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Effigies... Boxset?

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Chances are they will be released individually like their metal predecessors. As previously stated there are really only 2 crews that want them all in the same box. I sure as hell don't want to pay for all 7 just to get my hands on one or two. It's not practical for the majority of the end users and it's certainly doesn't make sense for Wyrd do it either. It's certainly a possibility but it's very unlikely Wyrd will release them in one box. 

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If each effigy would have it's own sprue it would probably be easy enough to put out a box with all of them and to sell them seperatly as well.


Wyrd have stated before that they try to lessen the number of boxes they market to increase the presence of specific boxes in LGS (if I understood correctly). Thus, I doubt they will go that route. I won't be overly worried if they bring them out in one box, as that would only mean splitting the box in the game group, but still I would like single boxes more.

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One possibility would be to combine them with some other unique mini in a faction and release them as a combo box. The unaligned totems would've been perfect but unfortunately they were Wave 1 while Effigies are Wave 2 so there was a temporal mismatch.

But you could release, I dunno, boxes of Ryle and Brutal, Angela and Arcane, Tuco and Mysterious, Sammy LaCroix and Lucky, and so on.

I think that releasing them on their own might lead to SKU bloat.

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One possibility would be to combine them with some other unique mini in a faction and release them as a combo box. The unaligned totems would've been perfect but unfortunately they were Wave 1 while Effigies are Wave 2 so there was a temporal mismatch.

But you could release, I dunno, boxes of Ryle and Brutal, Angela and Arcane, Tuco and Mysterious, Sammy LaCroix and Lucky, and so on.

I think that releasing them on their own might lead to SKU bloat.

I sincerely hope this does not happen as it is annoying to have to purchase something that you dont necessarily want in order to get a model you do. For players that already have purchased models in metal it is even more so.


Though SKU bloat may be a concern I can think of more than a few "niche" accessory releases that are adding as much as the models.

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You mean to tell me that there are people who play this game that don't play either Collodi or Levy (or both?!)

What gives guys?

But seriously - that would be a killer boxset and putting them out individually almost seems like a waste...

Package effigies with a special edition gender alternative version of a select master from a faction please!

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You mean to tell me that there are people who play this game that don't play either Collodi or Levy (or both?!)

Why would you?


Seriously though, does even Collodi or Leveticus really want every Effigy? Sure there is the collecting aspect and better price per model of a larger set, but how many of the Effigies would C or L regularly use?

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Bengt - what's important is that you CAN use any effigy you want... the actuality of which effigies you do/do not use is irrelevant!

All those little guys sitting next to each other would look great! haha

In actuality - I use Brutal and Hodgepodge for Levy and errrr Brutal and Hodgepodge for Collodi...

... so I need those two... Arcane has uses and Lucky is neat but really there are better options for both slots usually.

BUT, I still want them all anyway! ;)

Maybe I'm just thinking boxset because of the art at the end of the Zoraida story in the last Chronicles but the boxes like Governor's Proxy or Electric Creation feel very underwhelming :/

Honestly though... I actually only use Hodgepodge for Levy because he's already capable of excellent card draw schenanigans already. Moreover, I almost never take an Effigy at all.

Now that I think of it, I barely play Collodi so I probably don't need any effigies... now I'm sad.

Can we just have Coryphees instead? >8)

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Can we just have Coryphees instead? >8)


Balls to the Wave 2 Constructs! There's a tonne of Wave 1 stuff still not released, I want my Austringers and Peacekeeper. I've been waiting on their plastics since the M2E book first came out. Get in line sonny!!  :D


*Waits for Brewmaster fans to chime in on this*

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