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what actually happens to levi


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so i understand the "science" behind levi doing his return to life stuff, tethered souls swamping places and what not. but what is the visual that actually happens. im a very visual player and i play it for the cinematic element. i have a few ideas, but id be interested if anyone actually knows and where they found it. my current thoughts are

  • the waifs skin sloughs of like a snake and levi is what's left
  • the waif just dies and levi appears next to her (not very fancy)
  • levis body gets yanked at huge speeds to the waif and then the waif gets destroyed when it reaches he

working on game mechanics it sounds like he pops out of the ground like a when (4 year old spoilers) dean gets resurrected on supernatural, but that is just because they use the buried mechanic name.

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Yeah, it seems like it would make more sense that he "materializes" a new body, unfortunately bound in the same state it was in when he died (old, decrepit, damaged, complete with clothes and mechanical replacement parts), due to some sort of magical resonance, materializes from the ashes and dust left behind as the Waif disintegrates. At least that's how I've always thought of it.

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I've always pictured it like the guy furthest to the right (except it's Levy popping out of a Waif). 



Reminds me of something from the movie "The Thing".  In levy's story in Crossroads, the author specifically mentions how everyone stops to stare at the transformation of the guy into an Abomination, so you can imagine how disturbing it is.  I like to think Levy's "rebirth" is similar.

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After reading Crossroads I also imagined something similar to the creation of an abomination from a man. But it could be much subtler, like the waif crumples to the ground and Leveticus is revealed to be standing directly behind her as she falls, then steps over the body and it is gone. *OOH dramatic*


On a different but related point of discussion. In the Crossroads' description of waifs it mentions that they are undead but in the books previous to M2E I'm sure it specifically says they aren't but are rather soulless bodies (i.e. still alive but without personality beyond what Levy gives them). can anybody confirm?

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The Waif sheds a single tear, camera zooms and zooms on that tear and there is another Malifaux there where Levi never died and is standing where the Waif was in the original dimension.

This is how all summoning works in Malifaux. Just zoom in until you hit a reality where the character was always there.

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Levi and his quis-science mastry of the life death cycle and the nature of his tethers and the ability to come back. For me in mundo eye is that levi has a view of the world fundamentally different to standard human perception like he sees the energy behind and binding to the world. His waifs represent an energy pool that his specific energy is anchored 2. When he rebirth his energy I imagine erupts forth changing the waif in a nice light show and ending with levi standing there. He is merely tran forming energy from one form to another

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He comes back zombie baby in Dead Alive style - riping out of the body in a gruesome manner, I'm sure ;) (materializes inside the waif like a vessel, beforehand). I'm hoping the new waifs look more steampunk necromancer-ish, like pieced together with metal here and there, not really like a real human - just sort of a hollow shell to take a snooze inside of.

Or like Uncle Frank in Hellraiser but from the waif, not out of the floor (much like that one Illuminated, I suppose). That's what I figure.

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