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Everything posted by Gobbos

  1. Hi everyone! I recently picked up Tara's crew and a box of Death Marshals. At this point in time, I'm not really looking into starting any Guild crew except maybe McMourning. But in putting together the Marshals, they have alternative heads I didn't know about that are not the flaming death's heads, but more normal humans. I'm wondering which head should be on Tara's Darlings, or if it even matters. Thanks everyone!
  2. Hi everyone, I have a NIB translucent pink Graveyard Spirit and its looking for a new home. I'm still growing my collection, but I'm looking for NIB Ressers & Outcasts primarily, or if someone has plastic Lawyers that would be ideal. Or else maybe the Arsenal Decks for Outcasts. PM if you're interested. Thanks for looking!
  3. I paint the models themselves as individuals, but my McMourning/Sebastian/Nurses and eventually Rafkin will have the same scrub colors. Consistent basing is my big thing so it looks cohesive on the table. I may just end up painting them all in general faction basing, and get multiple (maybe) of models. It won't be that big of a deal for my Yan Lo crew as I really don't care for Ten Thunders models save the Ancestors currently.
  4. I'm still relatively new to Malifaux, playing just Ressurectionists currently. I'm about done with my McMourning crew box (in addition to Nicodem & Seamus), and because of Nicodem's vast summoning pool as well as being able to take any non-Leader models from that faction with any Master, they are all based the same, kinda like an autumn graveyard. I'm looking into doing Jack Daw at some point, as well as some other Outcast masters. Since Jack (and Zoraida, Leveticus, Marcus, etc., etc.) can take Resurrectionist models like you see with so many crews in this game, do you base all your miniatures the same or what? If I decide to do Gremlins I'd want to do swamp bases, as well as Zoraida, but then would I have to do all my non-Swampfiend Neverborn as swamp bases? It seems like a potentially endless debate. How do you guys reconcile all this stuff?
  5. End of the game he only had 2 points. I think he was just planning on tabling me and getting points from Bodyguard. As a person he really likes Teddys and tries to play with them whenever he can from a "I'm going to kill you with a giant demonic teddy bear" perspective. I am just getting started with Ressers on a limited budget, so I don't have any Necropunks, Crooligans, or Canines yet. I have 3 Belles, which I probably should have used more, but having not played Dreamer before I didn't realize all he did.
  6. How in the blue hell do you do it? I ran Ressers against him today, got no VPs, and called it after 4 because I was so frustrated. Nevermind drawing dead for Turns 2-4, but there was literally nothing I could do. How do you do it? For game reference, it was Standard Deployment, Reconnoiter, and available schemes were Distract, Bodyguard, Assassinate, & Plant Evidence. Working with a limited stock of models, this is what I ran at 50ss: Nico w/ Love Thy Master & Undertaker Mortimer w/ My Favorite Shovel & Corpse Bloat Bete Noire w/ Decaying Aura 2 Punk Zombies 1 Canine Remains Graveyard Spirit Schemes: Bodyguard (Bete) & Plant Evidence vs. Dreamer w/ Tantrum, Restless Dreams, & Otherworldly Coppelius (no upgrades) Teddy w/ On Dreaming Wings Teddy 2 Daydreams Baby Kade (no upgrades) Schemes: Bodyguard (Coppelius) & Plant Evidence I scored 0 points, he killed Bete the turn after she showed up and I was drawing dead at that point. He said after I should have Bodyguard'ed Mortimer, but end of turn 3 he had LCB in with Mortimer. He sent out the Daydreams, summoned another one, then Led Nightmare the Teddys and got in my face turn 1 pretty much. I tried Luring Dreamer away from the crew with a summoned Belle, but his Wp is so stinking high and my flips were just pathetic. I would have liked to stay from him more and objective run, but he didn't give me a whole lot of choices moving up so fast and Ressers are not exactly quick.
  7. Its the whole metal line for the spirits, except The Hanged & Bete. Think I might just wait, get the Graveyard Spirit, then pick up Remains and one of the other two Masters.
  8. So, I'm new to Malifaux, and I have the crews for Nicodem & Seamus, as well as a few Hanged & Bete Noire. With GenCon looming, I'm considering picking up the Kirai crew box, but I'm wondering if that is a good idea for purchase. Considering that there are only two Seishin and I'm not a big fan of the metal spirits except Bete & Hanged, I wouldn't have that big of a crew. I'm wondering if I would be better off waiting for her general release to get more support for her, and instead look at McMourning or Yan Lo. Thoughts?
  9. I'm a fan of the Kirai box, but as previously mentioned, you ain't going to have a lot on the table top other than Kirai, LL, & 2 Onryo. The Graveyard Spirit is a bit silly, but I'm not that big a fan of the metal one either, so it works out. I have 2 Hanged already, so I don't need the new ones, but the elongation seems a bit much for me. Outisde of Ressers, Dreamer & Zorida seem to be the winners as far as crew boxes, especially Juju. Samurai & Waldgeists are probably the best of the boxes, not a fan of the Electrical Creation, but the rest looks good.
  10. So, when are these guys going to be available to pick-up online? If they are...
  11. The plan was to wait for the new Remains kit before getting them, and between them and the eventual McMourning box that will put me at 5 Remains. Its more a question of which, if any, of the Resser summons I would need more than 3 of. Even with Nico, I don't find myself using Maniacal Laughter, so I'm not sure how many Mindless Zombies I really need.
  12. Evening all, I primarily play WFB, but have started Malifaux in the last few weeks and have been really enjoying it. I started with Nicodem but recently expanded into Seamus. Having previously played WFB undead armies, I'm used to having a box of corpses on stand-by for summoning. What I'm trying to figure out is about how many of what Minions should I have on stand-by for summoning when playing games of no more than 50 stones. As far as Minions, this is what I have thus far: 3 Punk Zombies 3 Rotten Belles 1 Canine Remains 3 Mindless Zombies 2 The Hanged (these guys obviously have a limit, but can I mainlist two and then summon more?) I know Necropunks & Crooligans are eventual adds for objective running, but a lot of the other stuff that Nico can summon is really all over the place. Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it!
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