think this shows that they are actually trying.


There is a big difference between a model overhanging its base because it is supposed to be huge and a model ridiculously overhanging its base when it is supposed to be really small. Scaling has been an issue for years, this shouldn't still be happening- thus the guff.

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A nekima of the size of the old one in plastic would most likely not have been $35, it would most likely have been $50+ dollars. I'm speculating, but personally I think that's why she was scaled down.

There were massive complaints about the nightmare Tara boxed set because people saw the nothing beast and were less than impressed as to its sizeand the composition of the rest of the crew and thought that the $80+ dollars for the set was too much, and Nathan or Eric came on and posted to the effect that they were actually making little to no money on the Tara sets, and possibly taking a small loss making the figure because things like the amount of surface area and such, as well as expected sales market of the figure drives the price up exponentially. And that was a dual faction MASTER no one had yet, so her market is light years larger than Nekima's is.

Personally I'd rather an affordable smaller figure than a larger figure selling between 50 and 70 dollars (my speculation as to likely price) that people would complain just as much about because it was so expensive.

The truth is we don't know the actual reasons she was scaled down, but it was almost certainly intentionally, and I doubt very highly they would ever just pull her and rebrand her as "alternate Barbaros", as has been suggested here, for a multitude of reasons.

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The example you give Fetid is for a limited release model, and it is difficult to recoup the costs of making limited models in plastic compared to metals. However, Nekima would be a general release that would have years to recoup its costs. We are talking about two completely different things here. 


I think it has been well established by now that there is a market for a correctly sized Nekima, and even if it cost $50 (which is still about $15 more than the metal one, but we won't get into that) people would rather have that. It would also help with Wyrd's scale issues and quality control image. 


If Wyrd wanted her to be that small she should have been Ht 2 and there should have been some sort of blurb in the book about her mysteriously shrinking to the size of a Nephilim that had its growth stunted. But that isn't what happened.


For the record, I didn't buy Tara because I thought Tara herself was an ugly model, Karina was lackluster, and the Nothing Beast looked like Cthulhu arms and head stuck on top of a pile of...lets be polite and just say Cool Whip. There are better Cthulu type models out there. The little guys were the best looking part of the set, but I couldn't shake that "those three spindly legs are gonna snap off the base" feeling. All in all, it was a no sale for me regardless of price. Just my opinion of course, other people seem to like the set.

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I very much appreciate what Gmort does, and this is in no way a reflection on that valuable contribution to the community.

That being said the same people are having the same conversation here that they've been having in the other thread for over a week now. We don't need another Nekima thread running at the same time.

Continue the conversation in the origional thread please folks;


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