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Levy Hiring Mech Rider

Hateful Darkblack

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What I think the answers are:


1. How do you use her?


Use her to draw more cards, drop schemes, kill enemies, and summon stuff.


2. Where do you deploy her? Where does she go?


She can pretty much take her own flank and protect a Hollow Waif while she's at it. Advance her slowly on the first turn or two, and keep her behind terrain. But don't just hide her in the back. Bring her up some, and you can even charge a soft target that gets left alone on turn two. On turn three, you can start laying down the hurt.


3. What does she summon?


Metal Gamin. Just summon Metal Gamin all the time and you won't regret it.

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I wouldn't say just summon metal gamin. A well timed mannequin can be game winning - letting you throw scheme markers 6" away with a pile of models. Arachnids are a lot more offensive than a metal gamin, lowering the defence of their target, and having the potential to make swarms which eat scheme markers. If you want to cause some bubble damage, eletrical creation, fire gamin or ice gamin are worth considering too.

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I was a late comer to this one after refusing to use Mech Rider due to how 'broken' she looked on paper. Having used her, I'm a total convert.

Mainly I take her for scheme marker manipulation. She is fairly well protected first two turns - I've lost her turn 2 twice, but never in a subsequent turn - but moved up ready.

Turn 3 the summons begin and they're used to drop a model in place to drop markers for Protect Territory (in which case the summoned can stay there) or Breakthrough / Plant Evidence etc, at which point they can keep moving.

Don't underestimate the push part of the summon either. It can be used to push out of engagement after the Rider has swung, into the opponent's table half for Stake a Claim, or to set up an interact.

The triggers on the spear are awesome. If you hit an enemy model with it, you generate scheme markers within 2" of the enemy. Think about that, then read Plant Explosives and Spring the Trap in particular. I've also used it to pile up markers for Line in the Sand or a one-shot Protect Territory when another model goes to stand next to the new markers.

Personally I don't think the Rider is an auto-take. If there are no scheme or interact actions required then there are better choices. But if there are markers, or summons would be useful, she's first name on the list.

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Your answers to the first question are the reasons why I hire the Ashes & Dust, with the addition of "Out-activate the opponent", "Make Levy even more mobile" and "Cause the opponent to tear their hair out trying to take it down while the rest of your crew quietly collects all the points". ;)

I still want to try out a Horseman-heavy list with Levy for fun, but I don't think they're particularly special.

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I wouldn't say just summon metal gamin. A well timed mannequin can be game winning - letting you throw scheme markers 6" away with a pile of models. Arachnids are a lot more offensive than a metal gamin, lowering the defence of their target, and having the potential to make swarms which eat scheme markers. If you want to cause some bubble damage, eletrical creation, fire gamin or ice gamin are worth considering too.


How do you decide which to summon? Which models do you bring to the table beforehand?

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Personally I've just been summoning both Metal and Fire Gamin, choosing which one I summon is situational, If I'm defensive Metal if the they're defensive Fire.

I know I should also run Steam arachnids and Manniquins but either way by the end of the match If the Mech rider isn't dead it's a bit over kill

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I deploy it very conservative. Its main use on turn 1-2 is to block LOS from one of the Waifs. On turn 3 it will take a more offensive approach, since its defences are fairly sturdy at that point. I have mainly used it to complete schemes. Providing models for Reconnoitre, Turf War, or Squatter's, or dropping markers from its cruel cruel trigger. Plant Explosives, Plant Evidence, and Spring the Trap are usually fairly easy to do with Mech around.


As for summoning, I have never summoned anything besides the Metal Gamin. They can Magnetise around with ease thanks to all the Aboms, and they are sturdy enough even if they are summoned. It usually takes 2-3 hits before they go down.


The MR usually just takes one of three big hitter slots together with a mix of Lazy, Howy, Ryley, Rusty, Teddy, or Ashy. I often want one way point in the back (Rusty, Lazy, Ryle), one semi-speedy in order to either go way up or stay at home (Rusty and the Mech the best at this role, but Ryley can do it well to as well as Ashy), and one to play aggressive to apply pressure to the enemy (Teddy, Rusty, Howy, Ashy).

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Leveticus with both A&D and Mech Rider is about as cheesy as it gets in this game. ;) Is this true? Maybe - but it is definently the crew that I personally would least want to play against. Third anchor is a floater depending on strategy and scheme composition.

Always metal gamin. ;)


Naah. They are two incredibly strong models, but they both cost a lot and have their restrictions. AnD needs to be closer to a flank in my opinion, and the Mech Rider needs to stay back a turn or two before it can get its defences straight. I usually switch between the two of them. However, together with Rusty they can kill and summon heaps of models. Can be a really good Reconnoiter crew.

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Feel free to expunge my Ashes and Dust as many times as you want.  

Fun trick for Ressers...take a Carrion Effigy, get it in 5 :aura  of AnD and use Diminished Resistance. AnD now loses all immunities to Horror, Slow, Paralyze, and Poison until the Effigy's next activation...and watch the AnD player sudden cry in fear as you poison and expunge him. :D

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Fun trick for Ressers...take a Carrion Effigy, get it in 5 :aura  of AnD and use Diminished Resistance. AnD now loses all immunities to Horror, Slow, Paralyze, and Poison until the Effigy's next activation...and watch the AnD player sudden cry in fear as you poison and expunge him. :D

Fun Trick for Ashes and dust.

After the Ressurectionist has done this (generally involving 3 + models and build up work), re-summon Ashes and Dust.


Now Expunging Ashen core, that worries them...

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Leveticus is also an excellent counter to A&D and any Riders. I would love for someone to put so many eggs in two big fragile baskets against my Levy crew. :)

Focus fire against the pricey-ist model is definently the way to go. Flipside is that its doubly the case against Leveticus. If you can take out a good pricey anchor like Mech Rider which might be poorly defended/overextended - the three leg stool crumbles. Zerging the weakest/pricey-ist anchor is a good counter against a Levy crew - Tara or Von Shill style - provided the strategy/schemes compliment the tactic (ex. "rounding a board" with kill schemes during reconnoiter). With Leveticus as your opponent you have to accept the fact that you will lose a model a turn to him and thats the way it is - being afraid and overly cautious of this is the worst thing you can do against a Levy crew. Steamroll a poorly defended anchor party using cheaper models as much as possible.

I've had good luck in Tara/Shill/Daw vs. Levy matchups. Maybe other people's experience is different but Levy seems to suffer disproportionately in the mirror, imo.

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It's true, most of the best counters to Levy are in the Outcast faction. :)


That said, I don't think he suffers disproportionately. He's more than capable of wrecking everyone just as hard - the Freikorps lose most of their advantages against him, Tara's Nothing gribblies evaporate at a glance, and even Jack has to be careful.

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I only mean that the hardest matchups for Leveticus seem to be other outcast crews as opposed to each faction having their own "Levy counter."

Leveticus was the first master I played. When I originally looked into this game before even buying anything I decided that Zoraida, Collodi, Hamelin, and Leveticus were the masters I was most interested in due solely to perceived power - when I actually played I realized that board layout (take Shill over Leveticus on a sparce board layout could be autowin for example) along with strategy/scheme composition dictated a lot more than I expected - especially compared to other wargames.

Knowing Leveticus, I tried really hard to think of ways to beat him consistently to make my Leveticus game better and avoid those same situations happening to me. Since then I can see that Daw and, to a lesser extent, Tara have a favorable matchup against him and von Schill is sorta 50/50 but feels "safe."

Is it truly unfavorable? Probably on par, I guess - but it seems that Outcasts have an easier time dealing with Levy than other factions. In mirrors, I never run Levy - mostly because I know my opponent probably will (or Viks - in my meta) and mostly because I've had a lot of practice against him.

Players who play Levy for his "powergamer" feel get really upset against Daw matchups. This makes me happy :) Playing Daw (Collodi, too) feels very instinctual to me though, so this could also be a bit of bias.

I feel strongly that once Daw gets plastics he will (should) see more play.

In the end, if Malifaux is unbalanced in some way and there truly is a master that is more powerful than the others, its probably Levy (on average) - from what I've seen, so far. That hiring pool is simply ridiculous :)

EDIT: Forgot to add some examples - von Schill holds position like no other, Tara and Daw both have really good anchor disruption.

Honestly, I think you have to be just as careful with positioning as Leveticus as you do playing against him. Once you know his strategy like the back of your hand he can be reliably countered.

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I only mean that the hardest matchups for Leveticus seem to be other outcast crews as opposed to each faction having their own "Levy counter."

Leveticus was the first master I played. When I originally looked into this game before even buying anything I decided that Zoraida, Collodi, Hamelin, and Leveticus were the masters I was most interested in due solely to perceived power - when I actually played I realized that board layout (take Shill over Leveticus on a sparce board layout could be autowin for example) along with strategy/scheme composition dictated a lot more than I expected - especially compared to other wargames.

Knowing Leveticus, I tried really hard to think of ways to beat him consistently to make my Leveticus game better and avoid those same situations happening to me. Since then I can see that Daw and, to a lesser extent, Tara have a favorable matchup against him and von Schill is sorta 50/50 but feels "safe."

Is it truly unfavorable? Probably on par, I guess - but it seems that Outcasts have an easier time dealing with Levy than other factions. In mirrors, I never run Levy - mostly because I know my opponent probably will (or Viks - in my meta) and mostly because I've had a lot of practice against him.

Players who play Levy for his "powergamer" feel get really upset against Daw matchups. This makes me happy :) Playing Daw (Collodi, too) feels very instinctual to me though, so this could also be a bit of bias.

I feel strongly that once Daw gets plastics he will (should) see more play.

In the end, if Malifaux is unbalanced in some way and there truly is a master that is more powerful than the others, its probably Levy (on average) - from what I've seen, so far. That hiring pool is simply ridiculous :)

EDIT: Forgot to add some examples - von Schill holds position like no other, Tara and Daw both have really good anchor disruption.

Honestly, I think you have to be just as careful with positioning as Leveticus as you do playing against him. Once you know his strategy like the back of your hand he can be reliably countered.

Sorry for my ignorance, but why you say Levy is so powerful?

I usually play Neverborn, and now I start to collect Outcast and Levy is on the list...I read his stat, but on the paper he doesn't seem so poweful.

Thank you!

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