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What models work well with Kaeris?


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Hi guys!

So, I've had a couple games with Kaeris now and I'm still figuring out which models work best with her.

I've found that the firestarter, 2x large arachnids and 1x gunsmith works well most times then whatever else is needed for the game at hand.

I also usually play Kaeris with the purifying flame upgrade.

What models or model combinations do you guys find work well with Kaeris?

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I played a Vassal game with RGarbonzo where he used Kaeris (my only game seeing her on the table thus far) and he brought 3 Oxfordian mages along instead of gunsmiths. Honestly, I find the mages absolutely brutal in and of themselves, and the fact that all their triggers are built if they are within 3 :aura of at least one other mage, much less that one of the triggers is Burning +1 makes them a wonderful combo with her. Add to that, they give wonderful protection making her even harder to kill. The only downside is there aren't models out yet for them, so you'd need to proxy them until they are released once Ironsides' box set is released.

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It really depends on the upgrades you are taking however the following models have given me some great results with Kaeris. 



The Captain

Johan (or Johana)

Fire Gamin

Metal Gamin


Union Miners


Oxfordian Mages



As you can see it is basically anything with the ability to put out some Burning or help with schemes and a few things with swift movement. Stuff I suspect will work well but have yet to try out are 


Rail Workers

Malifaux Raptors

Soulstone Miner

Large Arachnid

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I just noticed that. Note to self, beat RGarbonzo with a bat next time I see him.

Bah, honest mistake I'm sure. I rarely touch Arcanists and he usually sticks to Gremlins. Was still a fun game either way, but I'll note it for future purposes. Hell, it's been awhile since I played that game, I might be the one misremembering it and he might of played it correctly. Damn old age. :P

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I find that I almost never need to pile on burning to the rail golem, it generates more than enough itself. I can't remember the last time I ran out of Burning with it.

And I would try very hard to keep it away from the Wings of Fire upgrade, I Don't want to wast all my Burning on it just for a scheme marker.

Raptors with Wings of Fire are good though!!!


There isn't a right answer. Kaeris doesn't need her crew to cover the board in Burning, so fromt hat point of view I don;t think her crew matters to her.

If you are wanting to use Purifying flame, or wings of Fire, then you probably want some cheap fire granters in your own crew, and I would recomend Union Miners for undamaging burning.

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My core picks for Kaeris are two Gunsmiths.  I'm not certain I've run a game without two of them with her.  The opportunity to gain Fast for no hurt (and usually some extra benefit) and their synergy (albeit limited/situational) with Burning makes them 14SS I've never regretted.


To maximize your benefit from Purifying Flame, you'll want to gaze in the direction of tougher models.  Joss and Howard Langston are rude if you dedicate Kaeris to a healing/support role, and the Eternal Flame is a great pick in that situation for independent healing.  Coryphee benefit from having an effective, fast healer that can keep up with them.  The Firestarter is a good pick to provide healing for Kaeris herself (she's within 6 :aura of herself at all times) or healing for the crew.  Rail Workers and Metal Gamin are still good picks for her specifically for Burning interaction (or distribution) and their already-intense survivability.  Consider pairing Metal Gamin with an Ice Golem for another unregrettable 14SS.  The Mechanical Rider and the Arcane Effigy are, naturally, good picks.  The Slateridge Mauler can stay in the fight a bit longer although it'll still have trouble getting there.  The Rail Golem and Large Arachnids are both going to be effective hitters in the list.  You can extend the timer on Electrical Creations, if you feel like adding a bit of humor to your game.  The Strongarm suit is a good merc buy, as are many Friekorps models, especially Lazarus.


If you go construct-heavy (and there are a lot of good constructs to enable this) Powered by Flame should be a definite consideration for upgrades.

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I've played a lot with Kaeris this year, and the more I play her the more I want too.  One of the great things about her is she has a really open crew selection.  So long as you have a secondary source of burning (eg Firestarter) then you're fairly free to chose the rest of the crew.


As Kearis herself doesn't like to get bogged down in combat I tend to run a couple of combat blockers to take the charges for her. I normally go with a Rail Worker and a Large Arachnid, although a pair of either would work well.  Their ability to get  :+fate to damage flips makes them all kinds of dangerous as well as being tough to chew through.


If you're taking Purifying Flame pushes are useful, kicking people through pyre markers is a lot of win. Cojo, especially delivered via Myranda, can be potent provided you remember he's an 8ss area control model and not a tank or damage dealer.

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I regularly play Kaeris (alongside Colette) and I agree that any model works with her. Yes, Malifaux Raptors will nail any scheme based scenario and the Rail Golem loves to eat up all that burning (Sonia kill turn 1 has been my personal best), but her upgrades make her capable of helping anyone. 


She's no longer the gatling gun she used to be, but she can still dish out some serious hurt. Working alongside the Firestarter and some Gunsmiths makes her positively deadly, though never obviously so. Her agility makes her dangerous and extremely difficult to pin down, which allows her to support any other model on the board, while an Eternal Flame playing triage will keep her in the fight. 


I like her versatility; want to set everything on fire? No problem! Want to play with lots of constructs? That's fine! Want to play the evasion game? Easy peasy! 


Lately, I tend to run; 


Malifaux raptors (with Wings of Fire)

Soulstone Miners

Union Minors 

Malifaux Child (usually more useful than the Eternal Flame)

The Captain (usually more versatile than the Firestarter)


Fire Gamin


I haven't used Oxford Mages yet, as I cannot find a good proxy for them, but I will. Still, 18 ss seems a big hit for what you get. 


Anyone else going to buy the Ironsides box purely for The Captain and the Oxford Mages?

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Lately, I tend to run; 


Malifaux raptors (with Wings of Fire)

Soulstone Miners

Union Minors 

Malifaux Child (usually more useful than the Eternal Flame)

The Captain (usually more versatile than the Firestarter)


Fire Gamin


I haven't used Oxford Mages yet, as I cannot find a good proxy for them, but I will. Still, 18 ss seems a big hit for what you get. 


Anyone else going to buy the Ironsides box purely for The Captain and the Oxford Mages?


I've seen good results with a very similar model set/core, though I rarely seem to get my stones worth out of my gunsmiths. I'm convinced I just play them wrong and me and them just aren't going to get along ;).  I've also really enjoyed the occasional trapper and sometimes lazarus thrown into my kaeris lists depending on strat/schemes/opposing faction.


I am fairly fond of my proxies, but I'm also totally anxious for the Ironsides box for the same models (from a practical perspective). I knew I was going to buy it as soon as Ironside's art was spoiled though. Totally BA whether or not I really end up playing her much.

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I find they either nail it, or die young. I move them somewhere useful (objective or bottleneck) park 'em and open fire on anything that comes close. I try to keep Kaeris nearby to set things on fire for Hard Way. Otherwise they seem to weak (2) most damage rolls, as Mythicfox points out. Hard to Kill makes them difficult to remove, so I find that they either survive to unleash bullet-y hell on whatever went for them or the opponent has to spend a huge amount of AP to get rid of them. Expensive for 7, but capable. 

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You're doing better than me with the Gunsmith, I can never get 7ss worth out of one let alone a second.  They just don't seem to do enough damage to be worth hiring, weak damage 2 and no access to  :+fate on damage flips just seems to leave them achieving next to nothing for me.



Meh, I run four gunsmiths.  Love these guys.


They ignore hard to kill, and the don't turn into mature nephilims.  It might be a meta-problem you're having.

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I tend to use'em in pairs, I always look for opportunities to get them fast. If I am looking to damage, I will focus and go for the experimental trigger. They shine against Htk models, and armored foes, and do suffer vs intangible crews. They aren't front line guys, instead have them hunt scheme runners and support pieces. I think your opinion will change.

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