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The Great Gencon release list review

Math Mathonwy

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Well, it does make sense that the guild guard box contains the same guild guard as in the crew box (it just happened to occur in the opposite direction for once, where first came minions and then crew). I do agree a "Guild Guard 2" may be warranted, though with all the guild guard stuff left to come out, chances are 2 will be enough most games. They were certainly a 3 model worthy box though, but the sprue cutting for the Lucius box had the final word there.


As for prices, yeah, hoarcat should have been 15$ max, though I'm starting to believe in the "prices fixed by sprue" theory, though really, the Samurai seem huge and full of stuff, can't really imagine a blister with 3 snugglecats having the same mass.

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The ridiculous legs of one of the one hanged models appalled me at first. But they are supposed to be insane ghosts and it's not far fetched that their appearance is influenced by their perceptions of themselves. So after thinking about it I'm ok with them having distorted proportions. I would definitely use a ghostly palette for them though, the human colours of the concept art isn't working for me at all.

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The ridiculous legs of one of the one hanged models appalled me at first. But they are supposed to be insane ghosts and it's not far fetched that their appearance is influenced by their perceptions of themselves. So after thinking about it I'm ok with them having distorted proportions. I would definitely use a ghostly palette for them though, the human colours of the concept art isn't working for me at all.

Agree on both accounts. The stretched appearence just makes them look more tormented like if they were being stretched by reality itself, but more "deadish hues" would be more than welcome. I'm specially happy that open mouth guy doesn't look as horribly cartoony as the art from the first book make him look like, and the second hanged has a certain Silent Hill vibe which I really like.

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I like the Kirai box and don't have any of her stuff already so as a Resser player I'll be picking her up.  I'm disappointed not to see some of the other things that are mentioned as must have with her available though.  I like all the miniatures in the box and not having any of the current stuff to compare to makes it a much easier buy for me.  I do prefer the metal version of Kirai though so I might try to get her (or even the whole metal box if I can find it cheap so I can get Datsue-Ba).


The Dreamer box I absolutely love.  I've wanted to do Neverborn for a while and have been waiting for them to re-do this in plastic as I love the fluff.  But I've done a U-turn and decided to concentrate on my current factions for now in a bid to keep costs down so he'll have to wait for retail.  Still the best Gencon crew box IMHO.


I like the Lucius box and am tempted to pick it up for the Guild Guard/Lawyers to use with McMourning.  But see above regarding keeping costs down!


As an Outcast and VS player I'm very disappointed by the new box which is almost identical to what I already have.  New VS is definitely better than the old one (which sucks so bad) but still isn't very good.  And I'm not shelling out just to get the Steam Trunk which I should be able to convert pretty easily.


Of the smaller boxes I like the Graveyard Spirit too and personally think it's miles better than the current one.  Will be picking one up for sure.


The Hanged I'm not sure on.  I don't have a problem with the miniatures and think they're good (though I would paint them as spirits not flesh) but I picked up a Jackdaw recently to use as a Hanged and not sure I'd ever run two in a game (9SS minions are expensive!).  Although with Kirai, Nicodem and eventually Molly as my Masters I guess having more than one wouldn't hurt (plus I will want Jackdaw when he's released).


Hans I really like and will be picking up to add to my Outcasts now he appears to be Gencon not August release (although the August release announcement seems to disappear and reappear on my PC (need to clear the cache I guess).


Malifaux Child is cool and I might pick up to add to my Outcasts but I tend to take Steam Trunk or Student of Conflict so not sure how much time he would get


Samurai are something I was not expecting and I think they look awesome so are also a definite buy.  Not sure I'll use three so one (or maybe two) might get sold/traded but I'm looking forward to painting them.


Just covered the stuff that interests me personally.  Honourable mentions go to Zorida and Doppelgänger

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I like everything they've released apart from the hanged, the proportions don't work for me although it should be a pretty easy conversion to shorten the legs. I agree about the graveyard spirit, not all that great. The other minor gripe is about the Von Schill boxed set. Where is Hannah? She's in the book but not in the box? Has she been dropped or will she be released seperately later? I love all the other models though, the hoarcats look great, I love all the crew sets and most of the small boxes. I'd definately love to get my hands on Crossroads and the Lucius boxed set as a minimum but I'm afraid the the P&P to the U.K. will be too high for me to afford :(

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Hannah will get a separate release for sure, when is another matter!  Do Wyrd just release Gencon stuff in the months following normally or do other releases also make the schedule?  As for P&P it seems that the rate for just miniatures is pretty good (somebody mentioned $10 for three crew boxes) but books add to that considerably so you might want to avoid that.

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I'm a fan of the Kirai box, but as previously mentioned, you ain't going to have a lot on the table top other than Kirai, LL, & 2 Onryo.  The Graveyard Spirit is a bit silly, but I'm not that big a fan of the metal one either, so it works out.  I have 2 Hanged already, so I don't need the new ones, but the elongation seems a bit much for me.


Outisde of Ressers, Dreamer & Zorida seem to be the winners as far as crew boxes, especially Juju.  Samurai & Waldgeists are probably the best of the boxes, not a fan of the Electrical Creation, but the rest looks good.

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Rasputina doesn't have a henchman, and Strictly speaking Chompy is a henchman.

It also appears that Von Schill doesn't have ahenchman either.
The box contents rules are not hard and fast, whilst a rough guide of Master, Totem, Henchman and 3 minions works for most, plenty break it.

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I have no idea what the release schedule is.

Its only recently that people have been paring the Dreamer with Widow weaver, she used to be seen more with Collodi based lists. She certainly isn't vital to the dreamer (although she can help if you want lots of willpower tests).

There is no compulsery henchman pick (although Viktoria of Blood costs absolutly nothing, and Hungering Darkness only costs your totem slot). I've played lots of games without a henhcman, and several with only henchmen.

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Kirai always had the "some additional purchase necessary" problem. I'm both sad they didn't have a way around it and happy that all the free models she needs are at least included with her.

For those looking to start Kirai, throw in Izamu and some undead stuff (flesh constructs are good). They'll help Ikiryo make the field more often.

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So I noticed that the box of two Freikorpsmann is labelled Freikorpsmenn. Mann is German for man, plural is Männer though. Mann, menn is correct in Norwegian but then it should be Frikorps, so it doesn't fit very well there either. Anyway, I though Freikorpsmenn was funny.

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So I noticed that the box of two Freikorpsmann is labelled Freikorpsmenn. Mann is German for man, plural is Männer though. Mann, menn is correct in Norwegian but then it should be Frikorps, so it doesn't fit very well there either. Anyway, I though Freikorpsmenn was funny.

Indeed, the average citizen of Malifaux doesn't know a lot of German.

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