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Review of the new Black Friday pre-releases

Math Mathonwy

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What do you think about them?

I'll go first.

Crooked Men: a bit pedestrian. Not bad but I find them somewhat boring. The one with the lantern is the most interesting one.

Verdict:  :+fate

Rogue Necromancy: holy crap! This thing looks absolutely amazing! Might very well be the best plastic mini that Wyrd has released (heck, might be the best plastic mini anyone has released). Damn that looks sweet. Making a three-headed thing look balanced is really hard but this one has enough heft to make it work. Hope to see this in the flesh, but super promising.

Verdict:  :+fate :+fate :+fate

The Carver: will make for a nice Flesh Construct proxy. I like this one - doesn't get to the level of the original (but that one was sculpted by the crazy amazing Jody Siegel so no wonder the new one isn't as good) but a good sculpt nonetheless.

Verdict:  :+fate :+fate

Nekima: a lot better than the original. Too bad the boobs are ginormous - otherwise would've been a seriously great sculpt. Also not entirely sure about the tongue but need to see the mini. It might also be a separate piece (Yan Lo's beard would have a competitor). But yeah, a solid mini.

Verdict:  :+fate :+fate

Desolation Engine: I love the concept but the execution seems a bit lacking. I mean, look at that chain! I also hope that the muscle detail is deeper than it appears from the render. Not a horrid mini but could've been a lot better.

Verdict:  :+fate

Hog Whisperer: a really nice sculpt. And the piglet is great! I hope that the detailing is stark enough but it does look good as a render.

Verdict:  :+fate :+fate :+fate

Piglets: not as nice as the one that comes with Hog Whisperer but not bad per se. The sitting one is quite silly but the barking one looks great.

Verdict:  :+fate :+fate

Pigapult: I must say that I liked the original a lot more. Also looks like it would have a lot of trouble fitting on a base. And the pig is the weakest of the new pigs we've seen so far - looks like a complete cartoon pig. Not a fan. But not a complete catastrophe, either.

Verdict:  :-fate

Merris: her clothing looks way too modern. All in all she brings to mind some kind of a reality TV starlet chavette. Bah. And usually I'm the one to applaud minis that do something differently but this one just fails. The rocket looks great, though.

Verdict:  :-fate

Katanaka Snipers: I'm worried about scale issues with the kneeling one. These do look a lot different from what I imagined but not in a bad way. The rifle looks way too modern, though. Still, not bad as a whole.

Verdict:  :+fate

Hoffman box: Mechanical Attendant looks absolutely idiotic. Doesn't fit the general aesthetic at all, IMO. Guardian's pose is silly and the tubing looks super thick. Not a fan. Hoffman is OK, not great, not horrible. Watcher looks amazing! Really, really good and a massive improvement over the metal model (which isn't all that bad to begin with). Hunter looks fine.

Verdict:  :+fate (mostly due to the Watcher being so amazing)

Leveticus box: Levi looks great. A crazy improvement over the metal sculpt. The same is true of Rusty Alice and the Waifs. Really nice minis. The Abominations OTOH are a bit too over the top for me. They just look like they're trying way, way too hard and end up jumping the shark a bit. Still, a very nice box all in all.

Verdict:  :+fate :+fate

Whew, that took two breaks and a bit of the lunch as well to finally finish.

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Carver as a flesh construct is a nice idea, I really don't like the look of the "real" flesh constructs. And Carver looks nice.


Nekima: Really hard for me to have an opinion with only one angle, both the hips and wings look kind of wonky, but it could be the angle.


Pigapult: Looks, I don't know, bland? The real model might look more interesting, the orthogonal angle of the render sure doesn't help it.


Katanaka Snipers: Detail and so on looks good. BUT they way the kneeling guy is firing his rifle with the stock in his elbow pit really bugs me.


The Hoff: Like the Hunter a lot, like the Watcher except the legs, they feel wrong.

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Pigapult: Looks, I don't know, bland? The real model might look more interesting, the orthogonal angle of the render sure doesn't help it.

Agreed about the angle.

Katanaka Snipers: Detail and so on looks good. BUT they way the kneeling guy is firing his rifle with the stock in his elbow pit really bugs me.

YES! I was wondering why he looks so strange but didn't realize that that is indeed the reason.
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I got two carvers - one will be converted to a Jack Daw proxy. My ghost of Malifaux shall be a masculine ghost of Malifaux.

Glad Nekima has big boobs... we need more nudey sculpts so I can start retiring metal age ones ;)

Levy boxset is amazing - those aboms are peeeeerfeeect (chainsaw arms is a bit meeeeh I guess).

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Re: Sniper, sounds like they took a page from PP's playbook with that one...


Mostly agree with Math's rankings if not specific reasons, with the following exceptions:

-I wasn't that impressed with the Rogue Necromancy... decided that the original was worth the big discount instead of getting a new one...

-I don't get why people like the new Nekima over the old.

-Hog whisperer is nice, but not amazing

-Thought the Pigapult was an improvement

-the leveticus box looks amazing to me- the only non-le/discount kit I picked up. The old man and his gals are stylin' now, and the body horror stuff is lots of fun.

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I think that the majority of the new sculpts are superior to the older ones. I think the old Nekima model was a nice sculpt, but pretty much unusable on the table. I do think the breast enlargement operation went a bit too far in her effort to out do Lillith! That said I will almost certainly be buying it when it comes out on general sale in the UK.  

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Crooked Men: Like them much more than the last ones.

Verdict:   :+fate :+fate

Rogue Necromancy: Agreed. One of the best models in the Malifaux line, imo.

Verdict:   :+fate  :+fate  :+fate

The Carver: Not interested.

Verdict:   :-fate 

Nekima: Love it.
Verdict:   :+fate  :+fate :+fate

Desolation Engine: Once again, much better than the original sculpt.

Verdict:   :+fate :+fate

Hog Whisperer: Awesome

Verdict:   :+fate  :+fate  :+fate

Piglets: not bad, not great.

Verdict:   :+fate 

Pigapult: Good.

Verdict:   :+fate

Merris: Exactly as the artwork. Expected. Not bad.

Verdict:   :+fate

Katanaka Snipers: Wyrd's kneeling models are always out of scale. Monstrous. Glad I made >$150 order so I could get the alt sniper, just in case. Either than that, I really love like them (despite the "silencer")

Verdict:   :+fate :+fate

Hoffman box:  Agreed on the Mechanical Attendant , but the rest look awesome. The old guardian was such a pita, and so delicate, this one looks much more solid. Could say the same about the other models as well.

Verdict:   :+fate :+fate

Leveticus box:  All amazing, cept the spider head abom. Not a fan of that guy. The hollow waifs are especially unbelievably amazing.

Verdict:   :+fate :+fate :+fate


Over all grade:  :+fate  :+fate


I copied and pasted your format to make it consistent to your own.

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I was pleased with most of the new stuff, and picked up the Levi box... even though i previously had no intent to play him.  I think its the first time I've ever bought something just to own the models, so congrats Wyrd.


On the other hand, I'm sticking with my Old Nekima model.  Not because of big boobs or the tongue (which both don't really gel with the model in my opinion), but more because she is in just about the same pose as the mature nephilims are in.  As she will play in my lilith crews, I don't want multiple linebacker style models bellowing "come at me bro!"

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I've noticed that not only Nekima has that overbooby problem. Take a look at the promo performer. On a concept performer looks great, properly shaped woman which looks focused on a dance. Model is dominated by two monstrously inflated baloons, and with strange smile on a face. Also ronin has bigger breasts than on a concept art. Is it a Wyrd's idea to make minis bigger (in some parts) or that's sculptor's improvisations?

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