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Gen Con 2014 reveals round-up


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My first thought looking at him was that he was a Rat Catcher. I suspect y'all might be right about it being Hamelin, though. I suspect I'll be making a decision as to which model to pick up once we get closer to seeing the render. Kind of sad about this; the Rat King art moved me from literally not caring about Hamelin to squirreling away money to purchase him ahead of other Outcast Masters who would probably mesh better with my Ressers, like Jack or Levi. I could be better surprised once I see the full art or render, though, given that we do have a couple of parts missing from cut-offs or glare.


EDIT: Now that I've seen the Outcasts chapter opener, which shows him in a clearer light and with embellishments, I'm much more keen on this new one.

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I wasn't entirely sure at first with Hamelin, but I really love the new version now, it's little things like the shoes and the Staff, the fact he's going bald at the temple. And he's a lot more dynamic than the original 1st edition version. Also I've seen pictures of him with his crew and he looks boss.

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I wasn't entirely sure at first with Hamelin, but I really love the new version now, it's little things like the shoes and the Staff, the fact he's going bald at the temple. And he's a lot more dynamic than the original 1st edition version. Also I've seen pictures of him with his crew and he looks boss.

I like the new Hamelin as well, but please Ratty, going BALD!?!  The poor man just has a widows' peak.  He wont admit he is going bald for at least another quarter of an inch. 

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Not a fan of the gaki or the tengu. Though the new black blood shaman looks like a decent tengu proxy. Wish the gaki looked more like their traditional appearance from the old scroll illustrations. Also really hoping kaeris has the standing pose from the day 2 gallery instead of the crouching pose from day 3.


All in all though, I foresee a lot of model purchases in my future.


edit* just saw the other 2 tengu in the day 3 gallery. I actually like those 2, just not the one at the front of the pack.

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Can anyone comment on the rumor of errors on the cards and in the book that have been reported? Supposedly the blessed of December and Mr. Tannen are incorrectly costed, and the Dreamers cache is incorrect, and supposedly this spans both the cards and the book. Anyone at the con able to comment?


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